Storrs L. Olson Bryological Library: K – O


Kabiersch, Waldefried. 1936. Studien über die ostasiatischen Arten einiger Laubmooosfamilien (Mniaceae–Bartramiaceae). Hedwigia, 76: 1-94 pages (of reprint?), 24 +[1] figures, bibliography.

Kamprad, Susan and Klaus Max Stetzka. 2002. Epiphytische Moose und Flechten im Nationalpark Sächsiche Schweiz- Vorkommen, Ökologie und Gefährdung. Limprichtia, No. 21: 258 pages, 35 figures, 14 tables, 24 anhangen (maps and tables), bibliography.

Kanda, Hiroshi. 1987. Handbook of Antarctic Mosses. National Institue of Polar Research, Itabashi-ku, Japan.

Kanda, Hiroshi. 1987. Catalog of moss specimens from Antarctica and Adjacent regions. National Institue of Polar Research, Itabashi-ku, Japan.

Karczmarz, Kazimierz. 1971. Monographiae Botanicae| vol. XXXIV, 1971| A Monograph of the Genus| Calliergon (Sull.) Kindb.| [logo]| [rule]| Warszawa. 208 +[1] pages + 20 plates, index, bibliography.

Kashyap, Shiv Ram. 1929-1932. Liverworts of the Western Himalayas| and the Panjab Plain| (Illustrated)| Part I [PartI| Supplement][PartII]| by| Shiv Ram Kashyap, B.A., M.Sc., I.E.S.,| Professor of Botany, Panjab University,| Lahore [,]| [Part II—Assisted by| Ram Saran Chopra, M.Sc.,| Demonstrator in Botany, Panjab University,| Lahore.]| 1929 [1932; 1932]| Published by| The University of the Panjab, Lahore.[period omitted in supplement and Part II] [Part I] iii + 129 pages, frontispiece map, 25 plates, index and appendix included in pagination; [Part I, supplement] 10 pages; [Part II] [iii] + 137 pages, 31 plates, index and 3 appendices included in pagination.

Kashyap, Shiv Ram. 1972. Liverworts of the Western Himalayas| and the Panjab Plain| (Illustrated)| Part I [PartI| Supplement][PartII]| by| Shiv Ram Kashyap, B.A., M.Sc., I.E.S.,| Professor of Botany, Panjab University,| Lahore [,]| [Part II—Assisted by| Ram Saran Chopra, M.Sc.,| Demonstrator in Botany, Panjab University,| Lahore.]| Researchco Publications| 1865 Trinagar, Delhi-35| 1972. [Apparently an exact facsimile except for changes in date, and position thereof, and publisher on the title pages; facing figure legends are on transparent stock]. [Part I] iii + 129 pages, frontispiece map, 25 plates, index and appendix included in pagination; [Part I, supplement] 10 pages; [Part II] [iii] + 137 pages, 31 plates, index and 3 appendices included in pagination.

Kenrick, Paul, and Peter R. Crane. 1997. The Origin| and Early| Diversification| of| Land Plants| A Cladistic Study| Paul Kenrick| Natural History Museu, London| Peter R. Crane| Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew| Smithsonian Institution Press| Washington and London. xi + [1] + 441 pages, figures and tables numbered by chapter, 5 appendices, bibliography, index.

Ketchledge, Edwin H. 1957. Checklist of| the Mosses| of New York State| By| Edwin H. Ketchledge| Temporary Museum Expert| New York State Museum and Science Service| Logo| [double rule]| New York State Museum| and Science Service| Bulletin Number 363| The University of the State of New York| The State Education Department| Albany, N. Y November 1957. 55 pages, map index.

Ketchledge, Edwin H. 1980. Revised Checklist of| the Mosses| of New York State| Edwin H. Ketchledge| Distinguished Teaching Professor| State University of New York| College of Environmental| Science and Forestry| Syracuse| Contributions to a Flora of New York State, Checklist I| Richard S. Mitchell, Editor| 1980| Bulletin Number 440| New York State Museum| The University of the State of New York| The State Education Department| Albany, New York 12230. vii + 19 pages, map index.

Khmelev, K. F. & N. N. Popova. 1988. [Bryophyta of the Central Don Basin. Voronezh.]. 168 pages, 15 maps, 16 tables, bibliography.

Kiaer, Frantz Casper. 1884. Christianias Mosser.| (The Moss-Flora of Christiania.)| Fortnegnelse over de i Omegnen af Christiania fundne| Lovmosser og Levermosser| med Angivelse af Voxesteder m. m.| ved| F. C. Kiær| (Fremlagt i det almindelige Møde den 12te December 1884.) Christiania Videnskabs-Selskabet Forhandlingar, 12: [i]-xxxvi + 1-95.

Kiessling, Jenny, and Klaus Max Stetzka. 1997. Die Moosflora des Forstbotanischen Gartens Tharandt – Vorkommen, Ökologie, Gefährdung. Limprichtia, No. 10: 176 pages, 29 figures, 25 tables, 14 Anhangen, bibliography.

Kimmerer, Robin Wall. 2003. Gathering Moss| A Natural and Cultural| History of Mosses| [vignette of moss to left]| [by| Robin Wall Kimmerer| Oregon State University Press [leaf bullet] Corvallis. viii + 168 pages, unnumbered drawings, bibliography, index. REV: BT 109:4.

Kindberg, Nils Conrad. 1888. Enumeratio Bryinearum Exoticarum quam alphabetice disposuit. Linkoeping Officina Corresp. Ostrogoth. 108 p.

Kindberg, Nils Conrad. 1896? = 1897. Species| of| European and Northamerican [sic]| Bryinae (Mosses)| synoptically described| by N. Conr. Kindberg.| [embellished rule]| Part 1. Pleurocarpous| [elaborate rule]| Linköping,| Linköpings Lithografiska Aktiebolag| 1896 [wrappers say 1897]. 152 pages, index. {Johnson, 138: 401, 5 Nov 1996; original wrappers in boards, unopened.}

Kis, Gabriella. 1985. Mosses of South-east Tropical Africa| An annotated list with distributional data| by| Gabriella Kis| Institute of Ecology and Botany| of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences| Vácrátót, Hungary| 1985. 170 pages, bibliography, index. REV: BT 37: 9.

Klama Henryk. 2002. Distribution patterns of liverworts in natural forest communities. University of Bielsko-Biala. Bielsko-Biala, Poland. 278 pages.

Klama, Henryk, Jan Zarnowiec, and Krzysztof Jedrzejko. 1999. Henryk Klama, Jan Zarnowiec, Krzysztof Jedrzejko. Mszaki Naziemne w Struckturze Zbiorowisk Roslinnych| Rezerwtow Przyrody Makroregionu Poludniowego| Polski. Terricolous Bryophytes in a Structure of Vascular Plant| Communities of Nature Reserves in the Southern Macroregion| of Poland| Politechnika Lodzka Fila w Bielsku-Bialej| Bielsko-Biala 1999. 236 pages, 43 figures.

Kleinhans, Rodolphe. 1863-1869. Album| Des Mousses| des| Environs de Paris| par| R. Kleinhans| [double rule]| Paris 1869.| Chez : [bracket] l’Auteur rue Guénégoud, 27| F. Savy._ Libraire Rue Hautefeuille, 24| Lith. H. Jannin r. des Bernardins Paris. 30 plates with facing legends, no text. [Stafleu and Cowan say issued in 30 parts from 1863 to 1869.]

Klips, Robert. 2022. Common Mosses, Liverworts, and Lichens of Ohio. A visual Guide. Ohio University Press, Ohio, USA. 374. p.

Knapp, Edgar. 1930. Botanische Abhandlungen| Herausgegeben von| K. Goebel| Professor an der Universität München| Heft 16 [double rule on either side]| Untersuchungen| über die Hüllorgane um| Archegonian und Sporogonien| der Akrogynen Jungermaniaceen| von| Edgar Knapp| Göttingen| Mit 214 Abbildungen im Text| [logo]| Jena| Verlag von Gustav Fischer| 1930. iv + 168 pages, 214 figures, bibliography.

Kny, Leopoldus. 1863. Symbola ad Hepaticorum Frondosorum Evolutionis Historiam. Doctoral Dissertation in Botany. Berlin, Germany.

Koch, Leo Francis. 1950. Mosses if California: an annotated list of species. Leaflets of Western Botany 6 (1): 1–40.

Koehler-Kassel, M. 1936. Zweiter Beitrag zur Lebermoosflora des Kassler Gebietes. Repertorium specierum novarum regni vegetabilis 92: 135–150. (published by Verlag des Repertoriums, Dahlem, Germany; bound with and filed under Grimme, Arnold, “Die Torf- und Laubmoose des Hessischen Berglandes.”, 1–134).

Koltz, J.P.-J. 1882. Prodrome de la flore du Grand Duché de Luxembourg. Seconde Partie. PLantes Cryptogames ou acotylédonées. Classe II. Muscinae. Receuil des Mémoires et des Travaux publiées par la Société Botanique du Grand Duché du Luxembourg. 38–95.

Kola, Wladyslaw. 1972. Prace Opolskeigo Towarzystwa Przyjaciól Nauk| Wydzial III – Nauk Przyrodniczych| Wladyslaw Kola| Rozmieszczenie Watrobowców| W Górach Bialskich [Disposition of Hepaticae in Bialskie Mountains]| Warszawa 1972 Wroclaw| [spanner rule]| Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe. 90 + [1] pages, 32 figures, 25 tables, bibliography.

Konstantinova N. A. & A. J. Likhatchev. 1987. The Bryophytes of the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden (Khibini Mountaints, Murmansk region). Kola branch Academy of Science, Akademiya Nauk SSR, Apatity, USSR. 25 p.

