
Section 1: Army Ant and Guest Biology

Section 2: Project and Collection Resources

Section 3: AntU Initiatives and AAGC Outreach

Section 4: Online Resources about Ants and Guests


Section 1: Army Ant and Guest Biology

Link to Power PointPower point

An overview of the biology of Army Ants and their Guests is presented in this Power Point.

Link to Army Ant video pageArmy Ant Videos

Carl Rettenmeyer produced two videos on army ants and their guests, reflecting his authoritative knowledge on the biology of army ants.

Linked to Army Ant Colony Google folderColony Life 

An overview of life in an army ant colony.

Linked to Army Ant Guest Google folderGuests 

An overview of the guests associated with army ants.

Linked to Army Ant Raids Google FolderArmy Ant Raids

Documentation of army ant running with guests.

Linked to Army Ant Field Work Google FolderField Work

Images of Carl with his collaborators during field work in South and Central America.

Section 2: Project and Collection Resources

Link to AAGc webpageAAGC Collection Website

Additional information, including Carl Rettenmeyer’s biography, a link to his dissertation, and a list of his scientific publications, can be found at this link.


Link to AAGC DatabasesAAGC Database

The AAGC project database illustrates the relationships between the biological specimens collected by Carl Rettenmeyer during his 50+ year career as an entomologist and the many documentary photographs and field notes describing this work.

Linked to Army Ant Guest Field Cards Database Field Card Database

This gallery of field cards illustrates the system Carl Rettenmeyer devised to record his notes when collecting and processing specimens. Click on one of these images to view the database record and details for that field number.

Linked to Army Ant Guest Kodachrome database Kodachrome Database

Carl Rettenmeyer documented army ants and their guests in the field using film and a 35mm camera. Selected slides have been digitized and are available online. Click on one of these images to view the database record and details for that slide.

Linked to the Google folder with images of the facility and different kinds of specimensAAGC @ the BRC

The AAGC is housed in the Biodiversity Research Collections Facility, a part of the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at UConn. View images of the facility and different kinds of specimens here.

Linked to the Google Folder with pictures of the Rettenmeyers The Rettenmeyers

Carl and Marian spent their lives together in the pursuit of science. See images of them here.

Section 3: AntU Initiatives and AAGC Outreach

Linked to the webpage listing AntU activities

AntU is an endeavor designed to involve a variety of academic disciplines to engage a broad audience in the wonders of the complex biological systems of army ants and their hundreds of associated species (“guests”).

Linked to Army Ant Guest Collection Facebook pageAAGC on Facebook

Project milestones and outreach efforts are documented on the AAGC Facebook page @UConnArmyAntGuests. Visitors can view pictures of our public events as well as keep up with our progress processing and describing the collection.

Link to the Vimeo page with AntU videosAntU on Vimeo

The Department of Digital Media and Design (DMD) has collaborated on a number of AntU endeavors by running courses for undergraduates that use the AAGC as a point of inspiration. Work created by DMD as part of the AntU initiative can be found on their Vimeo page.

Link to the videos on YouTube featuring AntU activitiesAAGC on Youtube

Documentation of selected AntU initiatives can be viewed on the AAGC YouTube channel.

These projects were funded with a grant from the National Science Foundation, Collections in Support of Biological Research Program: “Ownership Transfer: Securing the future and accessibility of the Carl W. and Marian E. Rettenmeyer army ant guest collection.” (DBI No. 1561640)

AAGC exhibits are planned and produced by the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and the Connecticut State Museum of Natural History. The exhibit “The Legacy of a Lifetime of Collecting: The Carl & Marian Rettenmeyer Story” was planned and produced in collaboration with the Department of Digital Media and Design, with support from the Provost’s Academic Plan Competition.


Section 4: Online Resources about Ants and Guests

The following list of websites are scientifically accurate, curated collections of information about all kinds of ants or guests.




HomeBiographyResearch | NSF Grant | Database | VideosSupportAntUfacebookFor the Press Resources