Storrs L. Olson Bryological Library: A – E

Books and selected reprints

List of abbreviations used: RV: reviewed; JB: Journal of Bryology; BT: Bryological times

Abeywickrama, B. A., and M. A. B. Jansen. 1978. [logo] UNESCO: Man and the Biosphere National Committee for Sri Lanka Publication no: 1[2]: A Check List of the Liverworts [Mosses] of Sri Lanka by B. A. Abeywickrama and M. A. B. Jansen. University of Sri Lanka, Colombo Campus, Colombo 3. Published by the National Science Council of Sri Lanka. 47/5 Maitland Place, Colombo 7. 1978. 16 [25] pages.

Abolina, A. A. 1968. [The mosses of the Latvian SSR]. Riga| 1968. 329 pages, 57 figures, index, bibliography (in Russian).

Abramova, A. L., and I. I. Abramov. 1983. Konspekt flory mkhov Mongol’skori Narodnoi Respubliki [Conspectus of the bryoflora of the Mongolian Peoples’ Republic]. Biologicheskie resorsy i prirodney ustoviya Mongol’skoi Narodnoi Respubliki Tom XVII. Leningrad, “Nauka”. 221 + [3] pages, 59 figures, index, bibliography. REV: BT 23: 9.

Abramova, A. L., L. I. Savich-Lubitskay, and Z. N. Smirnova. 1961. Opredelitel listostebelnykh mkhov Arktiki SSSR. [Determination of Cormophyta of the Arctic USSR]. Moscow. 1961. 714 pages, 248 figures, index (in Russian).

Abramova, A. L., K. N. Ladyzhenskaja, and Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, L. I. 1954. [NO ENGLISH HALF TITLE, THE FOLLOWING MODIFIED FROM VOL. I—Academia Scientiarum URSS| Institutum Botanicum nomine V. L. Kamarovii| Flora| Plantarum Crytogamarum| URSS| Vol.| III| Musci Frondosi (I)| A. L. Abramova, K. N. Ladyzhenskaja, and L. I. Savicz-Ljubitzkaja| Andreaeales and Bryales| (Tetraphidales, Polytrichales, Buxbaumiales, Schistostegales)| Moss| Typis et Impensis Academiae Scientiarum URSS| Mosqua 1954 Leningrad. 329 + [2] pages, 131 figures, foldout map, bibliography, index. [Shelved under Flora Plantarum. For Volume 1 see Savicz-Ljubitzkaja, 1952].

Abramova, I. I. [sic!].[editor?] 1989. Problemy Bryologii v SSSR. 222 + [1 + 5] pages; [collected papers with separate bibliographies and numbering of figures].

Adlerz, E. 1907. Bladmossflora| för| Sveriges Lågland| med Särskilt Avseende på Arternas| Utbredning Inom Närke| Uitgiven av| E. Adlerz.| Med 57 Tablor.| [device]| Örebro 1907| Lindhska Boktryckeriet. iv + 242 + (2) pages + 57 plates, index.

Afonina, O. M. 2004. Moss flora of Chukotka. Botanicheskii Institut im. V. L. Komarova,St. Petersburg, Russia. 260 p.

Afonina O.M., Konstantinova N.A. and Czernyedjeva I.V. 1990. Catalogue of literature on bryophytes published in the USSR in 1986-1989. Apatity, Acad Sci. USSR, 1990. 52 pages.

Afonina, O.M., A.D. Potemkin & I.V. Czernyadjeva. 2005. Actual Problems in Bryology. Proceedings of the International Meeting devoted to the 90th anniversary of A.L. Abramova. Saint-Petersburg, November 22–25, 2005. Saint-Petersburg, Russia. 204 pages.

Agnew, Shirley, and Miloslav Vondráček. 1975. A moss flora of Iraq. Feddes Repertorium 86: 341–489.

Aichele, Dietmer, and Heinz-Werner Schwegler. 1956 (1967). Dietmer Aichele| Heinz-Werner Schwegler| Unsere Moos-| und Farnpflanzen| Eine Einfürung in die Lebensweise,| den Bau und das Erkennen| heimischer Moose, Farne, Bärlappe| und Schachtelhalme| Mit 178 Zeichnungen und 154 Fotos| [logo]| Kosmos| Gesellschaft der Naturfreunde| Franck’sche Verlagshandlung| Stuttgart. 181 pages, 68 figures, 44 black and white plates, bibliography, index.

Aichele, Dietmer, and Heinz-Werner Schwegler. 1978. Dietmer Aichele| Heinz-Werner Schwegler| Unsere Moos-| und Farnpflanzen| Eine Einfürung in die Lebensweise,| den Bau und das Erkennen| heimischer Moose, Farne, Bärlappe| und Schachtelhalme| Mit 178 Zeichnungen und 154 Fotos| [logo]| Kosmos| Gesellschaft der Naturfreunde| Franck’sche Verlagshandlung| Stuttgart. 181 pages, 68 figures, 44 black and white plates, bibliography, index. [A reprinting unchanged from the previous edition except for the covers].

Aichele, Dietmer, and Heinz-Werner Schwegler. 1984. Dietmer Aichele| Heinz-Werner Schwegler| Unsere Moos-| und Farnpflanzen| Eine Einfürung in die Lebensweise,| den Bau und das Erkennen| heimischer Moose, Farne, Bärlappe| und Schachtelhalme| Mit 255 Farbfotos| [logo]| Kosmos| Gesellschaft der Naturfreunde| Franck’sche Verlagshandlung| Stuttgart. 378 pages, 255 color photos [not counted] and many line drawings, indices.

Aleffi, M. & R. Schumacker. 1995. Check-list and red-list of the liverworts (Marchantiophyta) and hornworts (Anthocerotophyta) of Italy. Flora Mediterranea 5: 73–161.

Allen, Bruce. 1994-. Moss Flora of| Central America| Part 1 [2]. Sphagnaceae–Calymperaceae [Encalyptaceae–Orthotrichaceae]| [drawing of mosses to left side]| Bruce Allen| with contributions from| Howard Crum| Ronald A. Pursell| Noris Salazar Allen| William D. Reese [Dennis Hall| Jesús Muñoz| Ronald A. Pursell| William R. Buck]| [logo]| Missouri| Botanical| Garden| [Press]. [and on reverse] Monographs in Systematic Botany| from the Missouri Botanical Garden| Volume 49 [90]| Published in [on] May 1994 [18 September 2002] in an edition of 500 copies.| etc. 1: [7] + 242 pages, 6 figures [grouped as one plate on page 160], many text maps, bibliography, index; 2: [5] +699 pages, 273 figures, etc. REV: JB 19: 197-198.

Allen, B. 2002. Moss Flora of Central America. Part 2. Encalyptaceae–Orthotrichaceae. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden Volume 90: i–x + 1–699.

Allen, B. 2010. Moss Flora of Central America. Part 3. Anomodontaceae-Symphyodontaceae. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden Volume 117: i–x + 1–731.

Allen Bruce.2005. Maine mosses. Part 1. Sphagnaceae–Timmiaceae. Memoirs of The New York Botanical Garden93: [i–xii] 1–420.

Allen, Bruce H. 2014. Maine Mosses. Part 2. Drummondiaceae–Polytrichaceae. Memoirs of The New York Botanical Garden 111: 1–609.

Allen, Noris Salazar. 1993. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca| [rule]| Band 46| A Revision of the Pantropical Moss Genus| Leucophanes Brid.| by| Noris Salazar Allen| With 2 tables and 71 plates| [press logo]| J. Cramer| in der Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung| Berlin • Stuttgart 1993. 290 + [1] pages, 478 figures in 71 plates, 2 tables, bibliography, index.

Allen, Noris Salazar. 1993. Flora Neotropica| Monograph Number 59| Leucophanaceae| by| Noris Salazar Allen| [logo map]| Published for| Organization for Flora Neotropica| by| The New York Botanical Garden| New York| Issued 22 January 1993. 11 pages, 2 + 1 figures, bibliography.

Allison, K. W., and John Child 1971. The Mosses| of| New Zealand| K. W. Allison and John Child| University of Otago Press| Dunedin. 155 pages, 32 plates, many unnumbered text figures, index.

Allison, K. W., and John Child 1975. The Liverworts| of| New Zealand| K. W. Allison and John Child| University of Otago Press| Dunedin. 300 pages, unnumbered plates and text figures, index. REV: JB 9: 126.

Alonso García, Marta. 2016. The Genera ChionolomaOxystegusPachyneuropsis and Pseducosymblepharis (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta): Taxonomy and Phylogenetic Relationships. Doctoral Dissertation. Universidad de Murcia, Faculdad de Biología. 283 p.

Allorge, Pierre. 1946. Travaux Bryologiques et Lichénologiques dédiés a la mémoire de Pierre Allorge (1891-1944). [= Volume 15, fascicles 3-4 of Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique]

Allorge, Pierre. 1947. Essai| de bryogéographie| de la| Péninsule Iberique| par| †. Pierre Allorge| Professeur de Cryptogamie au Muséum d’ Histoire Naturelle| [short rule}| Document réunis par Madame Pierre Allorge| Docteur ès Sciences, Lauréat de l’Institut| [rule]| 15 figures, 2 cartes et 8 planches| Encyclopédie Biogéographique et Écologique [in box with logo and decorations]| Paul Lechevalier| Éditeur| 12, Rue de Tournon, 12| Paris (VIe)| [dash]| 1947. 114 pages, 15 figures, 8 plates. 2 folding maps. REV: JB 1: 232-233.

Allred, Kelly W., Russ Kleiman & Karen S. Blisard. 2024. Flora Neomexicana. IV. Bryophytes. 555 pages.

Ambrose, Barbara A. & Michael Purugganan (eds.) 2013. The Evolution of Plant Form. Annual Plant Reviews 45: 1–400. Wiley-Blackwell. Chichester, UK. [includes chapter by Goffinet & Buck, entitled “The Evolution of Body Form in Bryophytes”].

Amman, Jules. 1933. Flore des Mousses| de la Suisse| Vol. III [sic = parts in original]| Revision et Additions| par| Jules Amann| Zurich| Fretz Frères S. A., Libraire-éditeur| 1933. [from facing title] Matériaux| pour la| Flore Cryptogamique| Suisse| [etc.]| Volume VII, Fascicule 2| [repetition of title opposite, etc.]. xxiii + 186 pages, 21 figures, index.

Amman, Jules, and Charles Meylan. 1918. Flore des Mousses| de la Suisse| [short decorated rule]| || Première Partie| Tableaux Synoptiques| pour la Détermination des Mousses européenes| par| Jules Amann et Charles Meylan| [short rule]| || Deuxième Partie| Bryogéographie de la Suisse| par| Jules Amann| en collaboration avec Charles Meyland et Paul Culmann| [elaborate rule]| Lausanne| Imprimeries Réunies S. A.| [very short rule]| 1912. [This is the overall title page—there was none for part 1 alone; the title page for part 2 is identical except omits the portions enclosed in double lines above. Bound at the beginning of this volume is a wrapper that differs from the title page as follows: first line is “Publication de l’Herbier Boissier [underlined]“, the word “européenes” is omitted, between “Suisse” and “par” is inserted “|Catalogue des Mousses Suisses| aves douze planches|”, and the city and date are given as “Genéve| [very short rule]| 1918?. The actual date of publication of both parts is 31 Dec 1918 (Geissler, 1981 Taxon 30: 651-652).]. [2] + 215 pages, index; 414 pages, index; + [2 recto] pages, 12 plates with facing verso legends, + 1-3 pages of additions and corrections.

Amman, Jules. 1928. Bryogéographie| de la Suisse| par| J. Amann| Avec 13 Figures, 32 Planches| et Une Carte Hors-Texte| Zurich| Fretz Frères S. A., Libraire-éditeur| 1928. [from facing title] Matériaux| pour la| Flore Cryptogamique| Suisse| [etc.]| Volume VI, Fascicule 2| [repetition of title opposite, etc.]. x + 453 pages, 13 figures, 32 plates, 1 map, bibliography.

Ammons, Nelle. 1940. A Manual of the| Liverworts of West Virginia| By| Nelle Ammons| West Virginia University| [black triangle]| Reprinted from “The American Midland Naturalist”| Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 3-164, January, 1940| At The University Press| Notre Dame, Indiana. 164 pages, 36 plates, bibliography, index.

Andersen, Anne Grethe, et al. 1976. Den Danske Mosflora| I. Bladmosser| Udarbejdet af:| Anne Grethe Andersen| Dorte Friis Boesen| Kjeld Holmen (†1974)| Niels Jacobsen| Jette Lewinsky| Gert Mogensen| Kaj Rasmussen| Lennart Rasmussen| Illustrationer udført af:| Jette Lewinsky| Lennart Rasmussen| Gyldendal. 356 pages, many line figures, index. REV: JB 9: 410.

Anderson, Lewis E. 1985. Contributions to| Systematic Bryology| Dedicated to Lewis E. Anderson| [logo] Missouri Botanical Garden| 1985| [from reverse of title] Monographs in Systematic Botany| from the Missouri Botanical Garden| Vol. 11. 1985| ISSN 06161-1542| Copyright © 1990 by Missouri Botanical Garden.| All rights reserved.| Printed in the United States of America by| Braun-Brunfield, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan| 216 pages. REV: BT 43: 13.

Ando, Hisatsugu. 1994-1995. The genus Hypnum (Musci) in Japan I [II]. Natural Environmental Science Research, 7: 63-90; 8: 67-99. See FILED REPRINTS.

Andres H. 1936. Bryologische Notizen. Jahrb. Nass. Ver. Naturk. 83: 36-39. Included in “Sammelband 19. Flora von West-Deutschland II. Musci I.” Filed under “Anonymous”.

Andrews, A. LeRoy. 1957. Memoir 352| December 1957| The Bryophyte Flora of the| Upper Cayuga Lake Basin, New York| [long rule]| A. LeRoy Andrews| [Cornell seal]| Cornell University| Agricultural Experiment Station| New York State College of Agriculture, Ithaca, New York. 87 pages, bibliography.

Andrus, Richard E. 1974. The Sphagna of New York State| by| Richard E. Andrus| A thesis| submitted in partial fulfillment| of the requirements for the| Doctor of Philosophy degree| State University of New York| College of Environmental Science| and Foresty| Syracuse, New York| April 1974| [approvals and signatures, etc.] 417 pages, 37 plates, 16 tables, bibliography, index.

Andrus, Richard E. 1980. Sphagnaceae| (Peat Moss Family)| of| New York State| Richard E. Andrus| State University of New York, Binghamton| Contributions to a Flora of New York State III| Richard S. Mitchell, Editor| 1980| Bulletin No. 442| New York State Museum| The University of the State of New York| The State Education Department| Albany, New York 12230. vi + 89 pages, 46 figures, bibiography, index.

Anonymous. 1987. Actas| del| VI Simposio Nacional| de| Botanica Criptogamica| Universidad de Granada| Publicación subvencionada por la CAICYT. [From verso: ISBN: 84-338-0559-2 . . . Printed in Spain] 628 + [7] pages [Bryologia pp. 471-628. There is no indication of an editor nor any information concerning the contents except an list of the papers at the end that is alphabetical by author.].

Anonymous. (filed under ) Compilation of liverwort floras of the Eastern United States. Includes: Kurz H. & T.M. Little. 1933. Liverworts of North and Central Floria. Bulletin of the Florida State College for Women, 26: 1–39 + index; Steere, W. 1940. Liverworts of Southern Michigan. Cranbrook Institue of Science 17: 97; Schuster, R.M. 1949. The ecology and distribution of Hepaticae in Central and Western New-York. The American Midland Naturalist 42: 513–712; Sharp, A.J. 1931. Preliminary report on the liverworts of Eastern Tennessee. Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 6: 163–173; Sharp, A.J. 1939. Taxonomic and ecological studies of Eastern Tennessee bryophytes. American Midland Naturalist 21: 267–354 + glossary and index (i–vii); Ammons, Neil. 1940. A manual of the liverworts of West Virginia. The American Midland Naturalist 23: 3–164.

Anonymous. (filed under ) Compilation of liverwort floras of the Western United States. Includes: Howe, Marshall Avery. 1899. The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of California. Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club 7: 1–208 + plates 88–122; Evans, Alexander W. 1923. Notes on the Hepaticae of California. Proceedings of the California Academy of Scinces, fourth series 13: 111–130;Sanbrodn, Ethel I. 1929. Hepaticae and Anthocerotes of Western Oregon. University of Oregon Publications 1: 1–111; Clark, Lois. 1909. Some noteworthy Hepaticae from the States of Washington. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 36… 299–307 + 1 plate; Evans, A.W. 1915. Report on the Hepaticae of Alaska. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 41: 577–616.

Ardiles Huerta, Victor, Jorge Cuvertino Santoni, Felipe Osorio Zúñiga. 2008. Briófitas de los Bosques Templados de Chile. Una INtroducción al Mundo de los Musgos, Hepáticas y Anthocerotes. Guía de Campo. Coprporacˆíon Chilena de la Madera , Concepción, Chile. 168 pp.

Arnell, Hampus Wilhelm, and C. Jensen. 1907. Die Moose Des Sarekgebietes. Erste Abteilung. Naturwissenschaftlich Untersuchungen des Sarekgebirges in Schwedisch-Lappland, 3 Botanik: 71-132, figures 1-8.

Arnell, Hampus Wilhelm, and C. Jensen. 1910. Die Moose Des Sarekgebietes. Zweite und Dritte Abteilung. Naturwissenschaftlich Untersuchungen des Sarekgebirges in Schwedisch-Lappland, 3 Botanik: 133-266-132, figures 9-18 .

Arnell, Hampus Wilhelm. 1875. De Skandinavisk Löfmossornas| Kalendarium.| af| Hampus Wilhelm Arnell.| [short rule]| Upsala Universitets Årsskrift 1875.| Mathematic och Naurvetenskap. IV.| [short rule]| Upsala 1875.| Essias Edquista bocktrykeri. 129 pages.

Arnell, Hampus Wilhelm. 1917. Die Moose der Vega-Expedition. Arkiv för Botanik, 15(5): 1-111 pages [in separate]. SHELVED REPRINTS

Arnell, Hampus Wilhelm. 1928. Skandinaviens| Flora| uitgeven av| Otto R. Holmberg| [expanded rule]| II. Mossor| a. Levermosser| av| H. Wilh. Arnell| [logo]| Stockholm| [rule]| P. A. Norsted & Söners| Förlag. [3] + 224 pages, index.

Arnell, Sigfrid. 1956. Illustrated| Moss Flora| of| Fennoscandia| Edited by The Botanical Society of Lund| [rule]| I. Hepaticae| By Sigfrid Arnell| [rule]| CWK Gleerup / Lund Sweden/ 1956. 308 + [6 addenda and index] pages, 98 figures. REV: JB 3: 305-306. {Hoe, bound with Nyholm 1954-1969, as one volume in turquoise buckram with “W. J. Hoe” at base of spine}. See Nyholm.

Arnell, Sigfrid.1958. Hepatics from Tristan da Cunha. Results of the Norwegian Scientific Expedition to Tristan da Cunha 1937–1938. No. 42. Oslo. I Kommisjon His H. Aschehoug & Co. (W. Nygaard). 76 pages.

Arnell, Sigfrid. 1963. Hepaticae| of| South Africa| by| Sigfrid Arnell| Stockholm 1963. 411 pages, 290 pages, bibliography, index. REV: JB 4: 689.

Arzeni, C.B. 1950. The Hepaticae of the Douglas Lake Region Michigan. An illustrated key to liverworts. Edwards Brothers, Inc. Ann Arbor, Michigan. iii, + 1 plate, 1-29.

Asakawa, Y., A. Ludwiczuk & F. Nagashima. 2014. Chemical constituents of bryophytes. Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products 95: 1–796.

Asthana, A. K., and S. C. Srivastava. 1991. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca| [rule]| Band 42| Indian Hornworts| (A Taxonomic Study)| by| A. K. Asthana & S. C. Srivastava| With 49 plates and 1 map| [press logo]| J. Cramer| in der Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung| Berlin • Stuttgart 1991. [11] + 158 pages + 1 map + 49 plates on unnumbered pages, some with facing legends, bibliography. REV: BT 64: 13.

Asthana, A. K., and S. C. Srivastava. 2003. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca| [rule]| Band 60| Indian Cololejeunea. A taxonomic study. [press logo]| J. Cramer| in der Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung| Berlin • Stuttgart 2003. 155 + [8] pages, 53 plates, 3 tables, bibliography, index.

Atherton, I., S. Bosanquet & M. Lawley. (editors) 2010. Mosses and Liverworts of Britain and Ireland. A field guide. British Bryological Society. Printed by Latimer Trend & Co., Ltd. Plymouth, UK.

Atwood, J.J, B. Allen & R.A. Pursell. 2009. Checklist of Pennsylvania Mosses. Report to the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources/Wild Resource Conservation Program. 165. p.

Augier, Jean. 1966. Jean Augier| Professeur à l’Institut Catholique de Paris| Flore| des| Bryophytes| Morphologie, Anatomie, Biologie, Ecologie,| Distribution Géographique| [rule]| 861 figures| 84 planches| [rule]|Éditions| Paul Cechevalier| 18, Rue des Écoles, 18| Paris (Ve)| [dash]| 1966| [press logo to left of address]. 702 pages, 61 text figures, 84 plates, index. REV: JB 5: 370-371. REVIEW Bryologist 70(1):134-135, L. E. Anderson.

Aurelio, Isaac Carles. 1974. The Mosses| of| West Virginia| Dissertation| Submitted To The Graduate School| of West Viginia University| In Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirements For| The Degree of Doctor Of Philosophy| by| Isaac C. Aurelio, M. S.| Morgantown| West Virginia| 1974. v + 405 pages, unnumbered maps, bibliography.

Azbukina, Z. M. [editor?] 1978. [The Algae, Fungi, and Mosses of the Far East]. Vladivostok| 1978. 126 + [1] pages. A collection of papers (in Russian).