Konstantinova, N.A. (?????????????, ?.?.). 1997. ??????????? ?????????????? ??????????? (??????? ? ????????? ?????????????? ?????? ?????? ????). – [Liverworts of the Kandalaksha State Nature Reserve (Islands and the coast of the Kandalaksha Bay of the Beloye Sea)] ???????, ???????? ??????? ????? ??? [Apatity, Kola Science Centre RAS]: 1-46

Konstantinova, N. A. (ed.)] ?????????????, ?.?. (???.). 1999. ????? ? ?????????????? ?????????? ??????? ???????, ???????? ??????? ????? ??? – Flora i rastitel’nost’ Murmanskoj oblasti. Apatity, Kol’skij nauchnyj tzentr RAN] (translation of title – Flora and vegetation of Murmansk Province)

Koponen, A. 1983. Studies on the generic concepts in the classification of the moss family Splachnaceae. Academic Dissertation, University of Helsinki, Finland. [compilation of 6 articles published by author as part of her thesis].

Koponen, Timo, Pekka Isoviita, and Tapio Lammes. 1977. Flora Fennica 6| Edidit| Societas pro Fauna de Flora Fennica| The Bryophytes of Finland:| an Annotated Checklist| Timo Koponen, Pekka Isoviita and Tapio Lammes| Helsinki–Helsingfors| Sept. 1977. 77 pages, bibliography. REV: JB 10:217-218. {Hoe stamp 6 Feb 1978; wrappers, inscribed “With the authors’ compliments| T. Kop.| &| Isov.”}.

Kotilainen, Mauno J. 1929. Suomalaisen Eläin- ja Kasvitieteellisen Seuran Vanomon| Julkaisuja. Osa 11 N:o 1.| Annales Societatis Zoolog.-Botanicæ Fennicæ Vanamo.| Tom 11 N:o 1| [spanner rule]| Über das| Boreale Laubmooselement| in Ladoga=Karelien| Eine Kausal=Ökologische und| Floristiche Studie| von| Mauno J. Kotilainen| Helsinki 1929. 142 pages, + 4 unnumbered pages of 16 tinted maps, 4 text figures.

Kotilainen, Mauno, J. 1929. Über das boreale Laubmooselement in Ladoga-Karelien. Annales Societatis Zoolog.-Botanicae Fennicae, Vanamo. 11: 1–142 + 16 maps.

Kramer, Wolfgang. 1980. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca| Herausgegeben von| J. Cramer| [rule]| Band 21| Tortula Hedw. sect. Rurales De Not.| (Pottiaceae, Musci)| in der östlichen Holarctic| von| Wolfgang Kramer| Mit 9 Abbildungen, 29 Tafeln und 2 Karten| [press logo]| 1980 • J. Cramer| in der A. R. Gantner Verlag Kommanditgesellschaft| FL-9490 Vaduz. 165 pages + 29 plates with facing legends, 9 figures, 2 maps on endpapers, bibliography.

Kramer, Wolfgang. 2023. The genus Syntrichia Brid. (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta) in the Holarctic with special consideration of North America. Beiheft zu Nova Hedwigia 154: 1–234.

Kreh, Wilhelm. 1909. Über die Regeneration der Lebermoose. Nova Acta Abh. der Kaiserl. Leop.-Carol. Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher, 90(4): [213-216?] 217 -301 + [2] , plates 20-24.

Kreier. H.-P. 2003. Die Pilz-Assoziationen der Aneuraceae (Marchantiophyta). Diplomarbeit der Fakultät für Biologie der Eberhard-Karls Universität Tübingen.

Kreutz, Martin & Wilhelm Foissner. 2006. The Sphagnum ponds in Simmelried in Germany: A biodiversity hot-spot for microscopic organisms. Protozoological Monographs 3: 1-267.

Krisai, Robert, Brigitte Burgstaller, Ute Ehmer-Künkele, Roswitha Schiffer & Edeltraut Wurm. 1989. Die Moore des Ost-Lungaues. Heutoge Vegetation, Enstehung, Waldgeschichte ihrer Umgebung. Sauteria (Schriftreihe f¨¨r systematische Botanik, Floristin u. Geobotanik) 5: 1–240. + 8 maps in separate cover.

Kruijer, Johannes Derk. 2002. Hypopterygiaceae of the World| Johannes Derk Kruijer| Blumea Supplement 13| Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Universiteit Leiden branch| 2002. [4] + 388 pages, 59 figures, 3 tables, bibliography, index. REV: BT 107:11.

Kruit, R. Ch. 1986. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca| [rule]| Band 36| A Monograph of the Genera| Dicranolejeunea and Acanthocoleus| by| R. Ch. Kruijt| with 15 plates in the text| [press logo]| J. Cramer| in der Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung| Berlin • Stuttgart 1986. 135 pages, 15 plates, bibliography, index.

Krusenstjerna, Edvard von. 1945. Bladmossvegetation och| Bladmossforan I Uppsala-| Trakten| Akademisk Avhandling| som med tillstånd av vittberömda filosofiska| fakultetens| i uppsala matematisk-naturvetenskapliga| section för vinnande av filosofisk doktorsgrad| till offentlig granskning framställes| på växtbiologiska institutionen| lördagen den 26 Maj 1945| Kl. 10 F. M.| av| Edvard von Krusenstjerna| fil. Lic., St.| Uppsala 1945| Almqvist & Wiksells Boktryckeri Ab. [“Acta Phytogeographica Suecica| edidit| Svenska Växgeografiska Sällskapet| XIX” on wrapper]. 250 pages, 4 plates, foldot map, 9 text maps, bibliography.

Krusenstjerna, Edvard von. 1964. Edvard von Krusenstjerna| Stockholms-| Traktens| Bladmossor| Forteckning över Bladmossor (utom Sphagna) med| Fyndorts-, Ständorts- och Frekvensuppgifter| Utgiven av| Botaniska Sällskapet| I Stockholm| Distribution:| Statens Naturvetenskapliga| Forskningsråd • Stockholm VA. 129 pages, 7 figures, foldout map, bibliography, indices. REVIEW: Bryologist 70(2):279-280, L. E. Anderson.

Krzakowa, Maria, and Iwona Melosik. 2000. Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan´| Department of Genetics| The variability in Polish populations| of Sphagnum taxa (Subsecunda section),| according to morphologicl,| anatomical and biochemical traits| Edited by| Maria Krzakowa and Iwona Melosik| Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe S.C.| Poznan´ 2000. 150 pages, figures and bibliographies by chapter, 3 foldout tables.

Kubešová S., Z. Musil, I. Novotný, V. Plášek & M. Zmrhalová. 2009. Mechorosty soucást naši prírody. CSOP, ZO Horepník, 88 p.

Kubitzki, Klaus. 1983. Sonderbände| des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins| in Hamburg 7| [spanner rule]| Dispersal| and Distribution| An International Syposium| Edited by| Klaus Kubitzki, Hamburg| [logo]| 1983 Schriftleitung: Prof. Dr. Otto Kraus, Hamburg| [spanner rule]| Verlag Paul Parey • Hamburg und Berlin| Spitalerstraße 12 • D-2000 Hamburg 1. 406 pages, figures and bibliographies by chapter, indices [chapters on bryophytes by Van Zanten and Schuster].

Kuc, Marian. 1963. Flora of mosses and their distribution on the north coast of Hornsund (S. W. — Svalbard). Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica, 9 (part 3): 293-366, + 9 unnumbered pages of figures (figs. 37-87).

Kuc, Marian. 1964. Monographiae Botanicae| Vol. XVII, 1964| Marian Kuc| Briogeografia| Wyzyn Poludniowych Polski| Bryogeography| of the Southern Uplands of Poland| Warszawa. 211 + [1] pages, 44 figures, foldout map, 6 tables, bibliography. {Hoe stamp ex Junk 5 Sept 1975; wrappers}.

Kuc, M. 1973. Fossil flora of the Beaufort Formation, Meighen Island, NWT — Canada. Canadian-Polish Research Institute. Biology and Earth Sciences. Series A. No. 1: 1–44.

Kuc, Marian. 1973. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca| Herausgegeben von| J. Cramer| [rule]| Band 2| Bryogeography| of Expedition Area,| Axel Heiberg Island, N.W.T.,| Canada| by| Marian Kuc| [press logo]| 3301 Lehre| Verlag von J. Cramer| 1973. 120 pages + 43 figures, bibliography.

Kuc, Marian. 1973. Canadian-Polish Research Institute| Biology and Earth Sciences. Series – A. No. 1.| ERA| Fossil flora of the Beaufort Formation,| Meighen Island, NWT — Canada| by| Marian Kuc| Toronto — Canada, 1973. [ERA is said to be the name of the “magazine”.] 44 pages, 44 figures, 2 tables.

Kühnemann, Oscar. 1944. Generos de Briofitas de los Alrededores de Buenos Aires| Contribución Morfológica y Sistemática. Lilloa, 10: 5-232, 91 figures, 12 maps, bibliography, index.

Kuhry, P. 1988. Palaeobotanical-palaeoecological studies of tropical high Andean peatbog sections (Cordillera Oriental, Colombia). Dissertationes Botanicae 116: 1 241.

Kujawa-Pawlaczyk, J. and P. Pawlaczyk. 2014. Torfowiska obszaru Natura 2000 “Uroczyska Puszczy Drawskiej”. Multigfraf, Bydgoszcz, Poland.

Kumar S.S. 1995. Recent studies on Indian bryophytes. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun, India. 262 pages.

Kummer, Paul. 1873. Der| Führer in die| Mooskunde.| [rule]| Anleitung| zum| leichten und sicheren Bestimmen| der| deutschen Moose| Von| Paul Kummer.| Mit 73 Figuren auf vier lithographirten Tafeln.| [elaborate spanner]| Berlin, 1873| Verlag von Julius Springer. [6] + 119 pages, 4 plates, index.

Kummer, Paul. 1875. Der Führer| in die| Lebermoose und die Gefässkryptogamen.| (Schachtelhalme, Bärlappe, Farren, Wurzelfrüchtler.)| Von| Paul Kummer.| [elaborate spanner]| Mit 83 Figuren auf 7 lithographirten Tafeln.| [elaborate spanner]| Berlin, 1875| Verlag von Julius Springer.| Monbijouplatz 3. (7) + 141 pages, 7 plates, index.

