
Ant_guest_logo  All products resulting from Carl W. and Marian E. Rettenmeyer’s research on army ant guests are now accessible:

  • Carl W. Retenmeyer’s dissertation entitled
    Arthropods Associated with Neotropical Army Ants with a Review of the Behavior of these Ants (Arthropoda; Formicidae: Dorylinae)“. University of Kansas. October 1961
  • publications
  • ant and ant-guest videos produced and directed by Carl W. Rettenmeyer
  • field notebooks (coming soon)
  • annotated list of all army ant colonies (coming soon)

Furthermore, Carl Rettenmeyer’s professional correspondence with the National Science Foundation and colleagues, as well as additional personal and professional trip notes, some while leading groups on trips (Galápagos) and some notes from “collecting” field trips (Panama) is archived at the Dodd Center.


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