Azbukina, Z. M., L. V. Bardunov, T. A. Bezdeleva, A. V. Bogacheva, E. M. Bulakh, L. N. Vasilyeva, O. K. Gororova, L. N. Egorova, E. V. Zhabyko, T. V.Nikulina, I. M.Rhodnikova, I. F. Skirina, V. I. Tarankov, L. A. Fedina & V. Ya. Cherdantseva. 2006. Flora, vegetation and mycobiota of the reserve Ussuriysjy. Vladivostok: Dalnauka. ISBN 5-8044-0735-X.

Bachuryna, H. F., and V. M. Melnychuk. 1987, 1988, 1989. [Moss Flora of the Ukrainian SSR]. Volume 1; 176 pages, 24 figures, bibliography, index. Volume 2, 178 pages, 19 figures, bibliography, index. Volume 3; 176 pages, 22 figures, bibliography, index. Availability in 1996 of v. 3, BT: 91: 4.

Bacuryna, A. F., and L. Y. Partyka. 1979. [Hepaticae and Musci of the Ukraine and of Adjacent Territories]. Kiev| | 1979. 203 pages, 67 figures, bibliography, index.

Bagnall, James E. 1886. Handbook of Mosses,| with an Account of Their| Structure, Classification, Geographical| Distribution, and Habitats.| by| James E. Bagnall, A.L.S.,| Vice-President of the Birmingham Natural History and| Microscopical Society.| [vignette]| London:| Swan Sonnenschein, Le Bas & Lowrey| Paternoster Square.| 1886. vii + 96 pages, 39 figures [32 pages of publisher’s lists].

Bagnall, James E. 1886. Handbook of Mosses,| with an Account of Their| Structure, Classification, Geographical| Distribution, and Habitats.| by| James E. Bagnall, A.L.S.,| Vice-President of the Birmingham Natural History and| Microscopical Society.| Second [vignette] Edition.| London:| Swan Sonnenschein, Lowrey & Co.,| Paternoster Square.| 1886. viii + 96 pages, 39 figures [32 pages of publisher’s lists].

Bagnall, James E. 1889. Handbook of Mosses| with an Account of Their| Structure, Classification, Geographical| Distribution, and Habitats.| by| James E. Bagnall, A.L.S.,| Vice-President of the Birmingham Natural History and| Microscopical Society.| Third [vignette] Edition.| London:| Swan Sonnenschein & Co.,| Paternoster Square.| [very short rule]| 1889. viii + 96 pages, 39 figures [publisher’s lists are on front and back endpapers and flyleaves].

Bai, Xueliang, editor. 1996. [line of Chinese characters]| Flora Bryophytarum Intramongolicarum| [4 lines of Chinese characters] Redactor Principalis| Baui Xuelian| Auctores| Bai Xueliang, Zhao Zuntian| Delineatores| Bai Sueliang, Ma Ping, Tian Hong| [line of Chinese characters]| Typis Universitatis Intramongolicae. [14] + 541 pages, 173 figures, index, bibliography.

Bakalin Vadim 2005. A monograph of Lophozia (Dumort.) Dumort. s. str. Moscow, Russia. 240 pages.

Bakalin, V.A. (ed.)2012. Bryophytes of Sakalin. Publishing House of Maritime University. Vladivostok, Russia.

Bapna, K. R., and P. Kachroo. 2000. Hepaticology| in India–I [II]| K. R. Bapna| P. Kachroo| Himanshu Publications| Udaipur Delhi. I: [2 + vi] + 439 pages, figures 1-109, bibliography, index; II: I: [2 + v] + 491 pages, figures 110-272, index.

Bakalin, V. A. 2009. Hepatics (Marchantiophyta, Anthocerotophyta) Flora and phytogeography of Kamchatka and adjacent islands. Institute of Biology and Soil Science of the Far-East branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. KMK Scientific Press, Vladivostok, Russia.368 p. [In Russian]

Bakalin, V. A. 2010. The distribution of bryophytes in the Russian Far East. Part 1. Hepatics. Publishing Company of Far Eastern University. Vladivostok.

Bardunov, L. V. 1961. [Baikal Mosses] Akademia Nauk SSSR 42 Moscow. 119 pages, 10 figures, bibliography.

Bardunov, L. V. 1965. [Sajan Mosses] Akademia Nauk SSSR Moscow. 160 pages, 19 figures, bibliography. .

Bardunov, L. V. 1969. [The Handbook of the Mosses of Central Siberia] Akademia Nauk SSSR Leningrad. 329 pages, 63 figures, index.

Bardunov, L. V. 1974. Listostebel’nye Mkhi Altaya i Sayan [Frondiferous Mosses of the Altai and Sajan.] Akademia Nauk SSSR Novosibersk, Russia. 167 pages, 9 figures, bibliography.

Bardunov, L. V. 1992. [Ocherk Bryoflora Siberia.] Russian Akademia Nauk Novosibersk. 96 pages, 13 figures, bibliography.

Bardunov, L. V., and V. Ya. Cherdanseva. 1982. [Frondiferous Mosses of the Southern Primorye.] Akademia Nauk SSSR Novosibersk. 206 pages, 9 figures, bibliography.

Barkman, J. J. 1958. Phytosociology and Ecology| of Cryptogamic Epiphytes| Including a Taxonomic Survey and Description| of their Vegetation Units in Europe| by| J. J. Barkman| Head of the Biological Station Wÿster of the| Agricultural University Wegeningen| With separate booklet containing association tables| [logo]| Assen — Netherlands — MCMLXIX| Van Gorcum & Comp. N.V. –G. A. Hak & Dr. H. J. Prakke. xiii + 628 pages + 16 plates, 50 maps, 21 figures, 26 tables in text, bibliography, index; tables 27-71 unbound in pocket. REV: JB 3: 611-612; JB 6: 351-352 [1970 reprint with no changes].

Barlow, Bryan A., editor. 1986. Flora and Fauna| of Alpine Australasia| Ages and Origins| Edited by| Bryan A. Barlow| [Brill logo]| CSIRO| in association with| Australian Systematic Botany Society, vii = [1] + 543 pages, figures numbered separately in chapters.

Barnes Charles R. 1890. Artificial keys to the genera and species of mosses recognized in Lesquereux and James’s manual of the mosses of North America. Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters 8: 11-81.

Barnes, Charles Reed. 1896. Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin| Sciences Series, Vol. 1, No. 5, Pp. 157-368 (conclusion)| [spanner]| Analytic Keys to the Genera and Species of North American Mosses| by| Charles Reid Barnes| Revised and Extended by| Fred DeForest Heald,| with the Cooperation of the Author.| Published by the Authority of Law and with the Approval of| The Regents of the Univsity| Madison, Wis.| Published by the University| December, 1896.| x + pages 157-368, index.

Barnes, Charles Reed. 1897. Analytic Keys to the Genera and Species of North American Mosses. Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin, Sciences Series 1 (5): 157–368. Appears identical to the previous entry except that the date on the cover is January 1897, instead of December 1896.

Bartholomew-Began, Sharon Elaine. 1991. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca| [rule]| Band 41| A morphogenetic re-evaluation of| Haplomitrium Nees (Hepatophyta)| by| Sharon Elaine Bartholomew-Began| With 508 figures and 11 tables| [press logo]| J. Cramer| in der Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung| Berlin • Stuttgart 1991. 297 pages + 508 figures on fewer unnumbered pages with facing legends, 11 tables, bibliography. REV: BT 64: 12.

Bartram, Edwin B. 1933. Manual of Hawaiian| Mosses.| by| Edwin B. Bartram| Bernice P. Bishop Museum| Bulletin 101| Honolulu, Hawaii| Published by the Museum| June 1933. 275 pages, 195 figures, bibliography, index.

Bartram, Edwin B. 1939. Mosses of the Philippines. Philippine Journal of Science, 68 (nos. 1-4): 423 pages, 29 plates.

Bartram, Edwin B. 1949. Mosses of Guatemala| Edwin B. Bartram| Fieldiana: Botany| Volume 25| Published by| Chicago Natural History Museum| January 31, 1949. v + 442 pages, 190 figures, bibliography, index. REV: JB 1: 400-401.

Bartram, Edwin B. 1972 (1949). Mosses of Guatemala| Edwin B. Bartram| Fieldiana: Botany| Volume 25| Published by| Chicago Natural History Museum| January 31, 1949. [“Reprinted by offset , March 1972,” on verso of t.p.} v + 442 pages, 190 figures, bibliography, index. REV: notice of reprint BT 64: 13.

Bartram, Edwin B. No date. Farlow Herbarium| Index to the E. B. Bartram Collection of Mosses. Introduction by Richard A. Fralick. xi + 140 pages, mimeographed.

Basilier, Karl. 1979. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis| Abstracts of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science| 518| [long rule]| Nitrogen Fixation Associated| with Spagnum and Some Other Musci| by| Karl Basilier| [long rule]| [logo}| Uppsala 1979. A collection of separately paged unpublished and published titles. {Hoe stamp ex auct. 18 Nov 1980, inscribed by author on TP; wrappers, cloth taped spine}.

Bates, Jeffrey W., and Andrew M. Farmer. 1992. Bryophytes and Lichens| in a| Changing Environment| Edited by| Jeffrey W. Bates| Department of Biology| Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine| London| and| Andrew M. Farmer| English Nature| Peterborough| Clarendon Press . Oxford| 1992. xii + 404 pages, chapters with separately numbered figures, index. REV: BT 68/69: 6; JB 17: 516-517.

Bates, Jeffrey W., Neil W. Ashton, and Jeffrey G. Duckett. 1992. Bryology for the| Twenty-first Century| Edited by| Jeffrey W. Bates| Department of Biology,| Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, Longon| Neil W. Ashton| Biology Department, University of Regina, Canada| and Jeffrey G. Duckett| Schoool of Biological Sciences, | Queen Mary & Westfield College, London| Maney Publishing and the British Bryological Society| 1998. xii + 382 pages, figures and bibliographies by chapter, index. REV: BT 98: 5.

Baudoin, Raymond. 1983. These| présentée pour l’obtention du| Diplome de Docteur de 3e Cycle| à| L’Universite Pierre et Marie Curie| – Paris 6- | spécialité : Biologie Vegetale| Mention: Botanique Tropicale| par| Raymond Baudoin| Contribution à la recherche de| Bio-indicateurs des nuisances| volcaniques:| Etude des facteurs ecologiques influencant la vegetation| des hepatiques epiphylles sur les Guzmania plumieri| de la Soufriere de Guadeloupe| soutenue le 17 mai 1983| devant la Commission composée de:| M H. Puig Président| M C. Sastre Rapporteur| M P. Tixier Examinateur| M M. Roux <<| M F. le Guern <<. [4] + 161 pages (single-sided), 7 plates, 51 figures, bibliography.

Bauer P. M. 1857. IX. Uebersicht der Leber- und Laub-Moose une Farrn im Großsherzogthum Hessen. 61-82. No journal or other publication information included. Included in “Sammelband 19. Flora von West-Deutschland II. Musci I.” Filed under “Anonymous”.

Bauer P. M. 1859. Nachtrag zu der im sechsten Jahresbericht enthaltenen “Uebersicht der in Hessen beobachteten Leber- und Laub-Moose und Farrn” nach schriftlichen Aufzeichnungen des verstorbenen Professor Dr. Heyer über deren Vorkommen un Gießsenund anderen Punkten, namentlich Oberhessen. Pages 48-59. No journal or other publication information included. Included in “Sammelband 19. Flora von West-Deutschland II. Musci I.” Filed under “Anonymous”.

Bauer, Ernst. 1903-1906. Musci Europaei Exsiccati. Sitzungsberichte der Deutschen Wissenschaftlich-Medicinischen [Medizinischen] Vereins für Böhmen “Lotos” in Prag. [The first 4 “series” of which there were a total of 46 according to TL-2.]

Baumann, Martin, and Klaus Max Stetzka. 1999. Die Wassermoosvegetation in anthropogen verschieden beeinflussten Bächen des Erzgebirges. Limprichtia, No. 12: 164 pages, figures and tables, 6 appendices, bibliography.

Bayrhoffer J.D.W. 1849. Uebersicht der Moose, Lebermoose und Flechten des Taunus. 101 pages + 14 pages index. Wiesbaden, Buchdruckerei C. Ritter. In “Sammelband 19. Flora von West-Deutschland II. Musci I.” Filed under “Anonymous”.

Bechteler J.M.T. 2017. Phylogeny, biogeography, classification, and Amber fossils of the liverwort families Lejeuneaceae and Radulaceae. Ph.D. dissertation. University of Bonn, Germany. 134 p.

Beckhaus. 1855. Beiträge zur Kryptogamen-Flora Westfalen’s. Ver. d. n. Ver. Jahrg. 12, Neue Folge II: 64-78. No journal or other publication information included. Included in “Sammelband 19. Flora von West-Deutschland II. Musci I.” Filed under “Anonymous”.

Bednarak-Ochyra, Halina. 1995. Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica| Series Polonica, Ann. II| Halina Bednarak Ochyra| Rodzaj Racomitrium (Musci, Grimmiaceae)| w Polsce: Taksonomia, Ekologia| i Fitogeographia| The genus Racomitrium (Musci, Grimmiaceae)| in Poland: Taxonomy, Ecology| and Phytogeography| Instytut Botaniki im. W. Szafera Polska Akademia Nauk| Kraków 1995. Pages [1-2] 3-307, 77 figures, bibliography, long English summary, index. Although part of a serial, this is issued as a monograph with its own soft cover. REV: BT 86: 8.

Bednarek-Ochyra Halina. 2006. A taxonomic monograph of the moss genus Codriophorus P. Beauv. (Grimmiaceae). W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish academy of Sciences, Kraków. 276 pages.

Bednarek-Ochyra, H. Unpublished. Illustrations of the mosses of Antarctica.

Bednarek-Ochyra, H., J. Vána, R. Ochyra & R.I. Lewis Smith. 2000. The Liverwort Flora| of Antarctica. Halina Bednarek-Ochyra, Jirí Vána,| Ryszard Ochyra and Ronald I. Lewis Smith| Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Botany| Cracow, 2000. xvi + 236 + [2] pages, 96 figures, frontispiece, 2 color photographs, bibliography, index. REV: BT: 103: 4-5; JB 24: 93.

Beever, Jessica E.1988. A Key to the Genera of New Zealand Mosses. National Museum of New Zealand. Miscellaneous Series 18: 1–34.

Beever, Jessica, K. W. Allison, and John Child. 1992. The| Mosses| of| New Zealand [in box with rules]. Jessica Beever;| K. W. Allison & John Child| Second edition| 1992| University of Otago Press. x + 214 pages, 82 figures, bibliography, index. REV: BT 72: 2; JB 17: 685-686.

Beijerinck, W. 1934. Sphagnum en| Sphagnetum| Bijdgrage tot de Kennis der Nederlandsche| Veenmossen naar hun Bouw, Levenswijze,| Verwantschap en Verspreidin| door| D. W. Beijerinck| Met 60 Afbeeldingen| uitrgave| van het Nederlandsch| Biologisch Station| (Mededeeling No. 6)| [printer’s logo]| W. Versluys (N. V.)| Amsterdam–Batavia–Paramaribo| 1934. 116 pages, 60 figures, bibliography, index.

Belkina, O. A., Konstantinova, N. A., and Kostina, V. A. ( ???????, ?. ?., ?. ?. ?????????????, ?. ?. ??????? 1991. ????? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ???). [The flora of higher plants of Lovozerskiye Mountains]. ???., ?????. [St.-Petersburg, Nauka]. 206 pages. In Russian.

Bell, B. Graham, and Hans H. Blom. 1986. Bryophytes of Bouvetøya. Pages 11-22 in Botany of Bouvetøya, South Atlantic Ocean I. Cryptogamic taxonomy and phytogeography. Norsk Polarinstitutt Skrifter 185: 11–22.

Belnap, J., R. Rosentreter, S. Leonard, J. H. Kaltenecker, J. Williams & D. Eldridge. 2001. Biological Soil Crusts: Ecology and Management. US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, National Science and Technology Center, Information and Communications Group, 2001. Technical Reference 1730-2. 110 p.

Benedix, Erich Heinz. 1953. Feddes Repertorium| Specierum Novarum Regni Vegetabilis| Begründet Friedrich Fedde Heraugegaben von W. Rothmaler| Beiheft 134| Indomalayische Cololejeuneen| Eine Revision tropischer Lebermoose| Dissertation aus dem Botanischen Institute| der Friedrich – Schiller – Universität Jena.| Abgeschlossen Ende July 1947.| Von| E. H. Benedix| Mis 1 Textfigur und 31 Tafeln| nach Originalen des Verfassers| 1953| Akademie-Verlag • Berlin. 88 pages, 31 plates, 1 figure, bibliography, index.

Berdowski, Witold. 1974. Monographiae Botanicae| Vol. XLV, 1974| Witold Berdowski| Flora Mchow i Zbiorowiska Mszaków| Masywu Slezy| Moss flora and Bryophyta communities| of the Sleza massif| Redaktor M. Kostyniuk| [seal]| [spanner]| Warszawa. 126 pages, 6 figures, 10 maps, 11 photos, 38 tables, bibliography, index.

Berg, Christian. 1989. Die Moosflora der DDR –| Bibliographie 1945-1987| Herausgegeben von| Christian Berg| [logo]| Martin-Luther-Univerität Halle-Wittenberg| Wissenschaftliche Beiträge 1989/90 (P 37)| Halle (Saale) 1989. 200 pages.

Bergenståhl, B., et al. 1989. Fältbiologernas| Mossflora| Björn Bergensthl Lars Söderström| Didrik Weber-Grönwall Per Johan Ulfvendahl| Anders Nordlund| Andra upplagen reviderad av Lars Söderstrom 1989 [tp with 2 figures of moss with capsule and enlarged capsule]. [But cover is entitled Mossflora| Fälthandbok över Sveriges| vanligaste mossor.] 163 pages, many line drawings, index, bibliography.

Berggren, Sven. 1865. Iakttagelser öfver. Mossornas könlösa fortplantning genom groddknoppar och med dem analoga bildningar. Lunds UNivs. Årsskrift. Tom. I. 30 p. + 4 plates.

Berggren, S. 1875a. Kongl. Svenska Vetenskap-Akademiens Handlingar. Bandet 13 No. 7| [spanner]| Musci et Hepaticæ Spetsbergenses.| Bericht| über| Die Untersuchung der Moosflora Spitsbergens und Beeren-Eilands| während der Schwedischen Expeditionen 1864 und 1868| und| Verzeichniss der Dort Gesammelten Arten| von| S. Berggren.| [rule]| an die Königl. Schwedische Akademie D. Wiss. Eingereicht den 30. März 1874.| [elaborate rule]| Stockholm, 1875.| P. A. Norstedt & Söner| Kongl. Boktryckare. 103 pages.

Berggren, S. 1875b. Kongl. Svenska Vetenskap-Akademiens Handlingar. Bandet 13 No. | [spanner]| Undersökning af Mossfloran vid Disko-Bugten och| Auleitsivikfjorden i Grönland.| af| S. Berggren.| [rule]| Till Köngl. Vet Akad. Inlemnad den 30. Mars 1874.| [elaborate rule]| Stockholm, 1875.| P. A. Norstedt & Söner| Kongl. Boktryckare. 46 pages.SHELVED REPRINTS

Berggren, S. 1898. On| New Zealand Hepaticae| By| S. Berggren| I.| [elaborate rule]| Lund, 1898| Printed by E. Malmström. [1] + 48 pages, 32 figures.

Berkaoui, D. 2013. Phylogenie unde Evolution der Pottioideae. Diplomarbeit zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Diplom-Biologen an der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschafttlichen Fakultät der Rheinische- Freidrich-Wilhems-Universität Bonn. Germany.

Berkeley, M. J. 1863. Handbook| of| British Mosses;| comprising| all that are known to be natives| of| The British Isles.| By the| Rev. M. J. Berkeley, M. A., F.L.S.,| Author of ‘Introduction to Cryptogamic Botany,’| ‘Outlines of British Fungology,’ etc.| [press logo]| London:| Lovell Reeve & Co., Henrietta Street, Covent Garden.| 1863. xxxvi + 324 pages, 24 plates (Plate 1 is plain, the rest hand-colored), 2 indexes. [All 3 have ostensibly identical casings, so that the texts and casings must have been bound up at at different intervals according to need.]

Berkeley, M. J. 1895. Handbook| of| British Mosses;| comprising| all that are known to be natives| of| The British Isles.| By the| Rev. M. J. Berkeley, M. A., F.L.S.,| Author of ‘Introduction to Cryptogamic Botany,’| ‘Outlines of British Fungology, etc.’| [elaborate rule]| Second Edition| [press logo]| London:| Lovell Reeve & Co.,| Publishers to the Home, Colonial and Indian Governments,| 6 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden.| [short rule]| 1895. [vi] + 324 pages, 24 plates (Plate 1 a plain frontispiece, the rest hand-colored, with facing unnumbered pages of legends), 2 indexes. [Compare these two editions and check all these entries.]

Bernet, Henri. 1888. Catalogue| des| Hépatiques| du| Sud-Ouest de la Suisse| et de la Haute-Savoie| par| Le Dr Henri Bernet| [short wavy rule]| avec 4 planches| [short wavy rule]| Geneve| H. Georg, Libraire-Editeur| Bale et Lyon, Même Maison| 1888. 135 pages, 4 plates, index.

Bertsch, Karl. 1949. Moosflora| Von| Dr. Karl Bertsch| Ravensburg| Mit 102 [sic = 112] Abbildungen| [logo]| Eugen Ulmer in Stuttgart / z. Z. Ludwigsburg, Körnerstrasse 16| Verlag für Landwirtschaft, Gartenbau und Naturwissenschaften| 1949. 193 pages, 112 figures, index.