Kummer, Paul. 1880. Der| Führer in die Mooskunde.| [rule]| Anleitung| zum| leichten und sicheren methodischen Bestimmen| der| deutschen Moose| Von| Paul Kummer.| [wavy rule] Zweite völlig umgearbeitete und vervollständigte Aufflage.| {wavy rule]| Mit 7 Figuren auf vier lithographirten Tafeln.| [elaborate spanner]| Berlin, 1880| Verlag von Julius Springer. [6] + 199 pages, 4 plates, index.

Kummer, Paul. 1901. Der Führer| in die| Lebermoose und die Gefässkryptogamen.| (Schachtelhalme, Bärlappe, Farne [check sp.], Wurzelfrüchtler.)| Von| Paul Kummer.| [spanner]| Mit 83 Figuren auf 7 lithographirten Tafeln.| Zweite umgearbeitete Auflage.| [press logo]| Berlin.| Verlag von Julius Springer.| 1901.| 148 pages, 7 plain plates, index.

Kürschner, Harald. 2000. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca Band 55| [spanner]| Harald Kürschner| Bryophyte Flora| of the Arabian Peninsula| and Socotra| With 17 figures and 224 maps in the text| J. Cramer in der Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung| Berlin • Stuttgart 2000. 131 pages, 17 figures, 224 maps, bibliographies.

Kürschner, Harald & Wolfgang Frey. 2011. Liverworts, mosses and hornworts of Southeast Asia. Nova Hedwigia, Beiheft 139. 1-240.

Kurvits, Yu. A., edito.r 1983. [Man, Vegetation and Soil. Tartu]. 153 + [7] pages [paper by L. Kannukene and K. Tamm. Bryophytes of the parks of the Kohtla-Järve district. pp. 97-109].

Kurz, Herman and Thomas M. Little. 1933. Liverworts of North and Central Florida. Bulletin of the Florida State College for Woman 26 (3): 1–39.

Kutzelnigg, Herfried, Wolfgang Ostendorp, and Ruprecht Düll. 1992. HerfriedKutzelnigg| Wolfgang Ostendorp,| Ruprecht Düll| Moosbibliographie| Zentraleuropas| Bibliography of| Bryological Literature of Central Europe| IDH-Verlag Bad Münstereifel-Ohlerath| 1992. 413 pages + 3 unnumbered pages of pulisher’s list. REV: BT 76: 10; 81: 4.

Kuwahara, Yukinobu. 1986. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca| Herausgegeben von| J. Cramer †| [rule]| Band 28| The Metzgeriaceae| of the Neotropics| by| Yukinobu Kuwahara| with 95 figures and 1 table| [press logo]| J. Cramer| in der Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung| Berlin • Stuttgart 1986. 254 pages, 95 figures, 1 table, bibliography.

Laasimer, L., S. Talts, and E. Varep. 1954. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia| Zooloogia ja Botaanika Instituut| [spanner rule]| L. Laasimer, S. Talts ja E. Varep| Eesti NSV| Turbasamblad| [Spagnum Moss of the Estonian SSR—in Cyrillic]| {press logo]| Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus| Tallinn 1954. 87 + [1] pages + 17 plates, indices.

Lacouture, Ch. 1905. Ch. Lacouture| Ancien Professeur de Sciences Naturelles| au Collège Saint-Clément, de Metz| [decoration]| Hépatiques de la France| [decorated wavy rule]| Tableaux Synoptiques| des Caractéres Saillants| Des Tribus, des Genres et des Espèces| Avec puls de 200 figures| représentant toutes les espèces de la Flore française| [decoration]| Paul Klincksieck| Librarie des Sciences Naturelles| 3, rue Corneille, Paris (VIe)| [dash]| 1905 [drawings of hepatics on left and at bottom]. 76 pages, unnumbered drawings, index.

Laenen, B. 2009. Role of sexual determinism in the genetic structure and diversity in bryophytes: a model based on two sister taxa in the genus Radula. M.Sc. Dissertation. University of Liège, Belgium.

LaFarge-England, Catherine. 1997. Systematic Studies of the tropical moss genus Leucoloma Brid. (Dicranaceae, Bryopsida). Doctor of Philosophy thesis. 396 pages. Doctor of Philosophy thesis. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Landwehr, J. 1966 (1978). Atlas| van de Nederlandse Bladmossen| door| J. Landwehr| met medewerking van| Dr. J.J. Barkman| met 394 platen| ongeveer 4500 detailtekeningen| en 38 figuren| [logo]| Koninklijke Nederlandse Natuurhistorische Vereniging – 1966| 5. [drawing of moss on left]. 560 pages [last one blank], 475 numbered figures + others interjected. [From page facing title underneath drawing of moss that in first copy has no printing beneath: 1966 Eerste druk| 1974 Tweede druk, met Aanvullingen, blz. 493 c.v.| 1978 Derde druk, met Aanvullungin, blz. 551 e.v.].

Landwehr, J. 1966. Atlas| van de Nederlandse Bladmossen| door| J. Landwehr| met medewerking van| Dr. J.J. Barkman| met 394 platen| ongeveer 4500 detailtekeningen| en 38 figuren| [logo]| Koninklijke Nederlandse Natuurhistorische Vereniging – 1966| 5. [drawing of moss on left]. 504 pages, 447 numbered figures + others interjected.

Landwehr, J. 1974. Atlas van de| Nederlandse Bladmossen| Aanvullingen bij| de Eerste Druk| J. Landwehr| [moss drawing, logo]| Koninklijke Nederlandse Natuurhistorische Vereniging – 1974 [from cover]. Pages 493-552 [last 3 blank], figures 448-470, bibliography.

Landwehr, J. 1980. Atlas| Nederlandse| Levermossen| door J. Jandwehr| met medewerking van| S. R. Gradstein| en| H. van Melick| Met 119 platen,| ruim 1200 detailtekeningen,| 50 figuren en 15 illustraties,| waarvan 7 in kleur| Eerste Druk| [logo]| Koninklijke Nederlandse Natuurhistorische Vereniging 1980 [color drawing of thallose liverwort with sporophyte to right of all but lines of title and publisher]. 187 pages, 37 text figures, various vignettes and color plates numbered 1-11, 119 plates, other unnumbered vignettes, bibliography, indices. REV: JB 12:117.

Landwehr, J. 1984. J. Landwehr| Nieuwe Atlas| Nederlandse Bladmossen| Met 474 platen| ongeveer 6170 detailtekeningen| +- 170 figuren en 16 illustraties,| waarvan 13 in kleur| Eerste Druk [color illustration of moss to right]| [logo]| Thieme – Zutphen. 568 pages, 375 figures, various unnumbered illustrations in front matter, indices.

Lantzius-Beninga, S. 1850. Beiträge zur der Kenntniss des inner Baues der Ausgewachsenen Mooskapsel, insbesondere des Peristomes. Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol. 22: 559-604 + 8 plates labelled Tab. 56-66. Bound reprint.

Larpent, Jean-Paul. 1971. De la Cellule Isolee| au| Filament Ramifie| par| Jean-Paul Larpent| Maître de Conférence| Faculté des Sciences| Clermont-Ferrand [all from cover]. [on blank fly in pen “en hommage de l’auteur| [signature] | [following stamped—4 Oct 1971| Laboratoire de Botanique| 4 et 6, Rue Ledru| Clermont-Ferrand]. 118 pages, 70 figures on unnumbered following pages. [Mimeographed recto pages only, some sort of a thesis and only marginally bryological].

Larpent-Gourgaud, Mme. 1969. Déterminisme de la Ramification et du Bourgeonnement chez le Protonéma de Bryales. Annales des Science Naturelles, Botanique, 12e Série, Tome X: 1-101, 55 figures.

Latzel, A. 1931. Vorartbeiten zu einer Laubmossflora Dalmatiens. Beihefte zum botanischen Centralblatt 48: 437–512.

Laubinger C. 1903. Laubmoose von Niederhessen (Kassel) und Münden. Pages 19-87. No journal or other publication information included. Included in “Sammelband 19. Flora von West-Deutschland II. Musci I.” Filed under “Anonymous”.

Laubinger C. 1903. Lebermoose im nördlichen Rewg.-Bez. Kassel und Münden. Pages 88-96. No journal or other publication information included. Included in “Sammelband 19. Flora von West-Deutschland II. Musci I.” Filed under “Anonymous”.

Lauritzen, Eva Mære. 1972. Moseforaen på Bergsåsen i Snåsa| Nord- Trøndelag| Bryophytes of Bergsåsen, Snåsa| Nord-Trøndelag| av| Eva Mære Lauritzen| Universitetet i Trondheim| Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab, Museet [Miscellanea 4—from cover]. 172 pages, 20 figures, bibliography, index, mimeographed.

Lavocat Bernard, E. 2009. Quelques aspect de la diversité chez les bryophytes à la Guadeloupe. Le Courrier de la Nature 245: 22–29.

Laws, R. M., editor. 1984. Antarctic Ecology| Volume One| edited by| R. M. Laws| British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, England| 1984| [AP logo]| Academic Press| (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publisher)| London [etc]. xviii + 344 + xxvii pages, figures and bibliography by chapter [“Terrestrial plant biology of the sub-Antarctic and Antarctic” by R. I. Lewis Smith, pp. 61-162].

Lawton, Elva. 1971. Keys for| the Identification| of the| Mosses of the| Pacific Northwest| Reprinted from| Moss Flora of the Pacific Northwest| Elva Lawton| University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, U. S. A.| The Hattori Botanical Laboratory| Nichinan, Miyazaki, Japan| May, 1971. 66 pages .

Lawton, Elva. 1971. Moss Flora of the| Pacific Northwest| Elva Lawton| Department of Botany, University of Washington| Seattle, Washington, U. S. A.| The Hattori Botanical Laboratory| Nichinan, Miyazaki, Japan| May, 1971. xiii + 362 pages + 195 plates and unnumbered facing pages of legends, color frontispiece, index, bibliography (very brief).

Lazarenko, A. S. et al. 1971. [Atlas of chromosomes bryophytes? USSR] Kiev 1971. 141 + [2] pages, 421 figures, bibliography, index.

