The Carl and Marian Rettenmeyer Army Ant Guest Collection has four main sections: (1) army ants (Dorylinae) that are voucher specimens for over 1,200 different colonies (2) the so-called “guests” of the army ants and (3) photographs documenting the collections. The collections are primarily from Kansas, Costa Rica, Panama and Ecuador. The army ant collection includes about 2,000,000 specimens of about 114 species. The 92,000 specimens of guests represent 187 species and comprise about 12,000 pinned specimens, 10,000 vials, and 5048 microscope slides, and include 989 types. The ants and guests are documented in 5,000 Kodachrome slides and about 30 hours of digital videotape. Currently all the inventories are being revised.
Director: Dr. Janine Caira
Collection manager: Dr. Katrina Menard
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