Bertsch, Karl. 1959. Moosflora| von Südwestdeutschland| Von| Prof. Dr. Karl Bertsch| Ravensburg| 2. neubearbeitete Auflage| Mit 122 Abbildungen| [logo]| Eugen Ulmer – Stuttgart| Verlag für Landwirtschaft, Gartenbau und Naturwissenschaften| 1959. 234 pages, 122 figures, bibliography, index.

Bertsch, Karl. 1966. Moosflora| von Südwestdeutschland| Prof. D.r Karl Bertsch| 3 Auflage| Mit 122 Abbildungen| {logo}| Verlag Eugen Ulmer Stuttgart [the verso would seem to indicate that this is a second printing of Bertsch 1949 but it is an entirely new production]. 234 pages, 122 figures, bibliography, index.

Berzelius Society. 1878. A catalogue of the flowering plants and higher cryptogams growing without cultivation within thirty miles of Yale college. Sheffield Scientific School, New Haven, Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, Printers.

Bescherelle, Émile. 1876. Florule bryologique des Antilles Françaises ou énumération et description des mousses nouvelles recueillies a la Guadeloupe et a la Martinique. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Botanique, series 6, 3: 1-94 (of reprint?), index.

Bhatla, Satish C. 1994. Moss Protonema Differentiation. Research Studies Press Ltd. 296 p. {hardcover}.

Bilewsky, Felix. 1965. Moss-Flora of Israel. Nova Hedwigia 9 (1–4): 335–434 + plates 68–85.

Bird, C. D. 196. A Catalogue of the Bryophytes Reported from| Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba| by| C. D. Bird| Department of Biology| The University of Calgary| Calgary, Alberta, Canada| May 24, 1962. 33 pages.

Bird, C. D. 1966. A Catalogue of the Bryophytes Reported from| Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba| by| C. D. Bird| Department of Biology| The University of Calgary| Calgary, Alberta, Canada| May 19, 1966. [2] + 52 pages, 1 unnumbered table, bibliography, index [mimeographed, recto only].

Bird, C. D. 1973. A New Catalogue of the Bryophytes Reported from| Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba| by| C. D. Bird| Department of Biology| The University of Calgary| Calgary, Alberta, Canada| August 20, 1973. [1] + 63 pages, 1 unnumbered table, bibliography, index [mimeographed, recto and verso.

Bisang, Irene, and Edwin Urmi. 1995. Conservation of Bryophytes in Europe| Means and measures| Proceedings of the sympsium held in Zürich, 5th – 8th September 1994| Schutz der Moose Europas| Möglichkeiten und Massnahmen| Kongressbericht zum Sympoium in Zürich, 5. – 8. September 1994| [logo]| Herausgegeben von| Irene Bisang & Edwin Urmi| Volume editors| Cryptogamica Helvetica Band 18. 193 + [5] pages, figures and tables numbered by contribution. REV: BT: 88: 7-9; JB 19: 649.

Bisang, Irene. 1991. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca| [rule]| Band 43| Biosystematiche Studen an| Lophozia subgen. Schistochilopsis| (Hepaticae)| von| Irene Bisang| Mit 30 Abbildungen und 20 tabellen im Text| sowie 17 Tafeln im Anhang| [press logo]| J. Cramer| in der Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung| Berlin • Stuttgart 1991. 187 pages + 17 plates on unnumbered pages with facing legends, 30 figures, 21 tables, bibliography. REV: BT 64: 13.

Bischler, Helene. 1984. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca| Herausgegeben von| J. Cramer| [rule]| Band 26| Marchantia L.| The New World Species| by| Helene Bischler| [press logo]| 1984 • J. Cramer| in der A. R. Gantner Verlag Kommanditgesellschaft| FL-9490 Vaduz. [2] + 228 pages, 46 figures, 2 tables, bibliography, index. REV: BT 31: 9.

Bischler, Helene. 1998. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca| [rule]| Band 51| Systematics and Evolution| of the Genera of the Marchantiales| by| Helene Bischler| With 15 figures, 9 tables, and 24 plates| [press logo]| J. Cramer| in der Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung| Berlin • Stuttgart 1998. 200 + [2] pages, 15 figures, 24 plates, 9 tables, bibliography, index.

Bischler-Causse, Helene. 1989. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca| [rule]| Band 38| Marchantia L.| The Asiatic and Oceanic Species| by| Helene Bischler-Causse| With 18 plates and 71 figures in the text| [press logo]| J. Cramer| in der Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung| Berlin • Stuttgart 1989. 317 pages, 89 figures, 1 table, bibliography, index.

Bischler-Causse, Helene. 1993. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca| [rule]| Band 45| Marchantia L.| The European and African Species| by| Helene Bischler-Causse| With 5 plates and 26 figures| [press logo]| J. Cramer| in der Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung| Berlin • Stuttgart 1993. 129 pages, 26 figures, 3 tables, bibliography, index.

Bischoff, G. W. 1827. Beobachtungen über Sphaerocarpus terrestris Michel. Verhandlungen der kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen Akademie der Naturforscher 13 (2): 831–838 + plate 44. (bound with Bischoff 1835)

Bischoff, G. W. 1835. Bemerkungen über Lebermoose, vorzüglich aus den Gruppen der Marchantieen und Riccieen nebst Beschreibungen mehrerer Teils kritischer, Teils neuer Arten. Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol. Nat. Cur. 17: 911–1088 + plates 67–71. (bound with Bischoff 1827)

Bizot, Maurice. 1952. Flore des muscinées de la Cote-d’Or. Imprimerie Veuve Paul Berthier, Dijon, France. 156 pages.

Bland, John H. 1971. Forests of Lilliput|| The Realm of Mosses and Lichens| Line Drawings| by Stanley Wyatt| [fanciful drawing]| John H. Bland| Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey [t.p. across 2 pages]. xi + [1] +210 pages, unnumbered photographs and drawings, bibliography, index.

Blazhevich, L. P., editor. 1971. [Materials on the First Conference on Spore Plants of the Ukraine, September, 1969]. Kiev. 316 pages.

Blockeel, T. L., and D. G. Long. 1998. A Check-list and| Census Catalogue of| British and Irish| Bryophytes| by| T. L. Blockeel and| D. G. Long| British Bryological Society| Cardiff| 1998. 208 pages, 6 figures, bibliography, index. [see also Supplement, Bulletin of the British Bryological Society No. 73 (1999), 28 pages.]. REV: BT 98: 4; JB 21: 163.

Blom, Hans H. 1996. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca| [rule]| Band 49| A revision of the| Schistidium apocarpum comples| in Norway and Sweden| by| Hans H. Blom| With 115 figures in the text| [press logo]| J. Cramer| in der Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung| Berlin • Stuttgart 1996. 333 pages, 115 figures, bibliography, index.

Bodenberg E.T. 1954. Mosses. A new approach to the identification of common species. Burgess Publishing Company Co. Minneapolis, Minnesota. 264 pages.

Boehner P.O.F.M.1941. The Sphagna of Cattaraugus County, N.Y. Science Studies9: 3–5. (filed as Boehner in complete issue of the journal).

Boehner P.O.F.M.1941. A checklist of the hepatics of Cattaraugus County, N.Y. — A preliminary survey of the county. Science Studies9: 14–16. (filed as Boehner in complete issue of the journal).

Boehner P.O.F.M.1943. The Hepaticae of Cattaraugus County, N.Y. Science Studies 11: 11–15. (filed as Boehner in complete issue of the journal).

Boesen, Dorte Friis, et al. 1973. Dansk Mosflora| De pleurokarpe bladmosser| Udarbejdet af| Dorte Friis Boesen| Kjeld Holmen| Niels Jacobsen| Anne Grethe Jensen| Vagn Lauridsen| Jette Lewinsky| Gert Mogensen| Kaj Rasmussen| Lennart Rasmussen| Bo Riemann| Illustrationer udført af| Jette Lewinsky og Lennart Rasmussen| Københavns Universitet| 1973. 98 pages, 138 figures, index. REV: JB 8: 134.

Boiko, Mykhailo F. 2008. A checklist of Bryobionta of Ukraine. Kherson, Ailant. 232 p. [in Ukrainian with Latin names; covers hornworts, liverworts and mosses]

Boiko, M.F. 2009. Bryobionta of the steppe of the Ukraine. Monografy. Kherson: Ailant. 264 p.

Boiko, M. 2010. Red List of Bryobionta of Ukraine. Kjerson, Ailand. 94 p.

Bolleter, Eugene. 1905. Fegatella conica (L) Corda. Eine morphologisch-physiologische Monographie. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der philosophischen Doktorwürde. Universität Zurich. Verlag Georg Thieme, Leipzig, Germany. 82 p. + Table XII -XIII.

Bolòs, Oriol de, J. M. Montserrat, A. M. Romo, E. Sierra, editors. 1982. Collectanea| Botanica| a Barcinonensi Botanico Instituto edita| [spanner]| [vignette of plants]| IV Simposi de Botànica Criptogàmica| Pteridophyta, Bryophyta et Lichenes| Volum 13(1), Barcelona 1982 [all lines in double box]. 383 + [3 “index” = contents] pages, figures and bibliographies by articles.

Bonner, C. E. B. 1962-85. Index Hepaticarum. Pts. 2-10, lacking pt 7a. Vaduz Vol. 10 bound, rest in ori wrs. v.g. REV: JB 4:466.

Bonner, C. E. B. 1977. Index Hepaticarum. Part 7a. Vaduz. NEEDS COLLATION.

Bonnot, Ernest.-J., organizer. 1974. Société Botanique de France| [rule]| Les Problèmes Modernes| de la Bryologie| Colloque| organisé à Lille| les 15, 16 et 17 décembre 1972| par Ernest-J. Bonnot| Paris| au siège de la Société botanique de France| 4, avenue de l’Observatoire, 6e| 1974 [Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France, Tome 121—from wrapper]. 360 pages, illustrations.

Borges Paulo A.V., Regina Cunha, Rosalina Gabriel, Antonío Frias Martins, Luis Silva and Virgilio Vieira. 2005. A list of the terrestrial fauna (Mollusca and Arthopoda) and flora (Bryophyta, Pterydophyta and Spermatophyta) from the Azores. Direcção Regional do Ambiente and Universidade dos Açores, Horta,Angra do Heroismo and Ponta Delgada. 318 p.

Borges Paulo A.V., Cristina Abreu, António M. Franquinho Aguiar, Palmira Carvalho, Roberto Jardim, Ireneia Melo, Paulo Oliveira, Cecília Sérgio, Artur R.M. Serrano abd Paulo Vieira (eds). 2008. Listagem dos fungos, flora e fauna terrestres dos arquipélagos da Madeira e Selvagens. Tipografia Peres, Amadora.

Borges, Paulo & Rosalina Gabriel. 2009. Predicting extinctions on oceanic islands: arthropods and bryophytes. Grupo de Biodiversidade dos Açores, Angra do Heroísmo. 80 p.

Boros, Ádám. 1968. Ádám Boros| Bryogeographie| und| Bryoflora Ungarns| Mit 1 Farbigen Pflanzengeographischen Karte| Und 88 Abbildungen| [logo]| Akadémie Kiadó, Budapest 1968. 466 pages, 88 figures, bibliography, index. REV: JB 5: 846-847.

Boros, Ádám, and Magda Járai-Komlódi. 1975. An Atlas of| Recent European| Moss Spores| by| Ádám Boros, D.Sc. (biol.)| and| Magda Járai-Komlódi, C. Sc. (biol.)| [logo]| Akadémiae Kiadó • Budapest 1975. 466 pages, 237 plates, 2 figures, bibliography, .

Boros, Ádám, et. al. 1993. An Atlas of| Recent European| Bryophyte Spores| written by| Ádám Boros [name boxed=deceased]| Magda Járai-Komlódi| Zoltán Tóth| and Siwert Nilsson| with a forward by| Tamás Pócs| Budapest| 1993. 321 pages, illustrated, bibliography, index. REV: BT 79:6; JB 19: 652.

Boulay, N. 1872. Flore Cryptogamique| de l’Est.| Muscinées| (Mousses, Sphaignes, Hépatiques)| par| M. l’abbé Boulay| |Professeur de Physique, a la Maison de l’Assomption| de Nimes.| [elaborate rule]| A Paris| Chez F. Savey, Libraire – Editeur| A Saint-Dié| Chez Th. Freisz, Libraire.| A Nimes| Chez l’Auteur.| [very short rule] | 1872. xi + [1] + 880 pages, index. Only one copy in West Germany in 1984 BT 25: 6.

Boulay, l’Abbé. 1877. Études sur la Distribution Géographique des Mousses en France. F. Savy, Paris, France. 259 pages.

Boulay, N. 1884. Muscinées| de la France| [short rule]| Primière Partie| [very short rule]| Mousses| [short rule]| par| M. l.Abbé Boulay| Docteur Ès-Sciences,| Professeur de Botanique a La Faculté Catholique des Sciences de Lille| Membre des Sociétes Scientifique de Bruxelles,| Botanque de France, d’Histoire Naturelle de Colmar, d’Émulation du Doubs,| Botanique et Horticole de Marseille, etc.| [elaborate rule]| Paris| F. Savy, Libraire-Éditeur| Boulevard Saint-germain, 77.| [very short rule]| 1884. clxxiv + [1] + 624 pages, index.

Boulay, N. 1904. Muscinées| de la France| [short rule]| Deuxième Partie| [very short rule]| Hépatiques| [short rule]| par| M. l.Abbé Boulay| Professeur a L’Université Catholique de Lille| [elaborate rule]| Paris| Paul Klincksieck, Liebraeire-Editeur| 3, Rue Corneille, 3| [very short rule]| 1904. clxviii + 224 pages, bibliography, index. [Boulay’s initial, “N.”, is from the wrapper of the spine, which also indicates the price to be “10 francs”].

Bowers, Frank D., & Sally Kauss Freckmann. 1979. Atlas of Wisconsin Bryophytes| By| Frank D. Bowers| Curator of Non-Vascular Plants-Herbarium| Museum of Natural History and | Department of Biology| and Sally Kauss Freckmann| Research Assitant| Museum of Natural History| University of Wisconsin| Stevens Point, Wisconsin 54481 U. S. A| November 21, 1979| The Museum of Natural History| Stevens Point, Wisconsin| Reports on the Fauna and Flora of Wisconsin| No. 16.| Part I [II] [This is from the title page of part II; the author information is on the page following the title in part I.] Part I, pages 1-53 , [1] + 2 figures (pages 1-28 text, 29-53 unnumbered maps on recto only); part II, pages [54 unnumbered figure] 55-135 (pages 55-118 unnumbered maps on recto only, 119-135 text including bibiliography); offset.

Boychuk, M. A. & A. S. Lantratova. 2009. Bryophytes of Karelia. Russian Academy of Sciences. Karelian Research Centre, Institute of Biology. Publishing house PetrSU, Petrozavodsk, Russia. 186 p. + color plates.

Braithwaite, R. 1880. The Sphagnaceae| or| Peat-Mosses| of Europe and North America.| by| R. Braithwaite, M.D., F.L.S., Etc.,| Soc. Corrisp. della Società Crittogamologica Italiana.| [wavy rule]| “Muscus hic nulli ex treerstribus similis est, sed faciem habet propriam, nec alibi| quam in udis at paludosis nascitur.|”—Dillen.| [wavy rule]| [seal]| London:| David Bogue, 3, St. Martin’s Place, W.C.| 1880. [v] + 91 pages, 29 hand-colored plates, index.

Braithwaite, R. 1880-1905. The| British Moss-Flora.| by| R. Braithwaite, M.D., F.L.S., &c.| Socio Corrisp. della Società Crittogam. Italiana. [vol. 3 (Soc. Crittog. Ital.—Soc. pro Fauna et Fl. Fenn.—Soc Nat. des Scien. Nat. de Cherb.| Soc. Corresp.)]| Vol. I[II][III].| Acrocarpous Mosses [vol. 3 Pleurocarpous Mosses| and| Sphagna].| [double rule]| “The means therefore which unto us are lent,| Him to behold, is on His workes to looke,| Which He hath made in beautie excellent:| And in the same, as in a brazen booke,| To read enregister’d in every nooke| His goodnesse.”| Spenser.| [double rule]| London:| Published by the Author, at 303, Clapham Road.| [short rule]| All Rights Reserved. Publisher’s title page: The| British Moss-Flora| [double rule]| Vol. I. [II.] [III.]| Acrocarpi I. [II.] [Pleurocarpi.]| Andreæaceæ, Buxbaumiaceæ, Georgiaceæ,| Polytrichaceæ| Fissidentaceæ, Leucobryaceæ,| Dicranaceæ, Tortulaceæ, Weberaceæ. [Grimmiaceæ, Schistostegaceæ, Splachnaceæ,| Oedipodiaceæ, Funariaceæ, Bryaceæ,| Bartramiaceæ, Meeseaceæ, Mniaceæ.] [Hypnaceæ, Pterygophyllaceæ, Neckeracæ,| General Index.]| [double rule]| by| R. Braithwaite, M.D., F.L.S., &c.,| (Soc. Crittog. Ital.–Soc. Pro Fauna et Fl. Fenn.–Soc. Nat des Scein. Nat. de Cherb.| Soc. Corresp.)| [double rule]| London:| L. Reeve & Co., 5, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden.| 1887 [1888–1895] [1896–1905]. 3 vols. Vol. 1, x [+1], + 315 pages, plates (plain) 1-45, index. Vol. 2, 268 pages, plates (plain) 46-84, index. Vol. 3, 274 pages, plates (plain) 85-128, index. Issued in 23 parts, the dates of which are given in v. 3:274. Collation needed.

Brasch Heinrich. 1923. Beiträge zur Laubmoosflora. Ber. üb. d. Vers. D. Bot. u. d. Zool. Ver. f. Rh.-W. 1920-1922: 19-22. Included in “Sammelband 19. Flora von West-Deutschland II. Musci I.” Filed under “Anonymous”.

Brassard Guy R. 1970. The Mosses of Northern Ellesmere Island: Floristic and Biogeography. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Ottawa, Canada. 246 p.

Breen, Ruth Schornherst. 1963. Mosses of Florida| an illustrated manual| By Ruth Schornherst Breen. [from facing title][vignette of “Solmsiella kurzii”]|University of Florida Press Gainesville, 1963. xliv + 273 pages, 133 plates, index.

Breidbach, Olaf. 2010. Ernst Haeckel. Art Forms in Nature. Prestel Verlag, Münich, Germany. 2010.

Breil, David Allen. 1968. The Florida State University| Liverworts of the Mid Gulf Coastal Plain:| An Illustrated Manual| By| David Allen Breil| A Dissertation submitted to the| Department of Biological Science of| The Florida State University| in partial fulfillment of the| requirements for the degree of| Doctor of Philosophy| Approved:| Copyright @ 1969 by David Breil| All rights reserved.| [following names as underlined signatures] Ruth S. Breen| Professor Directing Dissertation| Andre F. Clewell| R. K. Godfrey| William H. Heard| Thomas R. Lewis[?]| Dean of the School or College| August, 1968 [left of signatures]|. vi + 339 pages [recto only], 100 plates, bibliography.

Breil, David A. 1973. Mosses of Virginia. A Provisional Key to the Genera. Longwood College. 21 p.

Bridel-Brideri, Samuel Elisée de. 1826-1827. Bryologia universa, seu, Systematica ad novam methodum dispositio, historia et descriptio omnium muscorum frondosorum huscusque cognitorum cum synonymia ex auctoribus probatissimis. Lipsiae (Leipzig) : Sumtibus J.A. Barth. Vol. I: 856 pages; Vol. II: 848 + 10 plates + 3 supplementary plates.

Brightman, Frank H. 1966. The Oxford Book of| Flowerless Plants| Ferns, Fungi, Mosses and Liverworts| Lichens, and Seaweeds| Illustrati0ons by| B. E. Nicolson| Text by| Frank H. Brightman| Oxford University Press| 1966. Brightman, Frank H. 1966. The Oxford Book of Flowerless Plants. viii + 208 pages, 96 plates in color, index. REV: BY 70:280-281; JB 5:374.

British Bryological Society. 1963-. Distribution Maps of Bryophytes in Britain. Reprinted from Transactions of the British Bryological Society.

Britten, James & George S. Boulger. 1931. A bibliographical index of deceased British and Irish botanists. Second edition, revised and completed by A. B. Rendle. Taylor & Francis, London. 342 pages.

Britton, Elizabeth G. 1889-1895. Compilation of her “contributions to American Bryology. I—XI. 1889. Contributions to American Bryology. I. An enumeration of the mosses collected by Mr. John B. Leiberg in Kootenai Co. Idaho. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 16: 106–112. (xerox copy). 1893. Contributions to American Bryology. II. I. A supplementary enumeration of the mosses collected by Mr. John B. Leiberg in Kootenai Co. Idaho. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 18: 49–56 + 1 plate. 1893. Contributions to American Bryology. III. Notes on the North American species of Orthotrichum. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 20: 393–404. 1894. Contributions to American Bryology. IV. Notes on the North American species of Orthotrichum II. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 21: 1–15. 1894. Contributions to American Bryology. V. Notes on the North American species of Weissia (Ulota) II. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 21: 65–76. 1894. Contributions to American Bryology. VI. Western species of Orthotrichum. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 21: 139–160. 1894. Contributions to American Bryology. VII. A revision of the genus Physcomitrium with five new species. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 21: 189–208 + 7 plates. 1894. Contributions to American Bryology. VIII. A revision of the genus Bruchia with description of types and one new species. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 21: 343–372 + 5 plates. 1895. Contributions to American Bryology. IX. A revision of the genus Scouleria with description of types and one new species. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 21: 36–43 + 1 plate. 1895. Contributions to American Bryology. X. 1. On the systematic position of Physcomitrella patens. 2. On a hybrid growing with Aphanorrhegma serrata Sull3. On a European hybrid of Physcomitrella patens. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 21: 62–68 + 3 plates. 1894. Contributions to American Bryology. XI. 1. Coscinodon raui and Coscinodon renauldiDicranella heteromalla and its varieties. Notes on the genus Leersia, Hedw. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 21: 447 –458 + 2 plates.