Le Jolis, Auguste. 1893?-1894. Remarques sur la nomenclature bryologique. XX: 229-328, bibliography, index. Remarques sur la nomenclature hépaticologique. 29: 105-328, bibliography, index. Mémoires de la Société Nationale des Sciences Naturelles et Mathématiques de Cherbourg [some details of second part from Schuster v. 1 NEED TO CHECK].

Lea, Thomas G. 1849. Catalogue of the Plants of Cincinnati. Philadelphia. T.K. & P.G. Collins. 77 p.

Lee, Gaik Ee and Robbert Gradstein. 2021. Guide to the Genera of Liverworts and Hornworts of Malaysia. Hattori Botanical Garden, Nichinan, Japan. 232 p.

Ledent, A. 2019. The Quaternary biogeographic history of bryophytes: a window into their ability to face global change. Insights from European and Amazonian bryophyte populations. Doctoral dissertation. University of Liège, Belgium.

Leitgeb, Hubert. 1874-1881. Untersuchungen| ueber die| Lebermoose| von| Dr. Hubert Leitgeb| Professor der Botanik in Graz.| [wavy rule]| I. Heft.| Blasia pusilla. | Mit Fünf Tafeln.| [elaborate spanner]| Jena| O. Deistung’s Buchhandlung| (Hermann Dabis)| 1874.| 82 pages, 5 plates. DITTO II. Heft.| Die Foliosen Jungermannieen.| Mit Zwolf Tafeln.| DITTO| 95 pages, 12 plates. DITTO| 1875.| III. Heft.| Die Frondosen Jungermannieen.| Mit Neun Tafeln.| DITTO| 1877.| 144 pages, 9 plates. DITTO IV. Heft.| Die Riccieen.| Mit Neun Tafeln.| [elaborate spanner]| Graz| Leuschner & Lubensky| 1879.| 101 pages, 9 plates. DITTO| unter| mitwirkung von M. Waldner, assistenten am| Botanischen Institute.| [wavy rule]| V. Heft.| Die Anthoceroteen.| Mit Fünf Tafeln.| [elaborate spanner]| Graz| Leuschner & Lubensky| 1879.| 60 pages, 5 plates. DITTO [but without portions to Waldner]| VI. (Schluss)-Heft.| Die Marchantieen| und| Allgemeine Bemerkungen über Lebermoose.| Mit Eilf Tafeln.| [elaborate spanner]| Graz| Verlag von Leuschner & Lubensky,| K. K. Univers.-Buchhandlung.| 1881.| 158 pages, 11 plates.

Leitgeb, Hubert. 1968. H. Leitgeb. Untersuchungen| über die| Lebermoose| with and [sic] introduction by| R. M. Schuster| [logo]| Reprint 1968| By J. Cramer • 3301 Lehre| Whlldon [sic] & Wesley, Ltd • Sthchert[sic]-Hafner Service Agency, Inc| Codicote, Herts. New York, N. Y. [from facing title] Historiae Naturalis Classica| ediderunt| J. Cramer et H. K. Swann| {rule} Tomus LXIX| [etc.]. 4 pages front matter + 8 page introduction + facsimile of above.

Lesch, Elena. 2017. Verlust, Gewinn und veränderte Prozessierungsstärke von RNA-Editingstellen durch Modifikation des Editingfaktors PPR_78 in Laubmoosen. Bachelorarbeit zur Erlangung des Grades Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Studiengang Biologie. Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.

Lesquereux, Leo, and Thomas P. James. 1884. Manual| of the| Mosses of North America.| by| Leo Lesquereux and Thomas P. James.| [rule]| With Six Plates| Illustrating the Genera.| [rule]| Boston:| S. E. Cassino and Company| 1884.| v + 447 pages, 6 plates, index.

Lesquereux, Leo, and Thomas P. James. 1895. Manual| of the| Mosses of North America.| by| Leo Lesquereux and Thomas P. James.| [rule]| With Six Plates| Illustrating the Genera.| [rule]| Boston:| Bradlee Whidden.| 1895.| v + 447 pages, 6 plates, index.

Lesquereux L. 2006. Letters Written from America. 1849–1853. Translation from the French H.Dwight Page. Biography and Illustrations Donald G. Tritt. Introduction and editing Wendy Everham. Picton Press, Rockland, Maine, US. 466 p.

Lesquereux, Leo. 1845. Catalogue| des| Mousses de la Suisse.| par| Léo Lesquereux. vi + 54 pages. Reprinted from Mémoires de la Société des Sciences Naturelles de Neuchâtel, volume 3.

Lett, Henry William. 1902. British Hepatics [half title]. All Rights Reserved.| A List,| with Descriptive Notes,| of all the| Species of Hepatics| Hitherto Found in the| British Islands| by| Henry William Lett, M.A., M.R.I.A.,| Rector of Aghaderg, Co., Down.| [spanner]| Price: Seven Shillings and Sixpence.| [spanner]| 1902| Printed for the Author by| | V. T. Sumfield, Station Street, Eastbourne.| viii + 199 pages, bibliography, index [page 198 blank, 199 + corrections].

Lévesque, P.E.M., H. Dinel & A. Larouche. 1988. Guide to the identification of plant macro fossils in Canadian peatlands. Land Resource Research Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, Research branch, Agriculture Canada, Publication 1817. 65 p.

Lewinsky, Jette, and J. Jóhansen. 1987. XIV International| Botanical Congress| Excursion no. 33| The vegetation and bryophyte flora of the Faroe Islands (Denmark)| Excursion Guide| by Dr. Jette Lewinsky| and Dr. J. Jóhansen| Berlin 1987. 56 pages (last 4 blank “notes” but numbered), 8 figures plus unnumbered vignettes.

Lewis, Lily R. 2015. Resolving amphitropical phylogeographic histories in the common dung moss Tetraplodon (Bryopsida, Splachnaceae). Doctoral dissertation, University of Connecticut.

Ley, Linda M., and Joan M. Crowe. 1999. An Enthusiasts Guide to| the Liverworts and| Hornworts| of| Ontario| Linda M. Ley| and Joan M. Crowe| Lakehead University| Thunder Bay, Ontarior | 1999| [figure of liverwort]. vii + 135 pages, [3] + 6-196 figures, 1 plate, 6 unnumbered color plates, bibliography. REV: BT 100:10.

Li, Xing-jiang, and Marshall R. Crosby, Editors-in-Chief. 2001. Moss Flora of China| English version| Volume 2. Fissidentaceae–Ptychomitriaceae| [3 lines of Chinese characters]| Li Xing-jiang| Marshall R. Crosby| Editors-in-Chief| Si He| Organizing Editor| With Contributions from| Li Xing-jiang, Li Zhi-hua, Lin Bang-juan, Cao Tong, Gao Chien| Si He, Diana G. Horton, Zen Iwatsuki, William D. Reese, and Dale H. Vitt| Science Press (Beijing, New York)| &| Missouri Botanical Garden (St. Louis). Pages viii + 1- 283, plates 69-145, maps numbered separately within genera, bibliography, indices. REV: BT 109:3; JB 24: 94.

Li, Xing-jiang, editor-in-chief. 1985. [First titlepage in Chinese.] The Series of the Scientific Expedition| to Qinghai-Xizang Plateau| Bryoflora of Xizang [=Tibet]| The Comprehensive Scientific Expedition| to the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, Academia, Sinica| Science Press| 1985. x + 581 pages, 231 figures, index to Latin names. In Chinese. REV: BT 38: 7 with important information on date of publication and notices in other publications.

Li, Zhang. 2013. Stories of moss from two cities. Hong Kong vs Macao. Forest and Humandkind 10: 58–68. Popular article in Chinese, along with three articles on lichens.

Lickleder, Max. 1894?. Jahres=Bericht| der| Studien-Anstalt| im| Benediktinerstifte Metten| für das| Studien=Jahr [1889/90] 1890/91.| [short rule]| Mit einer Beilage:| Die Moosflora der Umgegend von Metten.| [I] (II. Abteilung.)| [elaborate rule]| Druck der Jos. Thomann’schen Buchdruckerei in Landshut..[The preceding taken from the entire issue for 1890/91 with the bracketed portions assumed for the preceding year. The titlepages for the Beilagen are as follows.] Die Moosflora| der Umgegend von Metten.| (I. [II] Abteilung.)| [short elaborate rule]| Beilage| zum| Jahres-Berichte der Studien-Anstalt Metten| für 1889/90 [1890/91]| von| P. Max Lickleder, O. S. B.,| Studienlehrer.| [elaborate device]| Druck der Jos. Thomann’schen Buchdruckerei in Landshut. I, pages 1-62 + 1 plate; II, pages 63-128 + 1 page index. [According to TL-2 the work was published posthumously and an pencil annotation on I indicates “+ DEc. 93” which is the month of Lickleder’s death].

Limpricht, Gustav. 1890-1895. Die Laubmoose| Deutschlands, Oesterreichs un der Schweiz.| [faint rule]| Bearbeitet| von| K. Gustav Limpricht.| Mit 533 [867] Einzelabbildungen.| I [II] Abtheilung:| Sphagnaceae, Andreaeaceae, Achidiaceae,| Bryineae (Cleistocarpae, Stegocarpae [Acrocarpae]).[II: Bryineae (Stegocarpae [Acrocarpae, Pleurocarpe| excl. Hypnaceae]).]| [elaborate rule]| Leipzig.| Verlag von Eduard Kummer.| 1890 [1895]. Half-title on facing page: Dr. L. Rabenhorst’s| Kryptogamen-Flora| von| Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz| [rule]| Zweite Auflage vollständig neu bearbeitet| von| A. Grunow, Dr. A. Fischer, Dr. F. Hauck, G. Limpricht,| Prof. Dr. Ch. Luerssen, Dr. W. Migula, Dr. H. Hehm,| P. Richter, Dr. G. Winter.| [elaborate rule]| Vierter Band:| Die Laubmoose| Deutschland, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz| von| K. Gustav Limpricht| [elaborate rule]| Leipzig| Verlag von Eduard Kummer| 1890 [1895].. x + [1] + 836 pages, 211 figures, index.; [5] + 853 pages, 352 figures, index [issued in parts, see Stafleu and Cowan; lack Abt. III, 1895-1903].