Brockhausen H. 1910. Die Laubmoose um Rheine. Sep. Abdruck aus dem XXXVIII Jahresbericht des Westfälischen Prov.-Vereubs für Wissenschaft und Kunst. Münster i. W. 1909/1910. 93-101. Included in “Sammelband 19. Flora von West-Deutschland II. Musci I.” Filed under “Anonymous”.

Brockhausen H. 1915. Bryologische Beiträge aus Westfalen. Sonderabruck aus dem 43. Jahresbericht des Westfälischen Provinzial-Vereins für Wissenschaft und Kunst (Botanische Sektion) für das Rechnungsjahr 1914-1915: 78-80. Included in “Sammelband 19. Flora von West-Deutschland II. Musci I.” Filed under “Anonymous”.

Broekhuizen, S. 1935. Mossen en| Varens| door| Dr. S. Broekhuizen| [press logo]| 1935| N. V. de Arbeiderspers — Amsterdam. 94 pages, frontispiece, 59 figures, + 1 figure and 25 fotos on 16 unnumbered plates, index.

Brotherus, Viktor F. 1884. Études sur la distribution des mousses au Caucase. J. C. Frenckell and son, Helsingfors.

Brotherus V. F. 1898. Contributions to the Bryological flora of the North-Western Himalaya. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 24: 3-46. Reprint from 1978, by M/S Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun, India (?).

Brotherus, Viktor F. 1906. Die Laubmoose| der| Deutschen| Südpolar-Expedition 1901-1903| von| Dr. V. F. Brotherus| (Helsingfors)|. Pages 81-96, 5 figures, plates VII-VIII in Drygalski 1906.

Brotherus, Viktor F. 1914. I. Musci der Hawaiischen und Salomonsinseln. See Rechinger, Karl, 1914.

Brotherus, Viktor F. 1923. Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica| Flora Fennica I| [long rule]| Die| Laubmoose Fennoskandias| Bearbeitet| von| V. F. Brotherus| [short rule]| Mit 118 Figuren| [short rule]| Gedruckt mit staatlicher Unterstützung| Helsingfors 1923| Berlin| R. Friedländer & Sohn| NW. 6 Karlstrasse 11.|| Helsingfors| Akademische Buchhandlung.|| London| Wheldon & Wesley Ltd.| 2, 3 & 4, Arthur Street| New Oxford Street, WC2. xiii + 635 pages, 118 figures, index.

Brotherus, Viktor F. 1923. Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica| Flora Fennica I| [long rule]| Die| Laubmoose Fennoskandias| Bearbeitet| von| V. F. Brotherus| [short rule]| Mit 118 Figuren| [short rule]| Helsingfors 1923| [rule]| Reprint| by| Otto Koeltz Science Publishers| Koenigsten| 1974| [logo to left of last 3 lines]. xiii + 635 pages, 118 figures, index.

Brotherus, Viktor F. 1927. Hawaiian| Mosses.| by| V. F. Brotherus| Bernice P. Bishop Museum| Bulletin 40| Honolulu, Hawaii| Published by the Museum| 1927. 37 pages +8 plates.x

Brotherus, Viktor F. 1929. Symbolae Sinicae| Botanische Ergebnisse der Expediton der| Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien| Nach Südwest-China 1914/1918| Unter Mitarbeit von| Vicktor F. Brotherus • Heinrich Handel-Mazzeti| Theodor Herzog • Karl Keissler • Heinrich Lohwag| William E. Nicholson • Siegfried Stockmayer| Frans Verdoorn • Alexander Zahlbruckner| und Anderen Fachmännern| herausgegeben von| Heinrich Handel-Mazzetti| in Sieben Teilen| Mit 30 Tafeln| IV. Teil| Musci|von|Viktor F. Brotherus| Mit 5 Tafeln| [press logo]| Wien| Verlag von Julius Springer| 1929| 147 pages, 5 plates, index {wrappers and Vorwort by Handel-Mazzetti bound in back after Nicholson et al. 1930 (Hepaticae) John Johnson 127:239.

Bruch, Phillip, Wilhelm Phillip Schimper, and Wilhelm Theodor Gümbel. 1971 (1836-1855). Bryologia Europaea| Auctoribus| Ph. Bruch, W. Ph. Schimper & Th. Gümbel| Editore| W. Ph. Schimper| Corrolarium Supplementumque| Auctore W. Ph. Schimper| Cum Tabulis DCLXXXI| Sectio I | Introductio| Index Totius Operis| Vol. I-III| [Sectio II| Vol. IV-VI| Corollarium| Musci Europaei Novi| Vel. Bryol. Eur. Suppl.]| [Sectio III| Tabulae 1-681]| Rearranged by P. A. Florschütz & W. D. Margadant| Amsterdam/Vaals| A. Asher & Co., N. V.| 1971. I, xxiv + 205 +161 + 268 pages; II, 278 + 246 + 167 + 140 + [1] + 59 pages; III, iv + 681 pages of plates.

Brühl, P. 1982. Records| of the| Botanical Survey of India| Volume XIII. No. 1-2| A Census of Indian Mosses| with Analytical keys to the Genera referred to in the Census as| well as all the Genera dealt with in the second edition of| Prof. Brotherus’ account of the Musci Veri in Engler| and Prantl’s “Pflanzenfamilien”.| P. Brühl| [crest]| Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh| 23-A, Connaught Place,| Dehra Dun.| 1982. [2]+ 135 + [4 including separate t. p. for No. 2] + 152 pages.

Bryhn, N. 1906. Bryophyta in itinere polari norvagorum secundo collecta. Report of the second Norwegian Arctic expedition in the “Fram” 1898–1902 No 11: 1–259 pages + 2 plates.

Buch, Hans. 1911. Über die Brutorgane der Lebermoose. Herlsingfors. Includes erratum “Ergänzungen und Berichtigungen”; 69 pages + 3 plates + 1 Table.

Buch, Hans. 1921. Über den Photo- und Hydrotropismus der Lebermoose. Översik av Finska Ventenskaps-Societetns Förhandlingar. 64 (1921-1922), Avd. A., No. 2. 77 pages.

Buch, Hans. 1928. Die Scapanien Nordeuropas und Sibiriens. II. Systematischer Teil mit einer Karte. Societas Scientiarum Fennica. Commentationes Biologicae III. 1: 1–176 + 1 map.

Buck, William R. 1998. Pleurocarpus Mosses of the West Indies| William R. Buck| Illustrated by Bobbi Angell| Issued: 29 January 1998| [logo]| The New York Botanical Garden| Bronx, New York 10458-5126, U. S. A. [“Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden, Volume 82” on front cover only!]. 400 pages, 150 plates, maps on endpapers, index, bibliography.

Buck, William R., and Robert R. Ireland. 1989. Flora Neotropica| Monograph 50| Plagiotheciaceae| by| William R. Buck and Robert R. Ireland| [logo map]| Published for| Organization for Flora Neotropica| by| The New York Botanical Garden| New York| Issued 20 April 1989. [2] + 22 pages, 8 + 2 figures, bibliography, index.

Buck, William R., Dale H. Vitt, and W. M. Malcolm. 2002. Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra| [logo]| Key to the| Genera of| Australian| Mosses| [spanner]| W. R. Buck, D. H. Vitt & W. M. Malcolm| [spanner]| [photomicrograph]| [“Environment| Australia” incorporated in logo]| Department of the Environment and Heritage| Flora of Australia Supplementary Series Number 14| iii. vi [includes cover] + 120 pages, many unnumbered color figures, index. REV: BT 108: 3.

Buck, William R., editor. 1987. Bryostephane Steereana:| A Collection of Bryological Papers| Presented to William Campbell Steere| On The Occasion of His| 80th Birthday| William R. Buck, Editor| [NYBG logo]| The New York Botanical Garden| Bronx, New York 10458, U.S.A.| [double spanner]| Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden Volume 45| x + 778 pages, illustrated,index, xxii + 336 pages. REV: BT 47:12; JB 15: 630-631.

Buck, W.R., B. Goffinet, A. Litt & D. Poli. 2012. Abstracts and program. Moss 2012 and 3rd International Symposium on Molecular Systematics of Bryophytes. New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY, June 16-22, 2012.

Buddeberg. 1892.Verzeichniss der in der Umgebuung von Nassau beobachteten Laubmoose. Sonder-Abdruck aus den Jahrbüchern des Nassauischen Vereins für Naturkunde, Jahrgang 45). Pages 21-37. Included in “Sammelband 19. Flora von West-Deutschland II. Musci I.” Filed under “Anonymous”.

Budke, Jessica M. 2005. Phylogenetic analyses of the Timmiaceae (Bryophyta; Musci) inferred from sequence data and developmental stdy of the peristome-forming region of Timmia megapolitana (Timmiaceae). Master of Science thesis. 62 pages. University of Connecticut, Connecticut.

Budke, Jessica M. 2011. Examining the gametophytic calyptra and its rile in sporophyte development of the moss Funaria hygrometrica Hedw. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut.

Burck, Otto. 1947. Abhandlungen| der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft| Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Robert Mertens| [swollen rule}| Abhandlung 477| Die Laubmoose Mitteleuropas| von| Otto Buerch| Mit 57 Abbildungen und 9 Tafeln| Verlad Dr. Wandemar Kramer, Frankfurt A. M.| 1947| Abh. senckenberg. naturf. Ges. 477 Seite 1-210 Frankfurt a. M., 1. 12. 1947 [last line in 4 boxes, title page enclosed in 3 rectangles]. Pages 1-210, 9 plates, 57 figures.

Burgeff, H. 1943. Genetische Studien| an| Marchantia| Einführung| Einer Neuen Pflanzenfamilie| in die Genetische Wissenschaft| von| H. Burgeff| Würzburg| mit 281 Abbildungen im Text| [logo]| Jena| Verlag von Gustavv Fischer| 1943. viii + 296 pages + 4 unnumbered pages of advertisments, 281 figures, bibliography, index.

Bush, M., P. Jones, and K. Richards. 1986. The Krakatoa Centenary| Expedition| 1983| Final Report| Edited by M. Bush, P. Jones, and K. Richards| Department of Geography, University of Hull,| England, HU6 7RX.| September 1986. Miscellaneous Series No. 33 [from following page]. vii + 237 pages, figures numbered by chapter. {Hoe stemp ex Koeltz 15 Aug 1989; stiff wrappers}.

Calabrese Graciela Mabel. 2003. Revisión del género Zygodon Hook. Taylor (orthotrichaceae) en el extremo sur de Sudamérica. Doctor of Philosophy thesis. Universidad de Salamanca, Spain.

Calzadilla, E., C. Aldana & S. Churchill. 2010. Las Briofitas. Bolivia Ecológia 59: 1–28.

Câmara, P. E. A. S. 2008. A developmental, phylogenetic and taxonomic study of the moss genus Taxithelium (Mitt. (Sematophyllaceae). Doctoral Dissertation. University of Missouri, St. Louis.

Campbell, Douglas Houghton. 1895. The| Structure and Development| of the| Mosses and Ferns| (Archegoniatae)| By| Douglas Houghton Campbell, Ph.D.| Professor of Botany| in the Leland Stanford Junior University| London| Macmillian and Co.| and New York| 1895| All rights reserved| viii + 544 pages, 266 [+1] figures, bibliography, index.

Campbell, Douglas Houghton. 1905. The Structure and Development| of| Mosses and Ferns| (Archegoniatae) [Second edition so indicated only by the Preface so titled]| By| Douglas Houghton Campbell, Ph.D.| Professor of Botany| in the| Leland Stanford Junior University| New York| The Macmillian Company| London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd.| 1905| All rights reserved| vii + 657 pages, 322 [+1] figures, bibliography, index.

Campbell, Douglas Houghton. 1918. The Structure and Development| of Mosses and Ferns| (Archegoniatae)| Third Edition, Revised and Enlarged| By Douglas Houghton Campbell, Ph.D.| Professor of Botany| in the| Leland Stanford Junior University| New York| The Macmillian Company| London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd.| 1918| All rights reserved| x + 708 pages, 322 [+1] figures, appendix, bibliography, index.

Campbell, Douglas Houghton. 1928. The Structure and Development| of Mosses and Ferns| (Archegoniatae)| Third Edition, Revised and Enlarged| By Douglas Houghton Campbell, Ph.D.| Professor of Botany| in the| Leland Stanford Junior University| New York| The Macmillian Company| London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd.| 1928| All rights reserved| x + 708 pages, 322 [+1] figures, appendix, bibliography, index. [Apparently identical in every way to the 1918 printing except for the date and the end sheet following the index (blank in the 1918 version) which states “The following pages contain advertisements of books by the same author or on kindred subjects” although nothing follows. The paper is slightly thinner and there are minor differences in the lettering of the spine.

Cano E. B. (editor) 2006. Biodiversidad de Guatemala. Volumen I. 674 p. Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, Guatemala. (includes a checklist of liverworts and hornworts by Virginia Freire, and a checklist of mosses by Noris Salazar-Allen, José E. De Gracia & Clemente Chung).

Cano E. B. (editor) 2006. Biodiversidad de Guatemala. Volumen I. 674 p. Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, Guatemala. (includes a checklist of liverworts and hornworts by Virginia Freire, and a checklist of mosses by Noris Salazar-Allen, José E. De Gracia & Clemente Chung).

Cao, T., Guo, S., Lou, Y., Yu, J., Zuo, B., Chen, Y. (Eds.), 2010. Diversity and conservation of bryophytes. Chinese Forestry Press, Beijing.

Cano, Maria J. 2008. Taxonomic revision of Hennediella Paris (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta). Bryophytorum Bibliotheca 64: 1-142.

Cárdenas S. Maria de los Ángeles & Claudio Delgadillo. 1983. Manual de Briofitas. Una guía para los profesores de biología. Instituto de Biología. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. 97 p.

Cárdenas S. Maria de los Ángeles & Claudio Delgadillo. 2009. Musgos del Valle de México. Cuadernos 40: 1-283.

Cardot, Jules. 1892. Monographie des Fontinalacées. Mémoires| de la| Société Nationale| des Sciences Naturelles| et Mathématiques| de Cherbourg| Publiés sous la direction de| M. Auguste Le Jolis,| Directeur et Archiviste-Perpétuel de la Société.| [elaborate rule]| Tome XXVIII.| (Troisiéme Série. — Tome VIII).| [crest]| Paris,| J.-B. Baillière et Fils, Libraires, rue Hautefeuille, 19.| Cherbourg,| Imprimerie Émile Le Maout.| [short rule]| 151 pages, index.

Cardot, Jules. 1897. Repertoire Sphagnologique| [short rule] Catalogue Alphabétique| de toutes les Espèces et Variètés du Genre| Sphagnum| Avec la synonymie, la bibliographie et la Distribution| Géographique,| d’après les Travaux les plus Récents| par| Jules Cardot| Lauréat de l’Institut (Académie des Sciences)| [embellishment]| Autun| Imprimerie Dejussieu Père et Fils. 200 pages.

Cardot, Jules. 1899. Étude sur la flore bryologie de l’Amérique du Nord. Revision des types d’Hedwig et de Schwaegrichen. Bulletin de l’Herbier Boissier 7(4) : 300–380 + plates 7–10.

Cardot, Jules. 1900. Recherches anatomiques sur les Leucobryacées. Mémoires de la Société Nationale des Sciences Naturelles et Mathématiques de Cherbourg. 82 p. + 19 plates. Bound with Cardot 1892 Monographie des Fontinalacées.

Cardot, Jules. 1901. Expedition Antarctique Belge| [rule]| Résultats| du| Voyage du S. Y. Belgica| en 1897-1898-1899| sous le commandement de| A. de Gerlache de Gomery| [short rule]| Rapports Scientifiques| Publiés aux Frais du Gouvernement Belge, sous la Direction| de la| Commission de La Belgica| [short rule]| Botanique| Mousses| ed| Coup d’oeil sur la flore bryologique des Terres Magellaniques|| par| J. Cardot.| Hépatiques| par| F. Stephani.| [short rule]| Anvers| Imprimerie J.-E. Buschmann| Rempart de la Porte du Rhin| 1901 [all from wrapper of reprint]. Cardot pages 1-48, plates I-XIV; Stephani pages 1-6.

Cardot, Jules. 1907. Musci. 6 pages, 2 plates. In: National Antarctic Expedition| 1901-1904| Natural History| Vol. III.| Zoology and Botany| (Invertebrata: Marine Algae, Musci)| [B. M. N. H. crest]| London:| Printed by Order of the Trusteees of| The British Museum.| 1907| (All Rights Reserved).

Cardot, J. 1908. La Flore Bryologique des Terres Magellaniques, de la Géorgie du Sud et de l’Antarctide. 298 p. + 11 plates. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisses der Schewdischen Südpolar-Expedition 1901-1903 unter der Leitung von Dr. Otto Nordenskjöld. Band IV, Lieferung 8. Lithographisches Institut des Generalstabs, Stockholm, Sweden.

Cardot, Jules. 1913. Ouvrage Publié sous les Auspices du Ministère de l’Instruction Publique| sous la Direction de L. Joubin, Professeur au Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle.| [wavy rule]| Deuxième Expédition| Antarctique Française| (1908-1910)| Commandée par le Dr Jean Charcot| [short rule]| Sciences Naturelles : Documents Scientifiques| [short rule]| Mousses| par J. Cardot| [rule]| Masson et Cie, Éditeurs| 120, Bd Saint-Germain, Paris (VIe)| [dash]| 1913| Tous droits de traduction at de reproduction réservés. [2] + 30 + [1] pages + 5 plates, frontispiece map.

Cardot, Jules, and I. Thériot. 1904. (1902). The Mosses of Alaska. Pages 251-308, plates 30-40 In. Harriman Alaska Expedition| With Cooperation of Washington Academy of Sciences| [rule]| Alaska| Volume V| Cryptogamic Botany| By J. Cardot, Clara E. Cummings, Alexander W. Evans,| C. H. Peck, P. A. Saccardo, | De Alton Saunders|,| I. Thériot and William Trelease| [expedition logo]| New York| Doubleday, Page & Company| 1904. ix + 424 pages, index. Publication of the series was transferred to the Smithsonian Institution in 1910 and the remainder of previously issued volumes were thereafter issued with a special Smithsonian title page, dated 1910, which the present copy bears. [See also Trealease (1904) and Evans (1904).] The paper on mosses was originally published in Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences, vol. iv, pp. 293-372, 31 July 1902, and here preserves the original pagination and numbering of the plates, along with the Harriman series numbering.

Cardot, Jules and I. Thériot. 1902. The mosses of Alaska. Papers form the Harriman Alaska Expedition. 29. Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences 4: 293–372, plates XIII–XXIII.

Cardot, Jules, and V. F. Brotherus. 1923. Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar. Band 63. N:o 10.| [underline]| Botanische Ergebnisse|| der| Schwedischen Expedition nach Patagonian| und dem Feuerlande 1907–1909| X.| Les Mousses| par J. Cardot et V. F. Brotherus| Avec 4 Planches| [thin rule}| Communiquéle 7 Juin 1922 par C. Lindman et O. Rosenberg| [diamond rule]| Stockholm| Almquist & Wiksells Boktryckeri-A.-B.| 1923. 74 pages, 4 plates. SHELVED REPRINTS

Carrington, B. 1874-1876. British Hepaticæ| containing| Descriptions and Figures| of| the Native Species of| Jungermannia, Marchantia, and| Anthoceros.| By B. Carrington, M.D., F.R.S.E.| [figure]| London:| Robert Hardwicke, 192, Piccadilly,| and all booksellers. [From the wrappers of Part I; dates from Pearson.] 88 pages, 16 handcolored plates [This was all that was issued and there evidently was no title page. A notice with Part 3 says that indisposition of the author caused this part to be 8 pages short, which would be made up later, but were not, hence 88 instead of 96 pages for the 4 parts].

Casares-Gil, Antonio. 1915. Junta para Ampliación de Estudios é Investigaciones Científicas| [short rule]| Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Físico-Naturales| [long rule]| Trabajos del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales| Serie Botánica, Núm. 8.| Enumeración y Distribución Geográfica| de las| Muscíneas de la Península Ibérica| por| Antonio Casares Gil| (Con 7 figuras y 3 mapas.)| (Se ha publicado este Trabajo el 15 de Enero de 1915.)| Madrid| Establecimiento Tipográfico de Fortanet| Impresor de la Real Academia de la Historia| Libertad, 29.-Teléfono 991| [very short rule]. 179 pages, 7 figures, 3 colored maps.

Casares-Gil, Antonio. 1919. Junta para Ampliación de Estudios e Investigaciones Científicas| [short rule]| Instituto Nacional de Ciencias| [double rule]| Flora Ibérica| [elaborate rule]| Briófitas| (Primera Parte)| [short rule]| Hepáticas| por| A. Casares Gil| [shortrule]| Contiene cerca de 400 fotograbados de dibujos originales del autor| y 4 láminas en color.| [short rule]| Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales| Madrid (Hipódromo)| 1919. xx + 775 pages, 4 color plates, 399 figures, index.

Casares-Gil, Antonio. 1932. Junta para Ampliación de Estudios e Investigaciones Científicas| [short rule]| Instituto Nacional de Ciencias| [double rule]| Flora Ibérica| [elaborate rule]| Briófitas| (Segunda Parte)| [short rule]| Musgos| Parte Primera| por| A. Casares Gil| Con una Nota Biográfica y un Capítulo de Generalidades| por A. Caballero Segares| [shortrule]| Contiene 149 fotograbados de dibujos originales del autor.| [short rule]| Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales| Madrid (Hipódromo)| 1932. xxx + 434 pages, frontispiece portrait, 149 figures, index.

Casas de Puig, C. et. al. 1970-1976. Notulae Bryologicae. In 4 volumes of Acta Phytotaxonomica Barcinonensia. I-III, vol. 6: 1-22 (1970); IV-VII, vol. 10: 1-26 (1972); VIII-XIII, vol. 15 (misprinted as 14 and corrected with a stamp) (1975); XIV-XX, vol. 21:1-100 (1976). From number IX on, other authors are included.

Casas, Creu, et al. 1985-1992. Institut d’Estudis Catalans| [Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona–in Fasc. II only.]| Cartografia de Briòfits| Península Ibèrica i les Illes Balers, Canàries,| Açores i Madeira| Bryophytes Cartography| Iberian Peninsula, Balearic and Canary Islands,| Azores and Madeira| Creu Casas| Institut d’Estudis Catalans| [Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona–in Fasc. II only.]| Montserrat Brugués| [Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona–in Fasc. II only.]| Institució Catalana d’Història Natural| Rosa M. Cros| Institució Catalana d’Història Natural| [Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona–in Fasc. II only.]| Cecília Sérgio| Jardim Botânico, Lisboa| [vignette of moss] Goniomitrium seroi Casas [II–Acaulon casasianum Brugués & Crum; III–Cryphaea heteromalla (Hedw.) Mohr]| Barcelona| 1985 [1989; 1992]| Fascicle/Fascicule I: 1-50 [II: 51-100; III: 101-150]. I–[1] + 152 + [2] pages, 3 transparencies, loose maps 1-50; II–[1] + 155 + [2] pages, loose maps 51-100; III–[1] + 212 + [2] pages, loose maps 101-150. REV: BT 74: 7 (vol. 3).

Casas, Creu, Monserrat Brugués, and Rosa M. Cros. 2001. Institut d’Estudis Catalans| Secció Ciències Biològiques| Creu Casas| Monserrat Brugués| Rosa M. Cros| Flora dels Briòfits| dels Països Catalans| I. Molses| Amb la col.laboració de| Anna Barrón| Iolanda Filella} Elana Ruiz| Barcelona| 2001. 278 pages, 76 + 1 figures, , index.

Casas, C. M. Brugués, R. M. Cros & C. Sérgio. 2006. Handbook of mosses of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. Illustrated Keys to the Genera and Species. Institut d’Estudis Catalans. Barcelona.

Casas, C., M. Brugués, R. M. Cros, C. Sérgio & M. Infante. 2009. Handbook of liverworts and hornworts of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. Illustrated Keys to the Genera and Species. Institut d’Estudis Catalans.Barcelona.

Caspary, Robert. 1907. Atlas von dreissig Tafeln zu der Abhandlung: Die Flora des Bernsteins und anderer fossiler Harze des ostpreussischen Tertiärs. Nach dem Nachlasse des Verstorbenen bearbeitet von Richard Klebs in Königsberg. Königlich Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt (Berlin) , Neue Folge, Heft 4. 30 plates.

Caspari, S. 1994. Die Moosflora der Moore und feuchtgebiete im Südwestlichen Hunsrück. Limprichtia, No. 3: 111 + [51] pages, 100 maps, 3 tables, bibliography.

Castle, Hempstead. 1936-1959. A Revision of the Genus Radula. In 5 parts published in 4 different journals.

Catcheside, D. G. 1980. Handbook of the Flora and Fauna of South Australia, issued by the Handbooks| Committee on behalf of the South Australian Government and published by favour of| the Honourable the Premier (D. O. Tonkin, M.P.)| Mosses| of South Australia| by| D. G. Catcheside| M.A., D.Sc., F.A.A., F.R.S.| Copyright| Wholly set up and printed in Australia by| D. J. Woolman, Government Printer, South Australia| 12/12/80. 364 pages, 209 figures, bibliography, index. REV: BT 8: 7; JB 11: 847-848.

Cavers, Frank. 1911. The Inter-Relationships| of the Bryophyta| By Frank Cavers, D.Sc., F. L. S,| Lecturer in Botany at the School of Pharmacy and at| Goldsmiths’ College, University of London.| [short rule]| New Phytologist Reprint, No. 4.| [short rule]| Cambridge| At the Botany School| 1911. vi + [i] + 203, 72 figures, vaious bibliographies, index. [Reprinted from New Phytologist vols. 9 and 10] {inscribed “Dr. A. J. Grout [to A. J. Sharp added later]| With the author’s compliments}.

Cavers, Frank. 1964. The Inter-Relationships| of the Bryophyta| By Frank Cavers, D.Sc., F. L. S,| Lecturer in Botany at the School of Pharmacy and at| Goldsmiths’ College, University of London.| {short rule}| New Phytologist Reprint, No. 4.| with| additional notes| reprinted for| New Phytologist| by Dawsons of Pall Mall| London| 1964. vii + [i] + 200 + [15 unnumbered pages of additional notes, bibliography, index], 72 + [1] figures, various bibliographies. [Although reprinted from New Phytologist vols. 9 and 10, this stands as an entirely separate publication because of the additions.]

Chao, H.C. 1943. Studies on the Hepaticae of Fukien. Collected Papers (National University of Amoy) 1: 101–135 + 6 plates + map.

Chapman, Clara J., and Ethel J. Sanborn. 1941. Moss Flora of the Willamette| Valley, Oregon| By| Clara J. Chapman| and| Ethel I Sanborn| Associate Professor of Botany| [College logo]| Oregon State College| Corvallis, Oregon [from verso Oregon State Monographs| Studies in Botany| Number 4, June 1941 . . . ]. 72 pages, 5 plates, index.

Chen, Pan-Chieh, chief compiler, et al. 1963-1978. [Title page with 9 lines, all but 3,4, and 9 in Chinese] (Genera Muscorum Sinicorum)| (Pars Prima [Pars Secunda])| 1963 [1978]. Vol. 1. xv + 304 + 22 [index to Latin names] pages, figures 1-191. Vol. 2. viii + 331 pages [including index to Latin names], figures 192-400.

Chen, Pan-Chieh, chief compiler, et al. 1963-1978. [Title page with 9 lines, all but 3,4, and 9 in Chinese] (Genera Muscorum Sinicorum)| (Pars Prima)| 1963 [rule] Reprint 1977| by Otto Koeltz Science Publishers| D-6240 Koenigstein/West Germany. xv + 304 + 22 [index to Latin names] pages, figures 1-191.

Cheney, Lellen Sterling. 1897. North American Species of Amblystegium. Botanical Gazette, 24(4): 236-291, plates XI-XIII.

Chevallier, Daniel. 1974. CNRS N° A. O. 10280 [underlining indicates written by hand]| Thèse| Présentée| a l’Université Scientifique et Médicale de Grenoble| pour obtenir| le Grade de Docteur en Sciences Naturelles| par| Daniel Chevallier| Le manganèse dans la germination des spores de Mousses| Carence, besoin et utilisation cellulaire| Soutenue le 27 Juin 1974, devant la Commission d’Examen| M. P. Ozenda Président| Mme L. Kofler| MM. A. Moyse| E. J. Bonnot| R. Mache. [10] + 137 pages, 43 figures, 19 tables, bibliography.

Chiang, Tzen-Yuh. 1994. Phylogenetics and Morphological Evolution of the Dicnemonaceae (Mosses, Order: Dicranales) & Phylogenetics and Evolution of the Hylocomiaceae (Mosses, Orde: Hypnales). Doctoral Dissertation. Washington University, Missouri. 325 p.

Chiang, T.-Z., T.W. Hsu, S.-J. Moore & B. C. Tan. 2001. An updated checklist of Taiwan mosses. The Biological Society of China, Nantou, Taiwan. 36 pages.

Choe, Du Mun. 1980. [Two lines of Korean characters]| Illustrated Flora and Fauna| of| Korea| Vol. 24| Musci • Hepaticae| 1980| [line of Korean]. 790 + [2] pages, 296 figures, bibliography, index. [Mostly in Korean but pages 605-753 are a”A List of Musci and Hepaticae from Korea” in English, giving synonymy, localities in Korea, and distribution for 691 species. The bibliography is also in English.]

Chopra, R. N., and P. K. Kumar. 1988. Biology of| Bryophytes|| R. N. Chopra| Professor| Department of Botany| University of Delhi.| Delhi-110007, India|| P. K. Kumra| Department of Botany| Hans Raj College| University of Delhi.| Delhi-110007, India|| [logo]| Wiley Eastern Limited| New Delhi • Bangalore • Bombay • Calcutta • Hyderabad • Madras. xi + 350 pages, figures and bibliographies by chapter, index. REV: JB 16: 209-310.

Chopra, R. S. 1975. Botanical Monograph No. 10.| Taxonomy of Indian Mosses| (An Introduction)| by| R. S. Chopra| Dept. of Botany, Panjab University| Chandigarh| [logo]| Publications & Information Directorate (CSIR)| New Delhi – India| 1975. xl + 631 pages, 122 figures, bibliography, index. REV: JB 9: 408-409.

Chopra, R. S., and S. S. Kumar. 1981. Annales Cryptogamici et phytopathologici, Vol. 5| Mosses| of| The Western Himalayas| and Adjacent Plains| By| R. S. Chopra| 2132, Sector 15c| Chandigargh|| S. S. Kumar| Botany Department| Panjab University| [logo]| The Chronica Botanica Co.| E/2, Jhandewalan Extension, New Dehli-110055. Folding map, [1] + xvi + 142 pages, “67? plates occupying pages 65-136 the numbering being extremely idiosyncratic with one “plate” on several pages and two “plates” on one page, etc.; index. REV: JB 12: 513-514.

Christiansen, M. S., et al. 1985. Mogens Skytte Christiansen| Edvard von Krusensterna| Mats Wærn| Vår flora i färg| Kryptogamer| Illustrationer Carin Ax| Bengt Högström| Studio Frank| P. A. Norstedt & Söners Förlag| Stockholm. [1976, 1978, 1985. Tredje upplagen.] 334 pages, 33 figures, 501 color illustrations + unnumbered habitat scenes in color, bibliography, index.

Christy, John A.1979. Report on a Preliminary Survey of Sphagnum — Containing Wetlands of the Oregon Coast. Oregon Natural Area Preserves Advisory Committee to the State Land Board. Salem Oregon. 92 p.

Christy, John A. 1985. Identity and Limits of Limbella tricostata(Musci:| Ambylstegiaceae| by| John A. Christy| B. S., University of Oregon, 1978| A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfulment of| the Requirements for the Degree of | Master of Science| in The Faculty of Graduate Studies| Department of Botany| We accept this theiss as conforming| to the required standard| [signed] Bruce A. Bohm| W. B. Schofield| Fred R. Garders[?]| The University of British Columbia| August 1985| © John A. Christy, 1985. 215 pages, 42 figures, 9 tables, bibliography, appendices.

Christy, John A., and David H. Wagner. 1996. Guide for the Identification of Rare, Threatened or| Sensitive Bryophytes in the Range of the Northern| Spotted Owl, Western Washington, Western Oregon, and| Northwestern California| John A. Christy and David H. Wagner.| Printed by the Bureau of Land Management, Oregon-Washington State| Office, Portland, Oregon. 1996.| Note: Several illustrations in this guide are used with| permission from the original publisher and are so cited. These| illustrations may not be reproduced. In 8 parts with an appendix, each separately paginated; many illustrations, some in color; bibliographies. [Despite being “gray” literature, this looks like a very useful reference.]

Chuah-Petit, M. S. 2003. Mosses, Liverworts & Hornworts of Kenya. An illustrated guide with descriptions and figures of over 300 species and keys for identification. Jouve, Paris, France. 273 p.

Church J.M., Hodgetts N.G., Preston C.D. and Stewart N.F. 2001. British Red Data Books mosses and liverworts. Joint Nature Conservation Committee. 167 pages.

Churchill, Steven P. 1988. A revision of the moss genus Lepidopilum (Callicostaceae). Doctoral Dissertation. City University of New York, NY.293 p.

Churchill, Steven P. 1994. The Mosses of Amazonian| Ecuador| by Steven P. Churchill| 1994| AAU Reports 35| Department of Systematic Botany. University of Aarhus. iv + 211 pages, 50 figures, 4 tables, bibliography, index. REV: BT 81: 4.

Churchill Steven P., Balslev Henrick, Forero Enrique, Luteyn James L. 1995. Biodiversity and conservation of neotropical montane forests. Proceedings of the Neotropical montane forest biodiversity and conservation symposium, The New York Botanical Garden 21-26, June 1993. The New York Botanical Garden, New York. 702 Pages.

Churchill Steven P., Griffin Dana. III & Muñoz Jesus. 2000. A checklist of the mosses of the tropical Andean countries. Ruizia 17, 203 pages.

Churchill, Steven P., and Edgar L. Linares C. 1995. Instituto de Ciencias Naturales – Museo de Historia Natural| Biblioteca “Jose Jeronimo Triana” No. 12. Prodromus Bryologiae| Novo-Granatensis| Introduccion a la Flora de Musgos de Colombia| Steven P. Churchill| The New York Botanical Garden| &| EdgarL. Linares C.| Pontificia Universidad Javeriana| Ilustrado por| Gloria Mora González| Universidad de Antioquia| Parte 1 [2]| Adelotheciaceae a Funariaceae [Grimmiaceae a Trachypodiaceae]| Santafe de Bogota| 1995. 1: pages [10] + 1-453 + xxvi [index], figures 1-96; 2: pages [7] +455-924 [including index] + [2], figures 97-198, bibliography; both volumes with endpaper maps. REV: BT 95: 7.

Churchill Steven P., Ninel N. Sanjines A. & Claudia Aldana M. 2009. Catálogo de las Briofitas de Bolivia: Diversidad, Distribución y Ecología. La Rosa Editorial. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. 340 p.

Churchill S.P., C. Aldana M., J. Opisso & T. Morales. 2020. Familias y géneros de los musgos de los Andes tropicales. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, USA. 452 p.

 Clark, Lois, and T. C. Frye. 1928. The Liverworts| of the| Northwest| by| Lois Clark and T. C. Frye| [logo]| Reprinted from| Publications Puget Sound Biological Station| Vol. 6, pages 1-194, December 15, 1928| numerous unnumbered figures, bibliography, index [citation from wrapper of reprint]

Clarke, G. C. S. 1973. Manchester Museum Publications| New Series 1973| Publication No. NS.2.73| Type Specimens| in Manchester Museum Herbarium: Musci| G. C. S. Clarke, M.A., Ph.D.| Series Editor: J. Forde-Johnston, M.A., F.S.A.| Manchester Museum, The University, Manchester M13 9PL, England. [2] + 20 pages. REV: JB 8: 134-135.

Clarke, G. C. S., and J. G. Duckett. 1979. The Systematics Association| Special Volume No. 14| Bryophyte Systematics| Edited by| G. C. S. Clarke| British Museum (Natural History), London| and J. G. Duckett| Department of Plant Biology and Microbiology,| Queen Mary College, University of London| 1979| [AP logo]| Published for the| Systematics Association and the British Bryological| Soceity| by| Academic Press London New York Toronto| Sydney San Francisco. xii + 582 pages, figures and bibliographies by chapter, index. REV: JB 11: 369-371.

Cole, Marie C. 1982. An Illustrated Guide to the Leafy Genera of Costa Rican Hepaticae. Master thesis. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 76 p.

Compère, P., A. R. Perry, E. Robbrecht, H. Stieperaere, editors. 1990. Memoires de la Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique| Verhadelingen van de Koninklijke Belgische Botanische Vereniging| 12| Bryology and Lichenology| in Belgium| A Symposium Celebrating the Tenth Anniversity| of the “Vlaamse Verkgroep Bryologie”| Meise 26 November 1988| Publié avec l’aide financière| du “Ministerie van Onderwijs”| et| du Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique| [5 parallel lines in Flemish]| Bruxelles 1990 Brussel. 150 pages, figures and bibliographies by chapter. REV: BT 59: 10.

Conard, Henry S. 1944. How to Know| The Mosses| [leaf]| Pictured-Keys for determining many of the North American Mosses| and Liverworts, with suggestions and aids for their study.| by| Henry S. Conard| Professor of Botany, Grinnell College| President of the Sullivant Moss Society| Picture Key Nature Series [with vignette]| Published by | H. E. Jaques| Mt. Pleasant, Iowa| 166 pages, 363 numbered figures plus others, index.

Conard, Henry S. 1956. How to Know| The Mosses| and| Liverworts| Pictured-Keys for determining many of the North| American Mosses and Liverworts, with suggestions| and aids for their study.| by| Henry S. Conard, Ph.D., Sc.D.| Emeritus Professor of Botany, Grinnell College| Visiting Research Professor in Botany| State University of Iowa| Pictured Key| [key logo]| Nature Series| Revised Edition| Wm. C. Brown Company Publishers [last word over vignette of open book]| 135 South Locust Street • Dubuque, Iowa. ix [+1] + 226 pages, 442 numbered figures, index.

Conard, Henry S. 1956. Pictured Key| [key logo]| Nature Series| How to Know| [rule]| The Mosses| and Liverworts| Pictured-Keys for determining many of the| North American Mosses and Liverworts, with| suggestions and aids for their study.| Revised Edition| Henry S. Conard, Ph.D., Sc.D.| Emeritus Professor of Botany, Grinnell College| Visiting Research Professor in Botany| State University of Iowa| Wm. C. Brown Company Publishers| Dubuque, Iowa. [18th printing 1972 on verso] ix [+1] + 226 pages, 442 numbered figures, index.

Conard, Henry S., and Paul L. Redfearn, Jr. 1979. How to| Know the| Mosses and| Liverworts| Second Edition| Henry S. Conard| formerly of Grinnell College and| State University of Iowa| Revised by| Paul L. Redfearn, Jr.| Southwest Missouri State University| key vignette]| The Pictured Key Nature Series| Wm. C. Brown Company Publishers| Dubuque, Iowa. xi + 302 pages, 545 numbered figures, index.

Conard, Henry S., and Paul L. Redfearn, Jr. 1979. How to| Know the| Mosses and| Liverworts| Second Edition| Henry S. Conard| formerly of Grinnell College and| State University of Iowa| Revised by| Paul L. Redfearn, Jr.| Southwest Missouri State University| key vignette]| The Pictured Key Nature Series| Wm. C. Brown Company Publishers| Dubuque, Iowa. xi + 302 pages, 545 numbered figures, index.

Cooke, C. Montague, Jr. 1904. The Hawaiian Hepaticae of the Tribe Trigonantheae. Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 12:1-44, plates 1-15.

Cooke, M. C. 1894. Handbook| of| British Hepaticæ| containing| Descriptions and Figures| of| the Indigenous Species of| Marchantia, Jungermannia, Riccia| and Anthoceros.| by| M. C. Cooke, M.A., LL.D., A.L.S.| Author of “Easy Guide to the Study of British Hepaticae”.| With 7 Plates and 200 [sic] Woodcuts| London:| W. H. Allen & Co, Limited| 13 Waterloo Place, S.W.| 1894. vii + 310 pages, 7 plates, 201 text figures, bibliography, index.

Cooke, M. C. 1907. Handbook of| British Hepaticæ| Containing Descriptions and Figures of| the Indigenous Species of Marchantia,| Jungermannia, Riccia, and Anthoceros| By| M. C. Cooke, M.A., LL.D.| Author of “Microscopic Fungi,” “The British Fungi,” etc., etc.| With 7 Plates and 200 [sic] Woodcuts| Edinburgh: John Grant| 31 George IV. Bridge| 1907. vii + 310 pages, 7 plates, 201 text figures, bibliography, index.

Cooke, M. C. date?. British Hepaticæ, or scale-mossses and liverworts. Science Gossip, vol?:1-27, 200 figures.

Corbière, Louis. 1883? [1889 in sale list BBS]. Muscinées du Departement de la Manche. Mémoires de la Société des Sciences Naturelles de Cherbourg, 26: 196-368, 1 unnumbered plate, index.

Corley, M. F. V., and M. O. Hill. 1981. Distribution of| Bryophytes in the| British Isles| A Census Catalogue of their| Occurrence in Vice-Counties| Prepared by| M. F. V. Corley (Recorder of Hepatics) and| M. O. Hill (Recorder of Mosses)| [decoration]| British Bryological Society| Cardiff| 1981. 160 pages, 6 figures, indices. REV: BT 14: 6; JB 12:306-307.

Correns, Carl. 1899 (1976). Bryophytorum Bibliotheca| Herausgegeben von| J. Cramer| [rule| Band 7| Untersuchungen über die| Vermehrung der Laubmoose| durch Brutorgane und Stecklinge| von| Carl Correns| Reprint 1976| [logo]| J. Cramer| In der A. R. Gantner Verlag Kommanditgesellschaft| FL-9490 Vaduz. xxiv + 472 pages, 187 figures, bibliography, index.

Correns, Carl. 1899. Untersuchungen| über die| Vermehrung der Laubmoose| durch| Brutorgane und Stecklinge| Von| Dr. Carl Correns| a.ö. Professor der Botanik in Tübingen.| Mit 187 Abbildungen.| [elaborate rule]| Jena.| Verlag von Gustav Fischer.| 1899. xxiv + 472 pages, 187 figures, bibliography, index.

Cortini Pedrotti, Carmela. 1992. Carmela Cortini Pedrotti| Check-list of the Mosses of Italy| Fl. Medit.| 2: 119-221, 1992| Stampatori Tipolitografi Associati.

Cortini Pedrotti, Carmela. 2001. Carmela Cortini Pedrotti| Flora| dei muschi| d’Italia| Sphagnopsida| Andreaeopsida| Bryopsida (I parte)| [logo] Antonio Delfino Editore| [rule]| medicina-scienze. xii + [1] + 817 pages, 270 figures, bibliography, index. REV: BT 102: 2-3; 105: 2. {Delfino 6 May 2002 E76.02; paperback}.