Limpricht, Gustav. 1904. Die Laubmoose Deutschlands, Österreichs und der Schweiz unter Berücksichtigung der übrigen Luander Europas u. Sibiriens. III. Abtheilung: Hypnaceae u. Nachträge, Synonymen-Register u. Literatur-Verzeichniss. Abschluss der Nachträge und darauf Folgendes von Dr. phil. W. Limpricht fil. Verlag von Eduard Kummer, Leipzig. 864 pages + Synonymen-Register sämtlicher Arten nebst Varietäten der Abteilungen I, II und III, und Verzeichnis der Literatur sowie der Exsiccatenausgaben 79 pages.

Lin Shan-Hsiung. 1988. Introduction to the bryophytes. Taiwan Museum, Paipei, Taiwan. 78 pages (numbered) + 2 pages with literature and erratum? Text in Chinese

Lin Shan-Hsiung. 2000. The liverwort flora of Taiwan. The Council of Agriculture; The Executive Yuan. Taipei, Taiwan. (in Chinese)

Lincoln, M. S. G. 2004. Liverworts of New England. A guide for the amateur naturalist. Prepublication copy of the author.

Lincoln, M. S. G. 2008. Liverworts of New England. A guide for the amateur naturalist. Mmemoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 99: 1-161.

Lindberg, S. O. 1863. Bidrag till Mossornas synonymu. Öfversigt af. K. V. A. Förhandl. 20(7): 385-418

Lindberg, Sextus Otto. 1868, 1871, 1874. 5 papers on mosses, pages 1-158, 253-300; 1 paper on mosses, pages 39-72, and 351-417. in Notiser ur Sällskapets pro Fauna et Flora Förhandlingar, volumes 9 & 11 & 13.

Lindberg, Sextus Otto. 1878. Utkast till en naturlig gruppering af Europas bladmossor med toppsittande frukt (Bryinae acrocarpae) 33 p. Program, Helsingfors, J.C. Frenckell & Sons tryckeri.

Lindberg, Sextus Otto. 1879. Musci Scandinavici in Systemate novo Naturali Dispositi. Upasaliae. Ex Officina Iesaiae Edquist. Bound in a volume with publications by Pearson .

Lindberg, Sextus Otto. 1879. Musci Scandinavici| in| Systemate Novo Naturali| Dispositi| a| S. O. Lindberg| [elaborate rule]| Upsaliae MDCCCLXXIX| Ex Officina Iesaiae Edquist. 50 pages, index. {Hoe stamp 8 Aug 1974; front wrapper only, inscribed “Clar. C. Sanio| S. O. L.”, this being Carl Sanio, “outstanding plant anatomist” TL2}.

Lindberg, S. O. 1884. Historika data rörande vår kännedom om moss-sporens groning. Helsingfors, J. C. Frenckell & Son. 11 pages.

Lindberg, Sextus Otto, and H. W. Arnell. 1889. Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar. Bandet 23. N:o 5.| [spanner]| Musci Asiæ Borealis.| Beschreibung| der von den Schwedischen Expeditionen nach Sibirien| in den Jahren 1875 und 1876 Gesammelten Moose| mit Berücksichtigung| aller Früheren Bryologischen Angaben für das Russische Nord-Asien| von| S. O. Lindberg und H. W. Arnell.| [rule]| Erster Theil| Lebermoose.| der K. Schwedischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Vorgelegt den 10 October 1888.| [elaborate spanner]| Stockholm 1889.| Kongl. Boktryckeriet. P. A. Norsted & Söner.| pages 1-69. SHELVED REPRINTS

Lindberg, Sextus Otto, and H. W. Arnell. 1890. Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar. Bandet 23. N:o 10.| [spanner]| Musci Asiæ Borealis.| Beschreibung| der von den Schwedischen Expeditionen nach Sibirien| in den Jahren 1875 und 1876 Gesammelten Moose| mit Berücksichtigung| aller Früheren Bryologischen Angaben für das Russische Nord-Asien| von| S. O. Lindberg und H. W. Arnell.| [rule]| Zweiter Theil| Laubmoose.| der K. Schwedischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Vorgelegt den 11 September 1889.| [elaborate spanner]| Stockholm 1890.| Kongl. Boktryckeriet. P. A. Norsted & Söner.| pages 1-163. SHELVED REPRINTS

Linde Anna-Malin. 2019. Rates and Patterns of Bryophyte Molecular Evolution. Doctoral Dissertation. Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden.

Lindenberg, Johann Bernhard Wilhelm. 1829. Synopsis| Hepaticarum Europaearum,| adnexis observationibis et adnotationibus criticis| illustrata,| auctore| I. B. G. Lindenberg, Dr.|Ditionis Bergedorfensis Praefecto.| Cum tabulis duabis.| [rule]| Bonnae MDCCCXXIX.| Sumtibus Academiae Caes. L. C. Naturae Curiosorum| Venditure apud Eduardum Weberum, Bibliopolam. 133 pages, 2 plates.

Lindlar, Anja. 1997. Standörtliche Differenzierung epilithischer Moosgesellschaften und Wandel der Moosflora im Siebengebirge. Limprichtia, No. 8: 97 + [71] pages, figures numbered in sections, 34 unpaginated tables at end, bibliography.

Linnaeus, Carl. 1957-1959. Carl Linnaeus| Species Plantarum| A Facsimile| of the first edition| 1753| Volume I [II| with an appendix by| J. L. Heller and| W. T. Stearn]| with an introduction by| W. T. Stearn| London| Printed for the Ray Society| sold by| Bernard Quaritch Ltd| 11 Grafton Street London WI| 1957 [1959]. I: pages [introduction] xiv + 176 [including index] + [2] [facsimile] [12] + 560 + [6–modern index], frontispiece, 10 unnumbered figures; II: pages xv + [2] + [facsimile] [2] + 561-1200 + [31 original index] + [appendix] 1-148 [including index], frontispiece, 10 unnumbered figures. Cryptogamia Musci [including Lycopodium and Porella] II: 1100-1130; Cryptogamia Algae [Hepatics] II: 1131-1140.

Lisa, Domenico. 1837. Elenco| dei| Muschi| Raccolti ner Contorni de Torino| da| Domenico Lisa| Giardiniere del Reio Orto Botanico| [short elaborate rule]| Torino| Dalla Stamperia Reale| 1837.. [3] + iv-vi +[3] + 9-61 + [1] pages.

Lisboa Regina Célia Lobato. 1993. Musgos Acrocárpicos do Estado de Rondônia. Belém: Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. 272 pages. Copy offered to William Reese by author.

Lisowski, Stanislaw, Iwona Melosik, and Kazimierz Tobolski. 2000. Stanislaw Lisowski| Iwona Melosik| Kazimierz Tobolski| Mchy| Parku Narodowego| Bory Tucholskie| [Logo with park name around border and capercaillie in pine tree]| Mydawnictwo| Homini [with the “m” made of 3 stick figures]| Bydgoszcz-Poznan 2000. 103 pages, 6 text figures, 72 maps, 16 color photos, bibliography.

List, A. Jr. Key to species of Sphagnum seen in Pennsylvania. Manuscript draft by author.

Llano, George A., editor. 1972. Volume 20 [to left of vertical line]| Antarctic Research Series| Antarctic Terrestrial Biology| George A. Llano, Editor| Published with the aid of a grant from the National Science Foundation| Publisher| American Geophysical Union| of the| National Academy of Sciences—National Research Council| December 15, 1972. xi + 322 pages, frontispiece, figures and bibliographies by chapter. [Contains 3 papers treating bryophytes: Edmund Schofield and Vernon Ahmadjian; James R. Rastorfer; Harold E. Robinson.]

Lockhardt, Neil, Nick Hodgetts & David Holyoak 2012. Rare and Threatened Bryophytes of Ireland. National Museums of Northern Ireland Publication 028. National Museums of Northern Ireland. Holywood, Northern Ireland.

Loeske, Leopold. 1910. Studien zur vergleichenden Morphologie und phylogenetischen Systematik der Laubmoose. Verlag Max Lande, Berlin. 224 pages.

Loeske L. 1932. Über Wasserformen einiger Laubmoose. Sonderdruck aus den Sitzungsberichten des Bot. u. Zool. Ver. 1930 und 1931 herausgegeben von dem Naturhistorischen Verein der preußischen Rheinlande und Westfalens: 1-3. Included in “Sammelband 19. Flora von West-Deutschland II. Musci I.” Filed under “Anonymous”.

Loeske L. 1934. Ueber einige rheinische Didymodon-Formen. Sonderdruck aus den Sitzungsberichten für 1932/33 herausgegeben von dem Naturhistorischen Verein der preußischen Rheinlande und Westfalens: 16-19. Included in “Sammelband 19. Flora von West-Deutschland II. Musci I.” Filed under “Anonymous”.

Loeske, Leopold. 1903. Moosflora des Harzes| [rule]| Hilfsbuch| für die| bryologische Forschung in Harze| und dessen Umgebung| mit| Verbreitungsangaben und Bestimmungstabeln| von| Leopold Loeske| [elaborate rule]| Leipzig| Verlag von Gabrüder Bortraeger| 1903. xx + 350 pages, bibliography, index.

Loeske, Leopold. 1904. Erster Nachtrag zur “Moosflora des Harzes”. Pages 280-295 in Feschschrift zur Feier des siebzigsten Geburtstages des Herrn Professor Dr. Paul Ascherson. Herausgegeben von Ign. Urban und P. Graebner (Leipzig 1904). Zweiter Nachtrag zur “Moosflora des Harzes”. Pages 157-201 in Verhandlungen des Botanischen Vereins der Provinz Brandenburg, 46 (1904).