Cortini Pedrotti, Carmela. 2006 Carmela Cortini Pedrotti| Flora| dei muschi| d’Italia| Bryopsida (II parte)| [logo] Antonio Delfino Editore|[rule]| medicina-scienze. xii + [1] + pages 818-1235, 109 figures,bibliography, index. {paperback}.

Cortini Pedrotti, C., R. Schumacker, M. Aleffi & E. Ferrarini. 1991. Elenco critic delle briofite delle Alpi Apuane (Toscana, Italia). Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège 60 (4-5): 149–341.

Costa, D. P. 2008. Metzgeriaceae (Hepaticae). Flora Neotropica Monograph 102: 1-170.

Crandall, B. J. 1969. Beihefte zur| Nova Hedwigia| [spanner]| Heft 30| Morphology and| Development of Branches| in the| Leafy Hepaticae| by| B. J. Crandall| with 78 plates| [press logo]| 3301 Lehre| Verlag von J. Cramer| 1969. vii + 261 pages, 78 plates with 418 figures, bibliography.

Cronberg, Nils. 1994. Genetic diversty and reproduction in Sphagnum (Bryophyta): Isozymes studies in S. capillifolium and related species. Doctoral Dissertation. Lund Univeristy, Sweden.

Crosby, Marshall R. 1999. Vade Mecum| Bryologiae I| Abbreviations| for bryological nomenclatural literature,| with full titles| and other useful information| Marshall R. Crosby| Missouri Botanical Garden| Hedwigan Soc.| St. Louis. 108 pages, bibliography. REV: BT 99: 11.

Crosby, Marshall R. 2000. Index of Mosses| 1996-1998| [The following is from the subsequent half[?] title.] Index of Mosses| a catalog of the names and citations for new taxa, combinations, and names| for mosses published during the years 1996 through 1998, inclusive, with| citations of previously published basionyms and replaced names together with| a bibliography of the publications in which these nova appeared| Marshall R. Crosby| [drawing of moss]| [logo]| Missouri| Botanical| Garden. [and on reverse] Monographs in Systematic Botany| from the Missouri Botanical Garden| Volume 80| etc. [5] + 65 pages.

Crosby, Marshall R. and John J. Engel. 2006. Index of Hepatics. 1974-2000. Published by Hattori Botanical Laboratory, Nichinan-shi, Japan. Printed by Kokusai Bunken Insatsusha. 368 pages.

Crosby, Marshall R. and Robert E. Magill. 1977. A Dictionary of| Mosses| an alphabetical listing of genera| indicating familial disposition, nomenclatural| and taxonomic synonymy| together with| a systematic arrangement of the| families of mosses| and| a catalogue of family names| used for mosses| Marshall R. Crosby| Robert E. Magill| Missouri Botanical Garden| St. Louis| 1977. vii + 43 pages. REV: JB 10: 83.

Crosby, Marshall R. and Robert E. Magill. 1978. A Dictionary of| Mosses| an alphabetical listing of genera| indicating familial disposition, nomenclatural| and taxonomic synonymy| together with| a systematic arrangement of the| families of mosses| and| a catalogue of family names| used for mosses| Second Printing, with corrections and additions| Marshall R. Crosby| Robert E. Magill| Published by| [logo] Missouri Botanical Garden| 1978. vii + 43 pages.

Crosby, Marshall R. and Robert E. Magill. 1981. A Dictionary of| Mosses| an alphabetical listing of genera| indicating familial disposition, nomenclatural| and taxonomic synonymy| together with| a systematic arrangement of the| families of mosses| and| a catalogue of family names| used for mosses| Third Printing, with corrections and additions| Marshall R. Crosby| Robert E. Magill| Published by| [logo] Missouri Botanical Garden| 1981. vii + 43 pages.

Crosby, Marshall R., and Robert E. Magill. 1994. Index of Mosses| 1990-1992| [The following is from the subsequent half[?] title.] Index of Mosses| a catalog of the names and citations for new taxa, combinations, and names| for mosses published during the years 1990 through 1992 with citations of| previously published basionyms and replaced names together with a| bibliography of the publications in which these nova appeared| Marshall R. Crosby| Robert E. Magill| [drawing o Fissidens to the side]| [logo]| Missouri| Botanical| Garden. [and on reverse] Monographs in Systematic Botany| from the Missouri Botanical Garden| Volume 50| Published in May 1994 in an edition of 500 copies.| etc. [5] + 87 pages. REV: JB 18: 381.

Crosby, Marshall R., and Robert E. Magill. 1997. Index of Mosses| 1993-1995| [The following is from the subsequent half[?] title.] Index of Mosses| a catalog of the names and citations for new taxa, combinations, and names| for mosses published during the years 1993 through 1995, inclusive, with| citations of previously published basionyms and replaced names together with| a bibliography of the publications in which these nova appeared| Marshall R. Crosby| Robert E. Magill| [drawing ofmoss to the side]| [logo]| Missouri| Botanical| Garden. [and on reverse] Monographs in Systematic Botany| from the Missouri Botanical Garden| Volume 62| Published in September 1997 in an edition of 500 copies.| etc. [5] + 106 pages.

Crosby, Marshall R., Robert E. Magill, and Cheryl R. Bauer. 1992. Index of Mosses| 1963-1989| [vignette]| [logo]| Missouri| Botanical| Garden. [The following is from the subsequent half[?] title.] Index of Mosses| a catalog of the names and citations for| new taxa, combinations, nad names for mosses| published during the years 1963 through 1989| with citations of previously published| basionyms and replaced names| together with| lists of the names of authors of the names| and| lists of names of publications used in the citations| Marshall R. Crosby| Robert E. Magill| Cheryl R. Bauer| [logo]| Missouri| Botanical| Garden. [and on reverse] Monographs in Systematic Botany| from the Missouri Botanical Garden| Volume 42| Published in June 1992 in an edition of 600 copies.| etc. [5] + 646 pages. REV: JB 17: 518.

Crosby, Marshall R., Robert E. Magill, Bruce Allen, and Si He. 1999. A Checklist| of the Mosses| Marshall R. Crosby| Robert E. Magill| Bruce Allen| Si He| [logo]| Missouri Botanical Garden| St. Louis. 306 pages, bibliography. .

Crum Howard A. 2004. Mosses of the Great Lakes Forest. The University of Michigan Herbarium, Ann Arbor. 592 pages. Version edited by W.R. Buck and C. Anderson.

Crum, Howard Alvin. 1984. Series II Part 11| North American Flora| Sphagnopsida| Sphagnaceae| Howard Crum| [logo]| Published by| The New York Botanical Garden| 11 May 1984. iv + 180 pages, 61 figures, bibliography, index. REV: JB 13: 437-438.

Crum, Howard Alvin. 1992. Contributions from the| University of Michigan| Herbarium| Volume 18| Festschrift in Honor of| Howard A. Crum| in Celebration of his 70th Birthday| University of Michigan Herbarium| Ann Arbor, Michigan| 22 August 1992. 147 pages, frontispiece, illustrated. REV: BT 72: 2.

Crum, Howard Alvin, and Edwin B. Bartram. 1958. Bulletin of the Institute of Jamaica| Science Series, No. 8.| A Survey of| the Moss Flora| of Jamaica| by| Howard Crum| and Edwin B. Bartram| Published by| The Institute of Jamaica| 1958. [1] + 90 pages, 22 figures, bibliography, index.

Crum, Howard Alvin, and Lewis E. Anderson. 1981 Mosses of| Eastern North America| Volume 1[2]| Howard A. Crum| and| Lewis E. Anderson| [vignette]| New York Columbia University Press. 2 vols; vol. 1, [v] + pages 1-663 pages, figures 1-314 ; vol. 2., [v] + pages 665-1328, figures 315-637, bibliography index. REV: BT 8: 7; JB 11: 848-852.

Crum, Howard Alvin, and William C. Steere. 1957. The New York Academy of Sciences| [short rule]| Scientific Survey| of| Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands| [short rule] Volume VII—Part 4| The Mosses of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands| H. A. Crum and W. C. Steere| [Academy logo]| New York| Published by the Academy| December, 13, 1957. Pages 395-599, 48 figures, index, bibliography.

Crum, Howard Alvin. 1951. The Appalachian-Ozarkian Element| in the Moss Flora of Mexico| with a Check-List of all Known Mexican Mosses| by| Howard Alvin Crum| A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment| of the requirements for the degree of| Doctor of Philosophy in the| University of Michigan| 1951| Committee in charge:| Professor Harley H. Bartlett, Chairman| Associate Professor Rogers McVaugh| Assistant Professor Elzada U. Clover| Assistant Professor Robert J. Lowry| Assistant Professor Charles F. Walker. viii + 504 pages, 35 plates, bibliography, 2 appendices (339-374 plates; 375-504 specimens examined). U. M. I. order number 3486.

Crum, Howard Alvin. 1973. Mosses| of the Great Lakes Forest| by| Howard Crum| University of Michigan| Contributions from the University of Michigan Herbarium| Volume 10, pp. 1-404, 1004 figures| University Herbarium, University of Michigan| Ann Arbor, Michigan. iii + 404 pages, 1004 figures, bibliography, index. REV: JB 8: 133-134.

Crum, Howard Alvin. 1973. Mosses| of the Great Lakes Forest| by| Howard Crum| University of Michigan| Contributions from the University of Michigan Herbarium| Volume 10, pp. 1-404, 1004 figures| University Herbarium, University of Michigan| Ann Arbor, Michigan. iii + 404 pages, 1004 figures, bibliography, index. .REV: JB 7: 133-134.

Crum, Howard Alvin. 1976. Mosses| of the Great Lakes Forest| Revised Edition| by| Howard Crum| [University Herbarium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan] iii + 404 pages, 1002 figures, bibliography, index.

Crum, Howard Alvin. 1983. Mosses| of the Great Lakes Forest| Third Edition| by| Howard Crum| [drawing]| [University Herbarium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan] 417 pages, 153 figures, bibliography, index.

Crum, Howard Alvin. 1988. A Focus on| Peatlands| and| Peat Mosses| Howard Crum| In Collaboration with Sandra Planisek Ann Arbor| The University of Michigan Press. [Original cloth edition]. [xi] + 306 pages, many figures numbered by chapter, bibliography, index. REV: JB 15: 809.

Crum, Howard Alvin. 1991 Liverworts| and| Hornworts| of| Southern Michigan| [rule]| Howard Crum| The University of Michigan Herbarium| Ann Arbor. vii + 233 pages, 104 figures, bibliography, index. REV: JB 17: 167-168.

Crum, Howard Alvin. 1992. A Focus on| Peatlands| and| Peat Mosses| Howard Crum| In Collaboration with Sandra Planisek| Ann Arbor| The University of Michigan Press. [First Paperback edition]. [xi] + 306 pages, many figures numbered by chapter, bibliography, index.

Crum, Howard Alvin. 2001. Structural Diversity| of Bryphytes| Howard Crum| [vignette of various bryophytes]| The University of Michigan Herbarium| Ann Arbor. [3] + 379 pages, 149 figures, bibliography, indexes. REV: BT 105: 2-3.

Cuccuini, P. 1997. L’erbario crittogamico italiano. Storia e struttura di una collezione. Museo Botanico dell’Università. Firenze, Italy. 165 pages.

Czernyadjeva, I. V. 2012. Mosses of Kamtchtaka Peninsula. St. Peterburg: Publishing house of ETU. 459 p.

Daniels, R. E., and A. Eddy. 1990. [Logo]| Natural| Environment| Research| Council| Institute of Terrestrial Ecology| Handbook of| European Sphagna| London: HMSO. 263 pages, 85 figures, 12 pages of color (plates 1i-viii = 4 pages of charts; plates 2-41 = photographs of plants), bibliography, index. REV: BT 41:8; JB 14: 391-392.

Darlington, Henry T. 1964. The Mosses| of Michigan| Henry T. Darlington| [silhouette of moss]| Cranbrook Institute of Science| Bulletin No. 47 • 1964. x + [2] + 212 pages, 147 figures, bibliography, index. REV: BT 61:7.

Davis, Charles A. 1911. The Uses of Pea for Fuel and Other Purposes. Bulletin 16 of the Department of the interior. Bureau of Mines. Washington, Government Printing Office. 214 p.

Davison, Paul G. 2008. A trailside Guide to Mosses ad Liverowrts of the Cherokee National Forest. Published by The Blurb at [with contributions from Mark. J. Pistrang]. 113 p.

Davy de Virville, Adrien. 1927. Adrien Davy de Virville| Docteur en Sciences| Secrétaire de la Revue Générale de Botanique| [rule]| L’Action du Milieu| sur les Mousses| [rule]| Avec 190 figures dans le texte et 18 planches, hors texte| [rule]| Paris| Librairie Générale de l’Enseignement| 4 Rue Dante 4| [short rule]| 1927. [The plates indicate that this is from the Revue Générale de Botanique.] 167 + [2] pages, 190 figures, 18 plates.

De Notaris, Guiseppe (J. De Notaris M.D). 1838. Syllabus Muscorum in Italia et in Insulis Circumstantibus husque congitorum. Taurini, ex Typographia Canfari. 331 pages + erratum.

De Saporta, G. & A.F. Marion. 1883. Die Paläontologische Entwicklung des Pflanzenreichs. F.A. Brockhaus. Leipzig, Germany. 250 pages.

De Sloover, Jean Louis. 1987. Catalogue des espèces et des localités citées dans ;les 20 premiers fascicules de l’herbier bryologie. Self published. Namur, Belgium. 32 p.

De Sloover, Jean Louis. 1995. Jean Louis De Sloover| éditeur| Les Muscinées Illustrées| Par J.J. Dillenius en 1741| &| Déterminées par| S.O.Lindberg en 1883| Namur 1995. [Verso of half-title: Facultés universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix,| a Namur (Belgique)| Collection| “Sciences du vivant”| [black rhombus]| Botanique| no 1]. 94 + [1] pages, facsimile of title page and 38 plates from Dillenius. REV: JB 20: 253.

De Sloover, Jean Louis. 1997. Jean Louis De Sloover| Hépatiques, mousses et muscinées | des Livres de Simples (1554-1644)| de Rembert Dodoens| Namur 1997. [Verso of half-title: Facultés universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix,| a Namur (Belgique)| Collection| “Sciences du vivant”| [black rhombus]| Botanique| no 2]. 194 + [1] pages, 86 figures (3 in color) [Fig 1 is on the cover], index.

De Sloover, Jean Louis. 1997. Jean Louis De Sloover| Les Muscinées | du Botanicon Parisiense (1727)| de Sébastien Vaillant| Namur 1997. [From verso of half-title: Facultés universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix,| a Namur (Belgique)| Collection| “Sciences du vivant”| [black rhombus]| Botanique| no 3]. 172 + [2] pages, 101 figures, bibliography, index. REV: JB 20: 529-530.

De Sloover, Jean Louis. 1998. Fac-similé| Dawson Turner | Muscologiæ Hibernicæ Spicilegium| 1804| Namur 1998. [From half title: avec une introduction de| Jean Louis De Sloover]. [From verso of half-title: Facultés universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix,| a Namur (Belgique)| Collection| “Sciences du vivant”| [black rhombus]| Botanique| no 4]. 305 pages, 2 unnumbered figures, 16 color plates, index. REV: JB 21: 79.

De Sloover, Jean Louis. 1999. Jean Louis De Sloover| Les mousses suédoises | de Swartz| (1799)| [14 lines Latin quote from Bridel and French translation]. [From verso of half-title: Facultés universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix,| a Namur (Belgique)| Collection| “Sciences du vivant”| [black rhombus]| Botanique| no 5]. 103 pages, 3 unnumbered figures, 9 color plates, index.

De Sloover, Jean Louis. 2000. Fac-similé| Dr. Christian Schkuhr | Deutschlands kryptogamische| Gewächse.| Zweyter Theil. Oder| vier und zwanzigste Pflanzenklasse,| enthalt die deutschen Moose.| Wittenberg, 1810 & 1811| En supplément| Ernst Fleischer, ed.| [Fascicule 3 : préface, index, pages 83-88, tab. 38 & 39]| Leipzig, 1847| Namur 2000. [From half-title: et une introduction de Jean Louis De Sloover]. [From verso of half-title: Facultés universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix,| a Namur (Belgique)| Collection| “Sciences du vivant”| [black rhombus]| Botanique| no 7]. 171 pages, 2 unnumbered figures [facsimile of t.p. and verso], 37 color plates, 2 monochrome plates, bibliography, index. REV: BT 105: 2.

De Sloover, Jean Louis. 2001. Les Muscinées des Quatre Premières Centuries (1728–1733) de J.C. Buxbaum. Collection Sciences du vivant vol. 8. 140 p. Presses Universitaires de Namur, Seilles, Belgique.

De Sloover, Jean Louis. 2003. Illustrations de mousses africaines. Scripta Botanica Belgica 281–224.

De Sloover, Jean Louis, and Anne-Marie Bogaert-Damin. 1999. Les Muscinées| du XVIe au XIXe Siècle| Dans les Collections de la| Bibliothèque Universitaire Moretus Plantin| Jean Louis De Sloover et Anne-Marie Bogaert-Damin| Bibliothèque Universitaire Moretus Plantin| Namur 1999. [From verso of half-title: Bibliothèque Universitaire Moretus Plantin| Publication no 8]. 257 pages, many unnumbered figures, 24 color plates, bibliography, index.

De Zutterer, Ph., and R. Schumacker. 1984. Ministère de la Région wallonne| Inspection générale de l’Environmement et des Forêts| [short rule]| Service de la Conservation| de la Nature| Travaux – No 13| [double spanner]| Bryophytes nouvelles, méconnues,| rares, menacées ou disparues| de Belgique| par| Ph. de Zuttere| et| R. Schumacker| 1984. [2] + 160 pages + unnumbered pages with 38 maps, 9 figures, bibliography. REV: BT 31: 8.

De Zuttere, Philippe, Jean-Pierre Duvivier, Marianne Mabille & Bernard Clesse. 2021. 50 bryophytes, 60 lichens & 32 ptéridophytes du Parc naturel Viroin-Hermeton (Belgique). Published by the Fondation Bryologique Philippe De Zuttere, Mariembourg, Belgium. 327 p. [Compilation by Camille Cassimans of species cards composed by the “Cellule Bryophytes du PCDN de Viroinval between 2008 et 2013).

Debat, P. 1867. Flore Analytique| des Genres et Espèces| appartenant| A L’Ordre des Mousses| pour servir| A leur détermination dans les départements du Rhône,| de la Loire, de Saône-et-Loire, de l’Ain, de l’Isère,| de l’Ardèche, de la Drôme et de la Savoie| Par L. Debat| Membre de ls Société Linnéene de Lyon| [short elaborate rule]| Paris| F. savy, libraire, rue Hautefeuille, 24.| Lyon| J. P. Mégret, libraire, quai de l’Hospital, 57,| [rule]| 1867. [1] + 195 pages.

Del Rosario. See Rosario.

Delgadillo Claudio M. 1991. II Symposio Latinamericano de Briologia. La Habana, Cuba. Instituto de Biología. Universidad Nacional de Mexico. Mexico. 48 p.

Delgadillo Claudio M. & Raquel Galván V. 1992. III Symposio Latinamericano de Briologia. Briología en el Neotrópico. Instituto de Biología. Universidad Nacional de Mexico. Mexico. 44 p.

Delgadillo Moya, Claudio, Bernardina Bello, and Angeles Cárdenas S. 1995. LATMOSS| A Catalogue of Neotropical Mosses| Claudio Delgadillo M.| Bernardina Bello,| Angeles Cárdenas S [moss drawings to right of authors’ names]| [press logo]| Missouri| Botanical| Garden| 1990| [from following title] Monographs in Systematic Botany| from the Missouri Botanical Garden| Vol. 56.| Published in 1995 in an edition of 500 copies 1995| etc. [iii] + 191 pages. REV: JB 19: 371-372.

Delgadillo Moya, Claudio. 1973. A Taxonomic Revision of Aloina, Aloinella,| and Crossidium (Musci)| by| Claudio Delgadillo M.| Department of Botany| Duke University| Date: July 20, 1973| Approved:| Lewis E. Anderson, Supervisor [signed above]| [four additional signatures]| A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the| requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy| in the Department of Botany in the Graduate| School of Arts and Sciences of| Duke University| 1973. ix + 234 pages, 131 figures, bibliography.

Delgadillo-Moya, C. 2015. Grimmia (Grimmiaceae, Bryophyta) in the Nootropics. Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. 88 p.

Delvosalle, L., F. Demaret, J. Lambinon, and A. Lawalrée. 1969. Plantes rares, disparues ou menacées de disparition en Belgique: L’appauvrissement de la flore indigène. Service des Réserves Naturelles Domaniales et de la Conservation da la Nature Travaux No. 4 [Dienst Domaniale Natuurreservaten en Natuurbescherming Werken No. 4]: 129 pages, 11 photos, 18 maps.

Demaret, F., and V. Leroy. 1944. Institut des Parcs Nationaux| du Congo Belge| [vertical rule]| Instituut der Nationale Parken| van Belgisch Congo| [short rule]| Exploration du Parc National Albert| [dash]| Mission J. Lebrun (1937-1938| [dash]| Fascicule 6| [very short dash]| Exploratie van het Nationaal Albert Park| [dash]| Zending J. Lebrun (1937-1938)| Aflevering 6| Mousses| par| F. Demaret & V. Leroy| (Bruxelles) [preceding 4 lines boxed]| [crest]| Bruxelles| 1944 [vertical rule| Brussel| 1944. 65 pages, 73 figures, index.

Demkiv, O. T., and K. M. Sytnik. 1985. [Morphogenesis of the Archegoniates]. Academy of Sciences Ukranian SSR. Kiev. 204 pages, 48 figures, bibliography, index.

Dia Maria Giovanna & Aiello Paola. 2000. Guida illustrata al muschi della Sicilia. L’Epos, Palermo. 124 pages.

Dickson, J. H. . 1973. Bryophytes| of the Pleistocene| The British Record and Its Chorological| and Ecological Implications| J. J. Dickson| Lecturer in Botany, The University of Glasgow| Formerly Senior Assistant in Research, The University of Cambridge and| Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge| Cambridge| at the University Press| 1973. ix + 256 pages, 96 figures, 41 tables, bibliography, index. REV: JB 8: 130-132; Ecology 55: 213-214.

Dickson, James. 1785-1801 (1976). Plantarum Cryptogamicarum| Britanniae.| by J. Dickson| New Introduction| by| Dr. D.L. Hawksworth| [logo]| The Richmond Publishing Co. Ltd. 1976 [Title page for part 4: Jacobi Dickson| Fasciculus Quartus| Plantarum Cryptogamicarum| Britanniæ.| [double rule]| Londini, 1801| Typis Gul. Bulmer et Soc.| Prostant venales apud Auctorem, in Foro Covent-garden;| et Ge. et Gul. Nicol, Bibliopolas Regios, in Vico| Pall-Mall.] [4] + pagination as in original; I, [3] + 26 + [2] pages, plates 1-3; II, [2]+ 31 pages, plates 4-6; III, [2] + 24 pages, plates 7-9; IV, [i] + 28 + 4 unnumbered pages of index, plates 10-12].

Dickson, James. 1785-1801. Jacobi Dickson| Fasciculus [Fasciculus Secundus][Fasciculus Tertius] Plantarum Cryptogamicarum| Britanniæ.| [crest][double rule instead of crest in remaining parts]| Londini, 1785 [1790][1793]:| Prostant venales apud Auctorem, in Foro Covent-garden;| & [et in remaining parts] G. Nicol, Bibliopolam Regium, in Vico Strand [Pall-Mall in remaining parts]. I, [3] + 26 + [2] pages, plates 1-3; II, [2]+ 31 pages, plates 4-6; III, [2] + 24 pages, plates 7-9; the fourth fascicle is missing in this copy; for title page see reprint below].

Dickson, James. 1800. Jacobi Dickson| Fasciculus| Plantarum| Cryptogamicarum| Britanniæ| Lusitanorum Botanicorum| in usum, Celsissimi ac Potentissimi| Lusitaniæ| Prilncipis Regentis| Domini Nostri,| et Jussu, et Auspiciis| Denuo Typis Mandatus,| Curante| Fr. Josepho Mariano Veloso.| [crest]| Ulysipone,| Typographia Domus Calcographicæ, ac Lit-| terariæ ad Arcum Caeci.| [rule]|M. DCCC. 94 pages, 18 plates interspersed.

Dierssen, Klaus. 1996. Bestimmungschlüssel der Torfmoose in NordDeutschland. Mitteilung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Geobotanik in Schleswig-Holstein und Hamburg 50: 1–86.

Dierssen, Klaus. 2001. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca Band 56| [spanner]| Klaus Dierssen| Distribution, ecological| amplitude and phytosociological| characterization of European| bryophytes| With 1 figure| [logo]| J. Cramer in der Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung| Berlin • Stuttgart 2001. 289 pages, 1 figure, bibliography.

Dilg, Claudia. 1998. Epiphytische Moose und Flechten als Bioindikatoren der Luftqualität im Stadtgebiet von Bonn. Limprichtia, No. 11: 94 + [48] pages, 15 figures, 17 tables, 14 maps + [88 unnumbered maps in Appendix B], 3 appendices, bibliography.

Dillenius, John Jac. 1741. Historia| Muscorum| in Qua Circiter| Sexcentæ Species| Veteres et Novae| ad Sua Genera Relatæ| Describuntur| et Iconibus Genuinis| Illustrantur| cum| Appendice| et| Indice Synonymorum.| [long rule]| Opera Jo. Jac. Dillenii, M.D. in Universitate Oxoniensi| Botanices Professoris Sherardini.| [long rule]| Oxonii| E Theatro Sheldoniano.| MDCCXLI. xvi + 576 pages, 85 plates, index.

Dillenius, John Jac. 1768. Historia Muscorum| a| General History| of| Land and Water, &c.| Mosses and Corals,| Containing| All the Known Species,| Exhibited by about 1000 Figures, on 85 large Royal| 4to Copper Plates, collected, drawn and engraved in the best Manner from the Originals. By the Author| John Jac. Dillenius, M. D. F. R. S.| Sharrard Professor of Botany in the University of Oxford.| Their Names, Places of Growth, and Seasons, in English| and Latin, referring to each Figure.| London:| Printed for J. Millan, opposite the Admiralty, Whitehall. 1768. (Price 1l. 11s. 6d.)| [8 lines of advertisement]. (2) + 13 pages, 85 plates.

Dixon, H. N. 1896. [All Rights Reserved].| The| Student’s Handbook| of| British Mosses| – by -| H. N. Dixon, M.A., F.L.S.;| With Illustrations, and Keys to the Genera and Species,| – by -| H. G. Jameson, M.A.,| Author of “Illustrated Guide to British Mosses.”| Eastbourne:| Printed and Published by V. V. Sumfield, “Standard” Office.| London:| Sold by John Wheldon & Co., 58, Great Queen Street.| 1896.| Price 18s. 6d. xlvi + 520 pages, 60 plates, index.

Dixon, H. N. 1904. [All Rights Reserved].| The| Student’s Handbook| of| British Mosses| – by -| H. N. Dixon, M.A., F.L.S.;| With Illustrations, and Keys to the Genera and Species,| – by -| H. G. Jameson, M.A.| Author of “Illustrated Guide to British Mosses.”| {rule]| Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged.| Eastbourne:| Printed and Published by V. V. Sumfield, Station Street.| London:|

Dixon, H. N. 1913-1929. New Zealand Institute.| Bulletin No. 3.| [rule]| Studies in the| Bryology of New Zealand,| with special reference to the herbarium of Robert Brown,.of Christchurch, New Zealand.| By H. N. Dixon, M.A., F.L.S.| [rule]| Part I.| [rule| etc. omitted. in 6 parts needs proper collation. 372 pages, 10 plates; overall titlepage, contents with dates of issue, and xviii pages of index bound at back. REDO.

Dixon, H. N. 1924 (1954). All Rights Reserved.| The| Student’s Handbook| of British Mosses| by| H. N. Dixon, M.A., F.L.S.| With Illustrations and Keys to| The Genera and Species by| H. G. Jameson, M.A.| Reprint of Third Edition| Eastbourne:| Printed and Published by Sumfield & Day Ltd| London:| Sold by Wheldon & Wesley, Ltd.,| 83/84 Berwick Street, London, W.1| 1954.| xlvii + 582 pages, 63 plates, index.

Dixon, H. N. 1924 (1970). | The| Student’s Handbook| of British Mosses |by| H. N. Dixon, M.A., F.L.S.;| With Illustrations, and Keys to| The Genera and Species, |by |H. G. Jameson, M.A.| Third Edition, Revised and Enlarged.| Codicote:| Wheldon & Wesley, Ltd. [Authorized reprint, 1970].

Dixon, H. N. 1924. [All Rights Reserved].| The| Student’s Handbook| of British Mosses| by| H. N. Dixon, M.A., F.L.S.| With Illustrations and Keys to| The Genera and Species by| H. G. Jameson, M.A.| Third Edition, Revised and Enlarged.| Eastbourne:| Printed and Published by V. V. Sumfield, Station Street.| London:| Sold by Wheldon & Wesley, Ltd., Arthur Street, W.C.2.| 1924.| xlviii + 582 pages, 63 plates, index.

Dixon, H. N. 1927. Fossilium Catalogus| II: Plantae.| Editus a| W. Jongmans.| [rule]| Pars 13:| H. N. Dixon| Muscineae.| [vignette]| W. Junk| Berlin W 15| 1927.

Dixon, H. N. 1960. Results of the Norwegian Scientific Expedition| to Tristan da Cunha 1937-1938. No. 48| [rule]| H. N. Dixon| Mosses of Tristan da Cunha| Published by| Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi| I Oslo| [rule] Oslo| I Kommisjon Hos H. Aschehoug & Co. (W. Nygaard)| 1960. 49 pages, bibliography.

Dombray, Pierre. 1926. . Série A. no 1045| No. d’ordre: 1884| [horizontal bracket] | Thèses| Présentées| a la Faculté des Sciences| de l’Universite[sic] de Paris| pour obtenir| le Grade de Docteur ès-Sciences Naturelles.| par| Pierre Dombray| Licencié ès-Sciences Naturelles| Préparateur d’Histoire naturelle médicale et de Parasitologie| à la Faculté de Médecine de Nancy| [elaborate rule]| 1re Thèse : Contribution à l’étude des corps oléiformes| des hépatiques.des environs de Nancy.| 2e Thèse : Propositions données par la Faculté.| Soutenues le [ space left blank, “18 Mars” in pen] 1926, devant la Commission d’Examen| [rule]| Mm. Rabaud . . . . Prèsident| Dangeard . . . .| Dereims . . . . [bracket] Examinateurs.| [elaborate rule]| Société d’Impressions Typographiques| Nancy. [2] + 211 pages, 10 plates, bibliography, index.

Domínguez, E., and D. Vega-Valdés (eds.). 2015. Funciones y servicios ecosistémicos de las turberas en Magallanes. Colección de libros INIA N˚33. Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarua. Centro Regional de Investigación Kampenaike. Punta Arenas, Chile. 334 p.

Douin, Charles. 1895. Nouvelle Flore des Mousses et des Hépatiques pour la determination facile des espèces, avec 1291 figures inédites. Nouvelle édition revue et corrigée. Librariei Générale de l’enseignement, Paris, France. 186 p.

Douin, Robert. 1920. Recherches| sur les| Marchantiés| par| Robert Douin| Docteur És-Sciences| Agrégé des Sciences Naturelles| Préparateur à la Sorbonne| {rule]| Nemours| Imprimerie Memourienne, Henri Bouloy| [very short rule]| 1920. [5] +99 pages, 45 figures, 32 plates, bibligraphy. The running heads of the plates indicate that this is from Revue Générale de Botanique, vol. 33.

Doyle, William T. 1962. The Morphology and Affinities of the Liverwort Genus Geothallus. University of California Publications in Botany, 33: 185-268, 16 plates, 9 figures.

Doyle, William T. 1964. William T. Doyle| Northwestern University| Nonvascular| Plants: Form| and Function| Wadsworth Publishing Comparny, Inc.| Belmont, California. [Fundamentals of Botany Series]. vi + [1] + 147 pages, figures numbered by chapter, bibliography, index.

Doyle, William T. 1970. [Current Concepts in Biology Series]. The Biology of| Higher Cryptogams| William T. Doyle| University of California, Santa Cruz| The Macmillan Company| Collier-Macmillan Limited, London. [9] + 163 pages, figures numbered by chapter, bibliography, index. REV: JB 6:352.

Dozy, François. 1856. Plagiochila Sandei Dz.| Icone Illustrata.| Accedunt| Novae Hepaticarum Javanicarum Species| a| C. M. v.d. Sande Lacoste M. D.|Breviter Descriptae.| Edi Curavit| F. Dozy.| [elaborate rule]| Lugduni-Batavorum.| apud Jacm. Hazenberg Corn. Film.| 1856. 12 + [2] pages + 1 plate.

Dozy, François., & J. H. Molkenboer. 1844. Muscorum Frondosorum| Novae Species| ex| Archipelago Indico et Japonia.| [short rule]| Conjunctis Studiis Scripserunt| F. Dozy et J. H. Molkenboer.| Medicinæ Doctores.| [elaborate rule]| Lugduni Batavorum| Sumtibus H. W. Hazenberg & Soc.| [short rule]| 1844. [vi] + 22 pages. This copy unopened; pages 1- 16 are signature 1, 17-22 and the front matter are signature 2. In original wrappers, with “Musci Frondosi| ex| Archipelago Indico et Japonia.” on front.

Dozy, François., & J. H. Molkenboer. 1851. Prodromus| Florae Batavae.| [short rule]| In Sociorum Inprimis Usum Edendum Curavit| Societas | Promovendo Florae Batavae studio.| [short rule]| Volumen II. Pars I. [Pars II]| (Plantae cellulares. Musci frondosi et Hepaticae.) [(Plantae cellulares. Lichenes, Byssaceae et Algae.)]| [elaborate rule]| Sumtibus Societatis,| apud| Jac. Hazenberg, Cornelii Fil.| [dash]| 1851 [1853]. pages viii + 1-116 + 3 plates, index [viii + 117- 301, index]. [Pars II by R B. van den Bosch. Separate title page for the entire volume dated 1853]. {Meemelink, 23 May 2003, E137.00 with postage; 2 parts bound in one volume, half pebbled leather and marbled boards, ex libris Koninklijke Nederlandsche Botanische Vereeniging stamp on t.p.}.

Dr. Hiroshi Inoue Commemorating Committee. 1990. Dr. Hiroshi Inoue Memorial Publication. National Science Museum Tokyo. Japan. 330 p.

Dreesen P. no date. Die Laubmoose des Siebengebierges. Manuscript folded inside “Sammelband 19. Flora von West-Deutschland II. Musci I.” Filed under “Anonymous”.

Dressen P. 1927. Die Laubmosse des Siebengebirges. Sonder-Abdruck aus den Sitzungberichten des Botanischen und Zoologischen Verreins. Pages 51-58. No journal or other publication information included. Included in “Sammelband 19. Flora von West-Deutschland II. Musci I.” Filed under “Anonymous”.

Drygalski, Erich von. 1906. Deutsche| Südpolar-Expedition| 1901-1903| Im Auftrage des Reichsamtes des Innern| Herausgegeben von| Erich von Drygalski| Leiter de Expedition| VIII. Band| Botanik.| Heft I| [Contents listing 6 articles in 7 lines: see Schiffner 1906, Brotherus 1906]| [press logo]| Berlin| Druck und Verlag von Georg Reimer| 1906. [from cover]. 176 pages, + 1 table, + 19 plates .

Du Mortier, B. C. 1874. Hepaticae Europae.| [spanner]| Jungermannideae Europae| Post Semiseculum Recensitae,| Adjunctis Hepaticis,| Auctore| Barth. Car., Du Mortier,| Belgii Status Ministro,| Deputatorum Aulae, Necnon Acad. Sc. Belgii, etc. Membro,| Societatis Regiae Botanices Belgii Praeside.| [small spanner]| Bruxellis et Lipsiae,| Apud C. Muquardt,| nunc H. Merzbach.| [dash]| 1874| 205 pages, 4 [hand-colored] plates, index. [Schuster 1966 gives the citation for this as “Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. 13: 1-203”. = Bulletin de la Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique but this seems to be nonsense as TL2 has it independently published so that perhaps Schuster’s reference is to a review.]

Du Mortier, B. C. 1831. Sylloge| Jungermannidearum| Europae Indigenarum,| earum| Genera et Species Systematicè Complectens.| Auctore| B. C. Dumortier,| Comt. Belg. General. Membro; Acad. Reg. Scient. et Litt. Belg. Socio. Etc.| [rule]| Tornaci Nerviorum,| Typis J. Casterman.| [dash]| 1831.| 100 pages + 2 handcolored plates. Boards. {inscribed by the author “Viro Doctissimo Schwann[?] ab auctore B. C. Dumortier”, brown paper with stamp of Jósef Krupa and signature of “Dr. Schiffner 1893? glued to half-title, which has ink signature of J. Proskauer, name stamp of William T. Doyle, and a pencil annotation “Dupl ex Hb Dahlem”}.

Duarte Bello, Pedro Pablo. 1997. Musgos de Cuba| Pedro Pablo Duarte Bello| Academia de Ciencias de Cuba| Real Jardín Botánico, de Madrid| Universidad Complutense de Madrid. [2nd t.p. first two lines the same + Fontqueria XLVII| Madrid 1997.] xxii + 717 pages, 319 plates, 329 maps, bibliography, index. REV: BT 96:14.

Duda, Josef, and Jiri Vána. 1967-1984. Die Verbreitung der Lebermoose in der Tschechoslowakei (Einleitung) [II etc.] [Rozsirení játrovek v Ceskoslovensku — úvod [II etc.]]. Acta Musei Silesiae, Series A (parts I-V); [in part VI is added: Casopis Slezskeho Muzea; part VII has “Cas. vlastiv. Spol. muz., Olomouc, sci nat., 60(1):17-30, 1970” typed at the top; Acta Muzea Silesiae is dropped with part XXI(1977) “Opava” is added to journal name in 1978. The German title is dropped in 1979]. I, 1967:16; II-III, 1968:17; IV-V, 1969:18; VI, 1970:19; VII, see above; VIII, 1970:19; IX-X, 1971:20; XI-XII, 1972:21; XIII-XIV, 1973:22; XV-XVI, 1974:23; XVII-XVIII, 1975:24; XIX-XX, 1976:25; XXI-XXII, 1977:26; XXIII-XXIV, 1978: 27; XXV-XXVI, 1979:28; XXVII-XXIX, 1980:29; XXX-XXXII, 1981:30; XXXIII-XXXV, 1982:31; XXXVI-XXXVIII, 1983:32; XXXIX-XLI, 1984:33.

Duell, R., et al. 1999. R. Duell A. Ganeva A. Martincic Z. Pavetic†| Contributions to the Bryoflora| of former Yugoslavia and Bulgaria| Checklists of the bryophytes of former Yugoslavia and Bulgaria| as well as the results of excursions| IDH-Verlag Bad Münstereifel. 199 pages, bibliography. {Gratis Ochyra Nov 2000; blue heavy paper wrappers with no printing.}

Düll, Ruprecht, and Ludwig Meinunger. 1989. Ruprecht Düll| Ludwig Meinunger| Deutschlands Moose| Die Verbreitung der deutschen Moose in der | BR Deutschland und in der DDR,| ihre Höhenverbreitung, ihre Arealtypen,| sowie Angaben zum Rückgang der Arten.| 1 Teil: Anthocerotae, Marchantiatae| bryatae: Sphagnidae, Andreaeidae,| Bryidae: Tetraphidales – Pottiales| mit 4 Übersichtstafeln| sowie 98 Arealkarten| IDH – Verlag Bad Münstereifel – Ohlerathe 1989. .368 pages, plates [= maps] 1-102, index.

Düll, Ruprecht. 1980. Decheniana| [underline]| Beiheft| 24.| Ruprecht Düll| Die Moose (Bryophyta) des Rheinlandes| (Nordrhein-Westfalen, Bundesrepublik| Deutschland)| unter Berücksichtigung der selteneren Arten des benachbarten| Westfalen un Rheinland=Pfalz| Ein Pucnktartenatlas mit ökologischer Charakteristik aller Arten| sowie Angabe des Arealtyps nebst Erläuterungen zur Gesamtverbreitung| Der Druck des Bandes wurde durch Zuschüsse des Landschaftsverbands Rheinland un der Gesellschaft der Freunde der Niederrheinischen Universität Duisburg e. V. gefördert| Im Selbstverlag des Naturhistorischen Vereins| Bonn| Decheniana – Beihefte (Bonn) Nr. 24 Seite 1-365 April 1980 ISSN 0416-833 X [last line in 4 boxes]. 365 pages, unnumbered maps. REV: JB 11: 563. REV: BT 4: 7.

Düll, Ruprecht. 1985. Ruprecht Düll| Exkursionstaschenbuch| der wichtigsten| Moose Deutschlands| Eine Einfürung in die Mooskunde, mit besonderer| Berücksichtigung der Biologie und Ökologie der| Moose.| Für die Lupenbestimmung der leicht erkennbaren| Arten im Gelände.| Mit ca 70 Bildtafeln.| IDH-Verlag für Bryologie und Ökologie| Rheurdt 1985. [2] +273 pages, 66 figures. REV: BT 41: 8.

Düll, Ruprecht. 1991. Ruprecht Düll| Die Moose Tirols| Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung| Des Pitztals/Ötztaler Alpen| [Band 2]| IDH-Verlag Bad Münstereifel-Ohlerath 1991. 1: [3] + pages 1-224 + 3], 3 + [1] figures, many unnumbered maps; 2: [3] + pages 225-441 + [4]. plates 19-30. REV: BT 66/67: 11-12.

Düll, Ruprecht. 1994. Ruprecht Düll| Deutschlands Moose| Die Verbreitung der deutschen Moose in der | Bundesrepublik Deutschland in den heutigen Grenzen,| ihre vertikale und zonale Verbreitung, ihre Arealtypen,| Sporophytenhåufigkeit, sowie Angaben zum Rückgang der Arten.| und zu ihrer Gefährdung.| 2 Teil| Grimmiales – Orthotrichales| mit 51 Arealkarten| IDH – Verlag Bad Münstereifel – Ohlerathe 1994. .[3] + 211 pages, plates [= maps] 103- 154.

Düll, Ruprecht. 1994. Ruprecht Düll| Deutschlands Moose| Die Verbreitung der deutschen Moose in der | Bundesrepublik Deutschland in den heutigen Grenzen,| ihre vertikale und zonale Verbreitung, ihre Arealtypen,| Sporophytenhåufigkeit, sowie Angaben zum Rückgang der Arten.| und zu ihrer Gefährdung.| 3 Teil| Orthotrichales: iaceae – Hypnobryales: Hypnaceae| | mit 46 Arealkarten| IDH – Verlag Bad Münstereifel – Ohlerathe 1994. .256 pages, plates [= maps] 155-282.

Duncan, J. B. 1926. A Census Catalogue| of| British Mosses| with| List of the Botanical Vice-Counties and their boundaries,| and Lists of Sources of Records| (2nd edition),| compiled for| The British Bryological Society| (Formerly the Moss Exchange Club)| by| J. B. Duncan,| Showing the comparative frequency of each Species and Variety| by means of a Census, indicating its distribution through the| 112 Watsonian Vice-County Divisions of Great Britain, and| R. Lloyd Praeger’s 40 County Divisions of Ireland,| also the Channel Islands.| [double rule]| Berwick=on=Tweed| Martin’s Printing Works, Ltd., 64 and 66 West Street.| 1926. 65 + [1] pages, index.