Loeske, Leopold. 1930. Monographie| der europäischen Grimmiaceen.| Von| L. Loeske.| [rule]| Mit 2 Abbildungen im Text.| [logo]| Stuttgart 1930| E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung| (Erwin Nägele) G.M.B.H.| [From facing title Bibliotheca Botanica| [rule]| Original-Abhandlungen| aus dem Gesamtgebiete der Botanik| Herausgegeben| von| Prof. Dr. L. Diels| Berlin-Dahlem| [rule]| Heft 101| etc.]. ix + 236 pages, 2 figures, index.

Lohwag, Kurt. 1948. Moose des Waldes| Bestimmugsschlüssel| für Anfänger| von Privatdozent| Dr. Kurt Lohwag| Assistent am Botanische Institut der Hoch-| schule für Bodenkultur in Wien| Leiter des Institutes für landwirtschaftl. Pflan-}zenschutz und forstliche Phytopathologie an| der Hochschule für Bodenkultur in Wien und| Leiter des Botanischen Institutes der Tier-| ärtzlichen Hochschule in Wien| Zweite, erweiterte Auflage| Mit 63 Abbildungen, davon 30 Originalzeichnungen| von| Helene Guggenthall-Schack| und 8 Tafeln| Wien| Franz Deuticke| 1948. vi + [1] + 66 pages + 8 plates, 63 figures, indices.

Long, David G. 2006. Revision of the genus Asterella P. Beauv. In Eurasia. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca 63: 1-299.

Long, J. A. 2006. Ultrastructure and cytochemistry of sporogenesis in two bryophytes, Notothylas and Takakia. M.Sc. dissertation. University of Southern Illinois, Carbondale. Photocopy.

Longton, Royce E. 1988. The biology of polar| bryophytes and lichens| R. E. Longton| Department of Botany| School of Plant Sciences, University of Reading| Published in Association with the| British Bryological Society| [logo]| Cambridge University Press| Cambridge| New York New Rochelle Melbourne Sydney. viii + 391 pages, figures numbered by chapter, bibliography, indices. REV: BT 52: 11; JB 15: 809-810.

Longton, R. E., and A. Roy Perry. 1985. British Bryological Society| Special Volume No. 1| British Bryological Society| Diamond Jubilee| Proceedings of the Jubilee Meeting| held in| Bedford College, London, 17-18 September, 1983| Edited by| R. E. Longton and A. R. Perry| [Society logo]| Cardiff 1985. [5] + 89 pages.

Lönnel, Niklas. 2014. Dispersal of bryophytes across landscapes. Doctoral thesis in Plant Ecology at Stockholm University, Sweden.

Lorbeer, Gerhard. 1934. Die Zytologie der Lebermoose mit besonderer Berücksichtigung allgemeiner Chromosomenfragen. Jahrbücher für Wissenschaftliche Botanik, 80: 565-817, 110 text figures, 1 plate. {disbound from original volume, rather numerous pencil annotations in German. Proskauer (Bryologist 65:217) refers to “His own annotated copy of the paper, now in my library,” so this may actually be Lorbeer’s own writing, as I have several items from Proskauer’s library obtained from more than one dealer—need to check handwriting—none, esp. on first page, seems to be Proskauer’s.}

Lorch, Wilhelm. 1913. Die Laubmoose.| Von| Dr. Wilhelm Lorch.| Mit 265 Figuren im Text.| [crest]| Berlin.| Verlag von Julius Springer.| 1913. From facing half-title: Kryptogamenflora| für Anfänger.| Eine Einfürung| in das Studium der blütenlosen Gewäsche| für Studierende und Liebhaber.| Herausgegeben von| Prof. Dr. Gustav Lindau,| Privatdozent der Botanik an der Universität Berlin.| Kustos am Kgl. Botan. Museum zu Dahlem.| Fünfter Band.| Die Laubmoose.| [crest]| Berlin| Verlag von Julius Springer.| 1913.. vi + [2] + 250 pages, figures I-VIII + 1-258 (arranged in 12 plates with the last not numbered except in the running head), bibliography, index.

Lorch, Wilhelm. 1914. Die| Torf- und Lebermoose.| Von| Dr. Wilhelm Lorch.| Mit 296 Figuren im Text.| Die Farnpflanzen| (Pteridophyta).| Von| Guido Brause.| Oberstleutnant a. D.| Mit 73 Figuren im Text.| [crest]| Berlin.| Verlag von Julius Springer.| 1914. From facing half-title: Kryptogamenflora| für Anfänger.| Eine Einfürung| in das Studium der blütenlosen Gewäsche| für Studierende und Liebhaber.| Herausgegeben von| Prof. Dr. Gustav Lindau,| Privatdozent der Botanik an der Universität Berlin.| Kustos am Kgl. Botan. Museum zu Dahlem.| Sechster Band.| Die Torf- und Lebermoose.und Farnpflanzen| [crest]| Berlin| Verlag von Julius Springer.| 1914.. vii + [1] + 184 pages, figures I-XV + 1-281 (arranged in 12 plates with the last not numbered), bibliography, index [the fern portion is separate, 108 pages]. {See Lorch 1913} [Second copy: Kok 19 Dec 2002 E34.00; cloth spine and boards, owner’s signature on spine].

Lorch, Wilhelm. 1923. Die Laubmoose.| Von| Dr. Wilhelm Lorch| Motto: “Quis autem tale studium, quo ad aeternam| omnium rerum causam evehimur, tamquam| inutile ac contemnendum detractare ac depri-| mere ausit?’ Bridel.| Zweite, verbesserte un vermehrte Auflage| Mit 273 Figuren im Text.| [crest]| Berlin.| Verlag von Julius Springer.| 1923. From facing half-title: Kryptogamenflora| für Anfänger.| Eine Einfürung| in das Studium der blütenlosen Gewäsche| für Studierende und Liebhaber.| Herausgegeben von| Prof. Dr. Gustav Lindau,| a. ö Professor an der Universität Berlin.| Kustos am Botan. Museum zu Dahlem.| Fünfter Band.| Die Laubmoose.| [crest]| Berlin| Verlag von Julius Springer.| 1923.. vi + [2] + 236 pages, figures I-XIV + 1-259 (arranged in 12 plates), bibliography, index. {Kok 19 Dec 2002 E29.00; cloth spine and boards, owner’s signature on title}.

Lorch, Wilhelm. 1931. Handbuch der Pflanzenanatomie| unter Mitwirkung zahlreicher Fachmänner herausgegeben von| K. Linsbauer| Professor der Anatomie und Physiologie der Pflanzen und| Vorstand des pflanzenphysiolog. Inst. d. Universität Graz| II. Abteilung 2. Teil: Bryophyten| [spanner]| Band VII/I| Anatomie der Laubmoose| von| Wilhelm Lorch| [short rule]| Mit 230 Textabbildungen| [short rule]| Berlin| Verlag von Gebrüder Borntraeger| W 35 Schöneberger Ufer 12a| 1931. viii [sic=4] + 358 + [1] pages, 93 figures, bibliography, indices. {Bound and shelved with Herzog 1925 q.v.}.

Lorchscheitter Baptista, Maria Luisa. 1977. [crest]| Ministério da Educação e Cultura| Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul| Boletim do Instituto Central de Biociências| Flora Ilustrada do| Rio Grande do Sul| Fundador:| A.R.H. Schultz| Coordenador:| M.H. Homrich| Fasciculo XIII| Lejeuneaceae| Maria Luisa Lorscheitter Baptista| Bol. I.C.B. n.o 36 Porto Alegre v. 36 Série Botânica 5 Pág. 1-139 1977 [this last line in 6 boxes]. 138 pages, 37 plates included in pagination, bibliography. {Hoe stamp no source 28 July 1980; wrappers}.

Lorence, David H., and Reginald E. Vaughan. 1992. Annotated Bibliography| of Mascarene Plant Life| Including the Useful and Ornamental| Plants of the Region,| Covering the Period 1609-1990| David H. Lorence and Reginald E. Vaughan†| National Tropical Botanical Garden| P. O. Box 340, Lawai, Kauai, Hawaii 96765 U.S.A. [6] + 274 pages, 11 unnumbered photographs and 2 maps [includes bryophytes].

Lorentz, P.G. 1864. Moosstudien. Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig, Germany. 170 p. + Erratum + 5 plates. (photocopy)

Lorentz, Paul Günther. 1867 (1868). Über| Die Moose,| die Hr. Ehrenberg in den Jahren 1820-1826 in Aegypten, der Sinai-Halbinsel und Syrien Gesammelt.| von| P. G. Lorentz.| aus den Abhandlungen der Königl. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1867.| [rule]| Mit 15 Tafeln.| [rule]| Berlin.| Gedruckt in der Buchdruckerei der Königl. Akademie| der Wissenschaften.| 1867 [1868 on cover].| [short rule]| in Commission bei F. Dümmlers Verlags-Buchhandelung| Harrwitz und Gossmann. Pages 1-57, plates I-XV (some partially colored).

Lücking Andrea. 1995. Diversität und Mikrohabitatpräferenzen epiphyller Moose in einem tropischen Regenwald in Costa Rica. Ph. Disserttation. Published by author. 211 pages.

Lüth, Michael & Jan-Peter Frahm (eds.). 2004. Bildlatlas der Moose Deutschlands. Grimmiaceae (by M. Lüth). Bryologischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutschlands. Not paginated.

Lüth, Michael & Jan-Peter Frahm (eds.). 2005. Bildlatlas der Moose Deutschlands. Faszikel 2. Polytrichaceae, Dicranaceae& Mniaceae (by M. Lüth). Bryologischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutschlands. Not paginated.

Lüth, Michael (ed.). 2006. Bildlatlas der Moose Deutschlands. Faszikel 3. Pottiaceae (by M. Lüth). Bryologischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutschlands. Not paginated.

Lüth, Michael (ed.). 2007. Bildlatlas der Moose Deutschlands. Faszikel 4. Bryaceae (by M. Lüth  & M. Ahrens) & Funariales, including Disceliaceae, Ephemeraceae,  Funariaceae and Splachnaceae (by M. Lüth). Bryologischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutschlands. Not paginated.