Dunham, Elizabeth Marie. 1916. How| To Know the Mosses| A Popular Guide to the Mosses| of the| Northeastern United States| Containing keys to eightly genera| and short descriptions of over one hundred and| and fifty species with special reference to the| distinguishing characteristics that are| apparent without the aid of a lens| by| Elizabeth Marie Dunham| Member of the Sullivant Moss Society| With Illustrations by| the Author| [vignette]| Boston and New York| Houghton Mifflin Company| The Riverside Press Cambridge. xxv + 287 pages, 7 plates and many text figures, index.

Dunham, Elizabeth Marie. 1951. How| To Know the Mosses| A Popular Guide to the Mosses| of the| Northeastern United States| Containing keys to eightly genera| and short descriptions of over one hundred and| and fifty species with special reference to the| distinguishing characteristics that are| apparent without the aid of a lens| by| Elizabeth Marie Dunham| Member of the Sullivant Moss Society| With Illustrations by| the Author| [press logo]| The Mosher Press| 81 Washington Street| Boston Massachussets| 1951| xxv + 289 pages, 7 plates and many text figures, index.

Dunk, von der, Klaus, see von der Dunk, Klaus.

Dupret, H. 1934. Études sur les mousses de la région de Montréal. Contributions du Laboratoire de Botanique de l’Université de Montréal 25: 1–70.

During, H. J. 1977. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca| Herausgegeben von| J. Cramer| [rule]| Band 12| A Taxonomical Revision| of the Garovaglioideae| (Pterobryaceae, Musci)| by| H. J. During| with 80 figures| [press logo]| 1977 • J. Cramer| in der A. R. Gantner Verlag Kommanditgesellschaft| FL-9490 Vaduz. 244 pages, 80 figures, 2 indexes, bibliography. REV: JB 10: 215-216.

Dury, Marie-Noëlle. 1974. Étude taxonomique des espèces africaines de la section Semilimbidium C. Müll., du genre Fissidens Hedw. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Dijon, France. 154 p. + 21 plates.

Dusén, P. 1895-1896. Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar. Bandet 28. N:o 2 [3].| [rule]| New and Some Little Known Mosses| from| The West Coast of Africa.| by| P. Dusén.| I. [II.]| with 6 plates.[1 plate.]| [short rule]| Communicated to the R. Swedish Academy of Sciences June 12th 1895 [February 12th 1896]| Revised by S. Berggren [V. Wittrock] and A. G. Nathorst.| [rule]| Stockholm 1895. [1896.]| Kungl. Boktryckeriet. P. A. Norstedt & Söner. Part 1, pages 1-56, plates 1-6; part 2, pages 1-44, 1 unnumbered plate. SHELVED REPRINTS

Dusén, P. 1895-1896. New and Some Little Known Mosses from The West Coast of Africa. Part 1, pages 1-56, plates 1-6; part 2, pages 1-44, 1 unnumbered plate. Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar. Bandet 28. (Bound copy)

Dusén, P. 1903. [Musci of Princeton Patagonian Expedition] See W. B. Scott, 1903.

Dusén, P. 1903-1906. Beiträge zur Bryologie der Magellansländer, von Westpatagonien und Südchile. 1. [2. 3. 4. 5.]. Arkiv för Botanik, 1 1903): 441-465 + 28 plates, [4, no. 1 (1905): 1-45 + 11 plates], [4, no 13 (1905): 1-24 + 8 plates], [6, no 8 (1906): 1-40 + 12 plates], [6, no. 10 (1906): 1-32 + 6 plates]. NEED ORIGINAL PAGINATION. SHELVED REPRINTS

Dyer, A. F., and J. G. Duckett. 1984. The Experimental Biology| of Bryophytes| Edited by| A. F. Dyer| Department of Botany| University of Edinburgh| Edinburgh, U. K.| and J. G. Duckett| School of Biological Sciences| Queen Mary College| London, U. K.| 1984| [AP logo]| Academic Press| (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers)| London Orlando San Diego New York| Toronto Montreal Sydney Tokyo. xvi + [1] +281 pages, figures and bibliographies by chapter, index. REV: BT 32: 7; American Scientist 74: 86.

Eckel, Patricia M. 1998. Re-evaluation of Tortella (Musci, Pottiaceae) in conterminous U.S.A. and Canada with a treatment of the European species Tortella nitida. Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, 36: 117-191, 11 plates, bibliography. See Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, SHELVED REPRINTS.

Eckel, Patricia M. 1998. Re-evaluation of Tortella (Musci, Pottiaceae) in conterminous U.S.A. and Canada with a treatment of the European species Totrtella nitida. Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences 36: 117–191. (Filled under Both E.E., 1998. Contributions to the Natural Sciences and Anthropology)

Eddy, Alan. 1977. Sphagnales of Tropical Asia. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Botany 5(7): 357-445, 25 figures, 17 maps, plates 37-40.

Eddy, Alan. 1988-1996. [The Natural History Museum][Vol. 3 only.] A Handbook of| Malesian Mosses| Volume 1 [2][3]| Sphagnales to Dicranales [Leucobryaceae to Buxbaumiaceae] [Sphlachnobryaceae to Leptostomataceae] | Alan Eddy| Botany Department| British Museum (Natural History) [replaced in vol. 2 by Natural History Museum Publications| London; in vol 3 by LONDON: HMSO]. 3 volumes to date [1988, 1990, 1996]: vol. 1, [7] + 204 pages, figures 1-165, bibliography, index.; vol. 2, [6] + 256 pages, figures 166-326 , bibliography, index; vol. 3, [6] + 277 pages, figures 327-510, bibliography, index. [There is no indication of the date of publication anywhere in Vol. 2; taken from Koeltz invoice to Hoe.] REV: Vol 1. BT 47:11; vol. 2 BT: 59: 10.

Edwards, Mercer Boyd, Jr. 1973. Mosses of Northeast Mississippi| By| M. Boyd Edwards| A Dissertation| Submitted to the Faculty of| Mississippi State University| in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements| for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy| in the Department of Botany| Mississippi State, Mississippi| May 1973. xii + 204 pages, 93 figures, bibliography.

Edwards, Sean R. 1992. [Society logo]| British Bryological Society| Special Volume No. 4| Mosses in English Literature| Sean R. Edwards| [illustrations]| St Winefride’s Moss and Seal| British Bryological Society| Cardiff| 1992. [4] + 44 pages, 12 figures, bibliography. REV: JB 17: 379.

Edwards, Sean R. 1999. [Society logo]| British Bryological Society| Special Volume No. 5| English Names for British Bryophytes| second edition| Hart’s-tongue Thyme-moss| [illustrations]| Sean R. Edwards| British Bryological Society| Cardiff| 1999. [3] + 80 pages, 1 figure, bibliography. REV: BT 95: 9 [first ed. available only as on demand, per message included with copy here.]

Ee Lee, Gaik, and S. Robbert Gradstein. 2021. Guide to the Genera of Liverworts and Hornworts of Malaysia. Hattori Botanical Laboratory, Japan. 234 p.

Ekart, Tobias Philipp. 1832. Synopsis| Jungermanniarum| in Germania| Vicinisque Terris| Hucusque Cognitarum| Figuris CXVI. Microscopico – Analyticis| Illustrata| Auctore| Tobia Philippo Ekart,| Philos. Doctore,| Nonnularum Societatum Litt. Socali etc.| [double rule]| Coburgi| Sumtibus J. G. Riemanni,| MDCCCXXXII.| Londini apud Black, Young et Young; — Treuttel et Richter.| Parisiis apud Bossange; — Treuttel et Würz| Havniae apud Gyldendal. xvi + 72 pages, 13 plates, index.

Eldridge, David, and Merrin E. Tozer. 1997. A Practical Guide to| Soil Lichens| and| Bryophytes| of Australia’s Dry Country| [3 descending square color photographs]| David Eldridge • Merrin E. Tozer • Photography by Heino Lepp. [From verso—Department of Land and Water Conservation, Sydney]. viii + 80 pages, color photographs and line drawings, bibliography, index. REV: BT 94: 8.

Ellison, Marlon Louis. 1964 The Hepatic Flora of Texas| by Marlon Louis Ellison| B. S., Iowa State University, 1940| M. S., Trinity University, 1961| Submitted to the Department of| Botany and the Faculty of the| Graduate School of the Univer-| sity of Kansas in partial ful-| fillment of the requirements| for the degree of Doctor of| Philosophy.| Advisory Committee: [signed] Ronald L. McGregor| Chairman| [two additional signatures]| July, 1964. [3] + 108 pages, bibliography.

Engel John J. Index Hepaticorum supplementum: 1974-1975. Taxon 27: 393-418. All supplements assembled in folder under Engel.

Engel John J. Index Hepaticorum supplementum: 1976-1977. Taxon 30: 518-537. All supplements assembled in folder under Engel.

Engel John J. Index Hepaticorum supplementum: 1978-1979. Taxon 33: 761-779. All supplements assembled in folder under Engel.

Engel John J. Index Hepaticorum supplementum: 1980-1981. Taxon 38: 414-439. All supplements assembled in folder under Engel.

Engel John J. Index Hepaticorum supplementum: 1982-1983. Taxon 39: 245-254. All supplements assembled in folder under Engel.

Engel, John J. 1972. Falkland Island Hepaticae and Anthocerotae:| A Taxonomic and Phytogeographic Study| By| John J. Engel| A Thesis| Submitted to| Michigan State University| in partial fulfillment of the requirements| for the degree of| Doctor of Philosophy| Department of Botany and Plant Pathology| 1972. [1] + 608 pages, 11 plates in text, 16 photographs, 63 maps, bibiliography, index.

Engel, John J. 1978. A taxonomic and phytogeographic study of Brunswick Peninsula (Strait of Magellan) Hepaticae and Anthocerotae. Fieldiana Botany, 41: viii + 319 pages, frontispiece, 19 plates, bibliography, index.

Engel, John J. 1980. A mongraph of Clasmatocolea (Hepaticae). Fieldiana Botany, new series 3: viii + 229 pages, 61 figures, 29 plates, bibliography, index.

Engel, John J. 1990. Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) Hepaticae and Anthocerotophyta: a taxonomic and phytogeographic study. Fieldiana Botany, new series 25: viii + 209 pages, 88 figures, 4 tables, bibliography, index. REV: BT 61:8.

Engel, John J., editor. 1988. Beihefte zur| Nova Hedwigia| [rule]| Heft 90| Bryological Contributions| Presented in Celebration of the Distinguished Scholarship| of Rudolf M. Schuster| by| John M. Engel, Editor| and| Sinske Hattori, Consulting Editor| with 58 figures, 58 plates and 15 tables| [press logo]| J. Cramer| in der Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung| Berlin • Stuttgart 1988. viii + 402 pages, 58 figures, 58 plates, 15 tables [from t.p.], index.

Engel, John J. and David Glenny. 2008. Flora of the Liverworts and Hornworts of New Zealand, A, Volume 1. Monographs in Systematic Botany 110: 1-898.

Engler, A. 1954. A. Engler’s| Syllabus| der Pflanzenfamilien| mit besonderer Berücksichtigung| der Nutzpflanzen nebst einer Übersicht| über die Florenreiche und| Florengebiete der Erde| Zwölfte, völlig neugestaltete Auflage und | Prof. Dr. Hans Melchior und| Prof. Dr. Erich Werdermann| Berlin-Dahlem| I. Band| Allgemeiner Teil| Bakterien bis Gymnospermen| Mit 141 [sic] Abbildungen| [1954]| [spanner rule]| Gebrüder Borntraeger • Berlin-Nikolassee. [6] + 367 pages, 140 figures, bibliographies by chapter, index.

Engler, A. and K. Prantl. 1909. Die natürlichen Pflanzenenfamilien nebst Ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten insbesondere den Nutzpflanzen unter Mitwirking zahlreicher hervorragender Fachgelehrten begründet von A. Engler und K. Prantl und vorgesetzt von A. Engler. I Teil. Abteilung 3. I Hälfte. Hepaticae—Musci, Bryales–Acrocarpi. Wilhelm Engelamt Verlag, Leipzig. iii–v, 1–700 p.

Engler, A. and K. Prantl. 1909. Die natürlichen Pflanzenenfamilien nebst Ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten insbesondere den Nutzpflanzen unter Mitwirking zahlreicher hervorragender Fachgelehrten begründet von A. Engler und K. Prantl und vorgesetzt von A. Engler. I Teil. Abteilung 3. II Hälfte. Pleurocarpi. Wilhelm Engelamt Verlag, Leipzig. iii–v, + 7-1–1245 p.

Engler, A., and K. Prantl. 1924-1925 (1960). Die Natürlichen| Pflanzenenfamilien| Nebst Ihren Gattungen| und Wichtigeren Arten Insbesondere| den Nutzpflanzen| unter Mitwirking Zahlreicher Hervorragender Fachgelehrten| Begründet von| A. Engler und K. Prantl| Zweite Stark Vermehrte und Verbesserte Auflage| Herausgegeben von| A. Engler| [star]| 10. Band [11. Band] | Musci (Laubmoose) 1. Hälfte [2. Halfte]| redigeirt von A. Engler [redigiert von V. F. Brotherus]| Musci Allgemeiner Teil von W. Ruhland; I. Unterklasse Sphagnales: Allgemeine Verhält-| nisse von W. Ruhland; Sphagnaceae (Torfmoose) von H. Paul; II. Unterklasse Andreaeales:| Allgemeine Verhältnisse von W. Ruhland: Andreaceaceae von V. F. Brotherus: III. Unterklasse| Bryales: I. Allgemeine Verhältnisse von W. Ruhland; II. Spezieller Teil von V. F. Brotherus;| 1. Reihen gruppe Eubryinales; 1. Reihe Fissidentales, 2. Reihe Dicranales, 3. Reihe Pottiales,| 4. Reihe Grimmiiales, 5. Reihe Funariales, 6. Reihe Schistostegiales,| 7. Reihe Tetraphidales, 8. Eubryales.[9. Reihe Isobryales, 10. Reihe Hookeriiales, 11. Reihe Hypnobryales. 2 Reihengruppe| Buxbaumiales; 12. Reihe Buxbaumiales.| 3. Reihengruppe Polytrichinales; 13. Reihe| Polytrichinales, 14. Reihe Dawsoniales]| Mit 420 Figuren [Mit 376 Figuren im Text,| sowie dem Register zum 10. und 11. Bande|| [different logo]| Duncker & Humblot / Berlin. [1960 facsimile reprint]. Band 10, iv + 478 pages, 420 figures, + 4 + [16] pages of advertisements. Band 11, iv + 542 pages, figures 421-796, index to both volumes.

Engler, A., and K. Prantl. 1924-1925. Die Natürlichen| Pflanzenenfamilien| Nebst Ihren Gattungen| und Wichtigeren Arten Insbesondere| den Nutzpflanzen| unter Mitwirking Zahlreicher Hervorragender Fachgelehrten| Begründet von| A. Engler und K. Prantl| Zweite Stark Vermehrte und Verbesserte Auflage| Herausgegeben von| A. Engler| [star]| 10. Band [11. Band] | Musci (Laubmoose) 1. Hälfte [2. Halfte]| redigeirt von A. Engler [redigiert von V. F. Brotherus]| Musci Allgemeiner Teil von W. Ruhland; I. Unterklasse Sphagnales: Allgemeine Verhält-| nisse von W. Ruhland; Sphagnaceae (Torfmoose) von H. Paul; II. Unterklasse Andreaeales:| Allgemeine Verhältnisse von W. Ruhland: Andreaceaceae von V. F. Brotherus: III. Unterklasse| Bryales: I. Allgemeine Verhältnisse von W. Ruhland; II. Spezieller Teil von V. F. Brotherus;| 1. Reihen gruppe Eubryinales; 1. Reihe Fissidentales, 2. Reihe Dicranales, 3. Reihe Pottiales,| 4. Reihe Grimmiiales, 5. Reihe Funariales, 6. Reihe Schistostegiales,| 7. Reihe Tetraphidales, 8. Eubryales.[9. Reihe Isobryales, 10. Reihe Hookeriiales, 11. Reihe Hypnobryales. 2 Reihengruppe| Buxbaumiales; 12. Reihe Buxbaumiales.| 3. Reihengruppe Polytrichinales; 13. Reihe| Polytrichinales, 14. Reihe Dawsoniales]| Mit 420 Figuren [Mit 376 Figuren im Text,| sowie dem Register zum 10. und 11. Bande|| [logo]| Leipzig| Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann| 1924 [1925]. Band 10, iv + 478 pages, 420 figures, + 4 + [16] pages of advertisements. Band 11, iv + 542 pages, figures 421-796, index to both volumes.

Erskine, J.S. 1968. An Introductory Moss Flora of Nova Scotia. Nova Scotia Museum. Occasional Paper 6. Science series 4. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 110 p.

Ernst-Schwarzenbach, Marthe. 1939. Ergebnisse der mit Subventionen der Julius Klaus-Stiftung für Vererbungsforschung,| Sozialanthropologie und Rassenhygiene und der Stiftung für wissenschaftliche Forschung| an der Universität Zürich von Professor Dr. Alfred Ernst und Dr. Marthe| Ernst-Schwarzenbach ausgefürhten Indo-Malayischen Forschungsreise| (28. Juli 1930 bis 16. April 1931) No. 10| [spanner rule]| Zur Kenntnis| des sexuellen Dimorphismus| der Laubmoose| [rule]| Habilitationsschrift| zur| Erlangung der venia legendi| vorgelegt der| Philosphischen Fakultät II| der| Universität Zürich| von Dr. Marthe Ernst-Schwarzenbach| [spanner rule]| Zürich 1939| Art. Institute Orell Füssli A.-G [verso “Separatabdruck| aud dem Archiv der Julius Klaus-Stiftung| für Vererbungsforschung,| Sozialanthropologie und Rassenhygiene| Zürich| 1939, Band XIV, Heft 3/4, S. 361-474”]. [2] + pages 361-474 +4 plates, bibliography.

European Committee for Conservation of Bryophytes. (editors) 1995. Red Data Book of European Bryophytes. Part 1: Introductory section by N. Stewart in collaboration with T. Hallingbäck, N. Hodgetts, G. Rayemaekers, R. Schumacker, C. Sérgio and E. Urmi) pages 4-27; Part 2: Threatened bryophytes in Europe including Macaronesia, by R. Schumacker & Ph. Martiny, in collaboration with R. Düll, T. Hallingbäck, C. Sérgio, N. Stewart, E. Urmi and J. Vána. Pages 32-291.

Evans, Alexander W. 1900. The Hawaiian Hepaticae of the Tribe Jubuloideæ. Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 10: 387-462, plates 44-59, index. {Photocopy}.

Evans, Alexander W. 1902-1923. Notes on New England Hepaticae| Parts I-XVII. Reprinted from Rhodora, Journal of the New England Botanical Club 1902-1923.

Evans, Alexander W. 1903. [Hepaticae of Princeton Patagonian Expedition] See W. B. Scott, 1903.

Evans, Alexander W. 1904. (1902). Hepaticae of Alaska. Pages 339-367, plates 41-43 In. Harriman Alaska Expedition| With Cooperation of Washington Academy of Sciences| [rule]| Alaska| Volume V| Cryptogamic Botany| [etc. see Cardot and Thériot (1904); and also Trealease (1904).] The paper on hepatics was originally published in Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences, vol. ii, pp. 287-314, 10 October 1900, and here preserves the original pagination and numbering of the plates, along with the Harriman series numbering.

Evans, Alexander W. 1910-1923. Notes on North American Hepaticae| Parts I-X. Reprinted from The Bryologist, 1910-1923.

Evans, Alexander W. 1914. Hepaticae: Yale Peruvian Expedition of 1911. Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 18: 291-345, 11 figures, index.

Evans, Alexander W. 1917. The American Species of Marchantia. Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 21: 201-313, 20 figures.

Evans, Alexander W. 1921. The Genus Riccardia in Chile. Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 25: 93-209, 13 figures, bibliography.

Evans, Alexander William, and George Elwood Nichols. 1908. The| Bryophytes of Connecticut| By| Alexander William Evans, Ph.D.,| Professor of Botany, Yale University| and| George Elwood Nichols, B.A.,| Assistant in Botany, Yale University| [State Seal]| Hartford| Printed for the State Geological and Natural History Survey| 1908| [from half-title] State of Connecticut| Public Document No. 47| [double spanner]| State Geological and Natural| History Survey| [commissioners etc.]| Bulletin No. 11| [etc. as above] 203 pages, index.

Exeter, Ronald L., Judith Harpel & David Wagner. 2016. Rare Bryophytes of Oregon. Salem District, Bureau of Land Management, Salem, Oregon. 378 p.

Eymé, Jean. 1954. No. d’ordre| 67| [horizontal bracket]| Année scolaire| 1952-1953| [short rule] [these three lines to the left of the two following]| Thèses| Présentées| a la Faculté des Sciences de l’Université de Bordeaux| pour obtenir| le Grade de Docteur ès Sciences Naturelles| par| Jean Eymé| Chef de Travaux a la Faculté des Sciences de Bordeaux| [elaborate rule]| 1re Thèse. — Recherches Cytologiques sur les Mousses.| 2e Thèse. — Proposition Donnée par la Faculté.| Soutenues le 3 Novembre 1953, devant la Commission d’examen.| [rule]| Prèsident . . . . . . . M. Dangeard, professeur.| Examinateurs. . . [bracket] Mm. David, professeur.| Malvesin-Fabre, maître de conférences| [elaborate rule]| Bordeaux| Imprimerie E. Drouillard| 3, Place de la Victoire, 3| [very short rule]| 1954. [3] + 166 pages, 19 plates and facing legends, + [1 title page of 2e Thèse], bibliography.