Lüth, Michael (ed.). 2008. Bildlatlas der Moose Deutschlands. Faszikel 5. Andreaceae, Archidiaceae, Aulacomniaceae, Bartramiaceae, Buxbaumiaceae, Catascopiaceae, Cinclidotaceae, Encalyptaceae, Fissidentaceae, Hedwigiaceae, Meesiaceae, Orthotrichaceae, Ptychomitriaceae, Schistostegaceae, Seligeriaceae, Tetraphidaceae & Timmiaceae (by M. Lüth). Bryologischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutschlands. Not paginated.

Lüth, Michael. 2019. Mosses of Europe. A Photographic Flora. Volume 1, pages 1–328. Published by Michael Lüth. Pronted by Poppen & Ortman KG. Freiburg, Germany.

Lüth, Michael. 2019. Mosses of Europe. A Photographic Flora. Volume 2, pages 329–840. Published by Michael Lüth. Pronted by Poppen & Ortman KG. Freiburg, Germany.

Lüth, Michael. 2019. Mosses of Europe. A Photographic Flora. Volume 3, pages 841–1360. Published by Michael Lüth. Pronted by Poppen & Ortman KG. Freiburg, Germany.

Lützow, G. 1895. Die| Laubmoose| Norddeutschlands.| [design]| Leichtfasslich Anleitung| zum| Erkennen und Bestimmen der in Norddeutschlan| wachsende Laubmoose| von G. Lützow.| [rule]| Mit 127 Abilldungen auf 16 Tafeln.| [rule]| Ger-Untermhaus 1895| Fr. Eugen Köhler’s Verlag.. viii + 220 pages, 16 plates, index.

Luisier, P. Alfonso. 1924. Musci Salmanticenses| [wavy rule]| Descriptio et Distributio Specierum| hactenus in Provencia| geographica Salmanticensi cognitarum.| Brevi addito conspectu Muscorum| totius Peninsulæ Ibericæ.| [wavy rule]| Memoria| premiada con accésit por la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales| en el concurso a premios del año 1916.| de la que es autor el| P. Alfonso Luisier, S. J.| Lema: “Ora et Labora.”| [seal]| Madrid| Imprenta de Estanislao Maestre| Pozas, 12.—Teléfono 38.54 M.| 1924. 280 pages.

Lutz, Louis. 1942. Traité| de| Cryptogamie| par| Louis Lutz| Professeur Honoraire a la Faculté de Pharmacie de Paris| Chargé de Conférences a l’École Supérieure du Bois| Ancein Président de la Societé Mycologique de France| short double rule| Masson et Cie, Éditeurs| Libraires de l’Académie de Médecine| 120, Boulevard Saint-Germain, Paris (VIe)| [double rule on either side of] 1942. vi +586 pages, 374 figures, index.

Lye, Kåre Arnstein. 1968. Moseflora| Av| Kåre Arnstein Lye| Botanisk Institut| Norges Landbrukshøgskole| Med Illustrasjoner av| E. Vernon Watson| Universitetslektor ven| University of Reading| [logo]| Universitetsforlaget [Oslo]. 140 pages, 60 figures, index. REV: JB 5:846.

Lyubarskaya, L. B. 1974. [Frondiferous mosses of the SE part of the Bolshoi Caucasus] Baku — 1974. 174 + [2] pages, 13 figures, 19 tables, bibliography.

Macmillan, B. H. 1996. [gray bar]| Checklist of the Mosses| of| Banks Peninsula, New Zealand| [gray bar]| B. H. Macmillian| Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research| P. O. Box 69, Lincoln, New Zealand| Landcare Research Science Series No. 17| [logo]| Manaaki| Whenua| Press| 1996| Lincoln, Canterbury, New Zealand. 80 pages, 3 [+1] figures, bibliography, index.

Macmillan, Hugh. 1874. First| Forms of Vegetation.| ‘Deus magnus in magnis, maximus in minimus.’| by the| Rev. Hugh Macmillan, LL.D., F.R.S.E.,| Author of ‘Bible Teachings in Nature;’ ‘The True Vine’| ‘Holidays on High Lands,’ Etc. Etc.| with numerous illustrations| Second Edition, Corrected and Enlarged.| London:| Macmillan and Co.| 1874.| [The Right of Translation is reserved.]. xii + 438 pages, 52 figures, color frontispiece of mosses, indices. [The First Edition was titled “Footnotes from the Page of Nature; or First Forms of Vegetation”].

Macoun, John. 1892. Geological and Natural History Survey of Canada.| Alfred R. C. Selwyn, C.M.G., LL.D., F.R.S., Director.| [double rule| Catalogue| of| Canadian Plants.| [rule]| Part VI.—Musci.| [rule]| By| John Macoun, M.A., F.L.S., F.R.S.C.,| Naturalist to the Geological and Natural History Survey of Canada.| [seal]| Printed for the Government of Canada| William Foster Brown & Co., Publishers,| Montreal.| 1892. v + errata sheet + 295 pages.

Macoun, John. 1902. Geological Survey of Canada.| Robert Bell, M.D., Sc.D (Cantab.), l.L.D., F.R.S.| [double rule| Catalogue| of| Canadian Plants.| [rule]| Part VII.—Lichenes and Hepaticæ| [rule]| By| John Macoun, M.A., F.L.S., F.R.S.C.,| Naturalist to the Geological Survey of Canada.| [seal]| Ottawa| Government Printing Bureau.| 1902 [wrapper says “Price, Ten Cents.”]. v + 318 + xix [index] pages.

Macoun, John. 1979. Autobiograpy of| John Macoun| Canadian Explorer| and Naturalist| A Second Edition published as| a Centennial Project of the Ottawa Field-Naturalists’ Club| Additional Contents of the 1979 Edition| [10 lines of contents]| Published by the| Ottawa Field-Naturalists’ Club,| Ottawa, 1971| Special Publication No. 1 [pasted in]. xviii + 361 pages, frontispiece, 10 unnumbered photographs, 5 maps, index.

Macvicar, Symers M. 1906. A Revised Key| to| Hepatics of the British Islands| by| Symers M. Macvicar.| [spanner]| Further copies at 9d. each, postage prepaid, may be had from| V. T. Sumfield, Station Street, Eastbourne.| [spanner]|Eastbourne:| V. T. Sumfield, Printer, Station Street.| [dash]| 1906| 19 pages.

MacVicar, Symers M. 1912. [All Rights Reserved] Price 18/6 Net.| The| Student’s Handbook| of| British Hepatics| By Symers M. Macvicar,| Author of “The Distribution of Hepaticae in Scotland,” etc.| With Illustrations by H. G. Jameson,| Author of “Illustrated Guide to British Mosses,” etc.| Eastbourne:| Printed and Published by V. T. Sumfield, Station Street.| London:| Sold by John Wheldon & Co., 38 Great Queen Street,| [Short rule]| 1912. xxiii + 463 pages, 273 + [1] figures, index.

MacVicar, Symers M. 1964. [1926]. [All Rights Reserved] Price 24/- Net.| The| Student’s Handbook| of| British Hepatics| [short rule]| Second edition, Revised and Enlarged.| [short rule]| By Symers M. Macvicar,| Author of “The Distribution of Hepaticae in Scotland,” etc.| With Illustrations by H. G. Jameson,| Author of “Illustrated Guide to British Mosses,” etc.| Eastbourne:| Printed and Published by V. V.[sic] Sumfield, Station Street.| London:| sold by Wheldon & Wesley, 2-4 Arthur Street,| New Oxford Street, W. C. 2.| [Short rule}| 1926. [Authorized reprint, 1964, Wheldon and Wesley.] xxix + [2] + 464 + viii [index] pages, “Tab. A” + ca. 282 figures.

MacVicar, Symers M. 1910. The| Distribution of Hepaticae| in Scotland| by| Symers M. Macvicar. [From wrapper Transactions and Proceedings| of the| Botanical Society of Edinburgh.| Volume XXV| [seal]| Edinburgh| Printed for the Botanical Society by| Neill & Co., Limited.| And to be obtained from the Secretary of the Society.| 1910.]. 336 pages, index.

Maier, E. 2010. The genus Grimmia Hedw. (Grimmiaceae, Bryophyta). A morphological-anatomical study. Boissiera 63: 1–377.

Maier, E. & M. Price. 2014. Georg Bojung “Scato” Lantzius-Beninga and his contributions on the anatomy of moss capsules: a transliteration from the original German texts. Boissiera 67: 11–78.

Magdy, M. A. A. 2013. Genetic variability in mosses and its relation to climatic change adaptation processes in Mediterranean environments. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Murcia, Spain. 259 p.

Magill Robert Earle. 1975. The Moss Flora of Big Bend National Park. A Phytogeoographical Study. Ph.D dissertation, Texas A&M University. 153 pages. Handwritten dedication to William Reese.

Magill, R. E., and E. A. Schelpe. 1979. Republic of South Africa [logo] Republiek van Suid-Afrika| Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa No. 43| Memoirs van de Botaniese Opname van Suid-Afrika No. 43| The Bryophytes| of| Southern Africa| An Annotated Checklist| by| R. E. Magill & E. A. Schelpe| Editor: D. J. B. Killick| ISBN 0 621 04718 X| Price/Prys R6,95 • Other Countries/Buitland R8,70| Botanical Research Insitute-Navorsingsinstituut vir Platkunde| Department of Agricultural Technical Services-Departement van Landbou-Tegniese Dienste| South Africa-Suid Afrika. [5] + 39 pages, 32 figures, index.

Magill, Robert E, and Jacques van Rooy. 1998. Flora of Southern Africa| which deals with the territories of| South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland, Namibia and Botswana| Bryophyta| Part 1 Musci substituted in Fasc. 3]| Fascicle 3 Erpodiaceae — Hookeriaceae]| by| Robert E. Magill & Jacques van Rooy| with drawings by| Gillian Condy| Scientific editor: O. A. Leistner| Technical editor: E. du Plessis| [logo]| National| [short rule]| Botanical| [short rule]| Institute| Pretoria| 1998. Fasc. 3, vii + pages 445-622, figures 126-171, maps 177-241, appendix pages A-1–A-5.

Magill, Robert E. 1981-1987. Flora of Southern Africa| which deals with the territories of| South Africa, Transkei, Lesotho, Swaziland, Bophuthatswana,| South West Africa/Namibia| Botswana and Venda| Bryophyta| Part 1 Mosses| Fascicle 1 Sphagnaceae — Grimmeaceae [2 Gigaspermaceae–Bartramiaceae]| by| Robert E. Magill| Edited by| O. A. Leistner| Editorial Committee: B. de Winter, D. J. B. Killick [, G. E. Gibbs Russell fasc. 2] and O. A. Leistner| Botanical Research Institute, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries [Water Supply in place of Fisheries in fasc. 2]| 1981 [1987]. Fasc. 1, xv + pages 1-291 [292 blank], figures 1-83, maps 1-110, index. Fasc. 2, ix + pages 293-443, figures 84-125, maps 111-175, index. REV: JB 12: 307-308; 15: 499. REV: Vol. 1 BT 17: 8; vol. 2 47:11.

Magill, Robert E., editor. 1990. Glossarium Polyglottum Bryologiae| A multilingual glossary for bryology| R. E. Magill, Editor| [press logo]| Missouri Botanical Garden| St. Louis, MO USA| 1990| [from facing title] Monographs in Systematic Botany| from the Missouri Botanical Garden| Vol. 33. 1990| ISSN 06161-1542| Copyright © 1990 by Missouri Botanical Garden.| All rights reserved.| [iii] + 297 pages. REV: BT 65: 1; JB 16: 651.

Majestyk, Piers. 2003. A revision of the moss genus Erythrodontium (Entodontaceae). Doctor of Philosophy thesis. 111 pages. City University of New York, New York.

Majestyk, P. & J. P. Janovec.2011. The Mosses of Madre de Dios, P{eru. Brit Press 37. Botanical Research Institute of Texas. Fort Worth, TX.

Malcolm, Bill, and Nancy Malcolm. 1989. The Forest Carpet| New Zealand’s Little-Noticed Forest| Plants – Mosses, Lichens, Liverworts, Hornworts, Fork-ferns, and Lycopods| Bill and Nancy Malcolm| [color photograph]| Published by Craig Potton| PO Box 555, Nelson, New Zealand. [4] + 139 pages + [1 biography], [160 color photographs according to Johnson catalog], index.

Malcolm, Bill, and Nancy Malcolm. 2000. Mosses| and Other Bryophytes| An Illustrated Glossary| [photograph of peristome]| Bill and Nancy Malcolm—Micro-Optics Press. 220 pages, hundreds of illustrations most in color, bibliography, index. REV: BT 102: 2; JB 23: 71-71

Malcolm, Bill and Nancy Malcolm. 2006. Mosses and other bryophytes. An illustrated glossary. 2nd edition. 336 p. Micro-Optics Press, Nelson New Zealand.

Malcolm, B., N. Malcolm, J. Shevock & D. Norris. 2009. California Mosses. 430 pp. Micro-Optics Press, Nelson, New Zealand.

Malcolm, B. & N. Malcolm. 2011. New Zealand Mosses. Distinctive Genera. & An illustrated key. 2 pdf on a CD distributed by authors.

Malme, L. 1988. Distribution of bryophytes on Fuerteventura and Lanzarote, the Canary Islands. Sommerfeltia, 7: 1-54, 48 figures, 3 tables, bibliography, index. REV: JB 16: 126.

Malta, Nikolajs. 1926. Latvijas Universitates Botaniskä Därza Darbi No 1.| [spanner]| Die Gattung| Zygodon Hook. et Tayl.| Eine monographische Studie.| Von N. Malta.| Riga.| [spanner]| 1926.. 184 + [1] pages, 102 figures (including 1 foldilng map), 1 plate, index.

Mamczarz, Helena. 1977-1978. Monographiae Botanicae| Vol. LIV [LVI], 1977 [1978]| Helena Mamczarcz| Brioflora i Zbiorowiska Mszaków| Beskidu Sadeckiego| Czesc i| Brioflora Beskidu Sadecki| Bryoflora and bryophytes associations[sic] [Bryoflora and bryophyte communities]| of Beskid Sadecki| Part I. Bryoflora of Beskid Sadecki [Part II. Bryophyte communities]| Redaktorzy: M. Kostyniuk [boxed, not in Part II], Z. Podbeilkowski| [seal]| [spanner]| Warszawa 1977 [year omitted in Part II]. 1, 156 + [2] pages, 50 figures, 12 tables, bibliography; 2, 92 + [2] pages, 5 figures, 36 tables (3 foldout), bibliography.

Manju, C.N. & K.P. Rajesh. 2017. Bryophytes of Kerala. Liverworts. Volume 1. Center for Research in Indigenous Knowledge, Science & Culture. Jawahar Nagar, Kozhikode, Kerala, India. 147 p.

Manjula, K.M., C.N. Manju & K.P. Rajesh. 2022. Fissidentaceae (Bryophyta) of the Western Ghats, India. Center for Research in Indigenous Knowledge, Science & Culture. Jawahar Nagar, Kozhikode, Kerala, India. 450 p.

Manuel Monte G. 1972. A revision of the moss genus Cryphaea (Cryphaeaceae) in North America, North of Mexico. Ph.D. dissertation. University of Southwestern Louisiana. 87 pages + appendix (16 pages, abstract, biography, figures and maps).

Manuel, Monte G. 1981. Federation Museums| Journal| [double spanner]| Volume 26 (Part II) New Series for 1981 Issn 0126 – 561X| [double spanner]| A Generic Moss Flora| of Peninsular Malaysia| and Singapore| by Monte G. Manuel| [double spanner]| Museums Department, Peninsular Malaysia| Kuala Lumpur [from cover]. vi + 163 pages, frontispiece, 18 figures.

Margadant Wim D. 1944. Mossentabel. Determinatietabel van de Nederlandse bladmossen, levermossen en de grote korstmossen, voornamelijk op grondslag van veldkenmerken. Published for the Nederlandse Jeugbond voor natuurstudie by G.W. Breughel. S. Graveland. The Netherlands. 74 pages. Hardbound.

Margadant, Willem Daniël, and Heinjo During. 1982. Beknopte flora| van| Nederlandse| Blad- en Levermossen| door| Wim D. Margadant & Heinjo During| (Wetenschappelijke medewerkers Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht) geillustreerd door| Nol Luitingh, Huib de Mrianda| en Mevr. N. E. Nannenga-Bremekamp| Eerste Druk| [logo]| Thieme-Zutphen. 517 pages, 68 plates, index.

Margadant, Willem Daniël. 1968. Early Bryological Literature| A Descriptive Bibliography of Selected| Publications Treating Musci During the First| Decades of the Nineteenth Century and| Especially of the Years 1825, 1826 and 1827.| Proefschrift| Ter Verkrijging ven de Graad ven Doctor in de Wis-| kunde en Natuurwetenschappen aan de Rijksuniver-| siteit te Utrecht, op Gezag ven de Rector Magnificus,| Prof. Dr. A. C. de Vooys,| Volgens Besluit van de Senaat in het Openbaar te| Verdedigen op Woensdag 5 Juni 1968| des Namiddags om 2.45 Uur.| Door| Willem Daniël Margadant| Geboren op 28 Mei 1916 te Wijk ann Zee en Duin| 1968| Hunt Botanical Library| Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania| U. S. A.| Drukkerij Elinkwijk — Utrecht. [From half-title: Mededelingen van het Botanisch Museum en Harbarium van de Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht| No. 283 (1968)]. xi + 277 + 1[curriculum vitae] pages.

Marshall Andrew J. & Beehler Bruce M. 2007. The Ecology of Papua. Parts 1 and 2. 1467 Pages together. The Ecology of Indonesia Series Volume VI.

Marshall, Nina L. 1907. Mosses and Lichens| A Popular Guide to the Identi|fication and Study of our Com-| moner Mosses and Lichens, Their Uses, and Methods of Preserving| by| Nina L. Marshall| Author of “The Mushroom Book”| Sixteen Plates in Colour, Thirty-two in Black| and White, from Photographs by Hannah C.| Anderson; and Many Text Illustrations| [press logo]| New York| Doubleday, Page & Company| 1907| xviii + 327 pages, 16 color plates, 32 black and white plates, many text figures, index.

Marshall, Nina L. 1908. Mosses and Lichens A popular guide to the identification and study of our commoner mosses and lichens, their uses, and methods of preserving. New York, Doubleday, Page & Company. 327 p.

Marshall, Nina L. 1920. Mosses and Lichens A popular guide to the identification and study of our commoner mosses and lichens, their uses, and methods of preserving. Garden City, New York, Doubleday, Page & Company. 327 p.

Mårtensson, Olle. 1955-1956. Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens| Avhandlingar i Naturskyddsärenden| Nr 12 [14][15]| Bryophytes| of the Torneträsk Area,| Northern Swedish Lappland| By| Olle Mårtensson| I [II]| Hepaticae [Musci][General Part]| Stockholm| Almquist & Wiksells Boktryckeri AB| 1955 [1956][1956]. 106 pages, index. [321 pages, index.][95 pages, 12 figures, 2 maps, bibliography.][1956 Summary, 7 pages, plus loose page of announcement of inaugural dissertation with same printer but not part of the series.] REV: JB 3: 306.

Mårtensson, Olle. 1956. Bryophytes of the Torneträsk Area, Northern Swedish Lappland. Part III. General Part. Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakaemiens Avhandlingar I Naturskyddsärenden 15: 5–94 + 1 map.

Mårtensson, Olle. 1962. Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens| Avhandlingar i Naturskyddsärenden| Nr 18| Mossflora och| Mossvegetation Kring Sjön| Keddek i Taurejauätnodalen| i Lule Lappmark| Ave| O. Mårtensson| Med 1 Karta| English Summary| Almquist & Wiksell| Stockholm| Göteborg • Uppsala. 70 pages, 1 map.

Martincic, A. 1968. Consilium Academiarum Scientiarum Rei Publicae| Socialisticae Foederativae Jugoslaviae| Academia Scientiarum et Artium Slovenica| Catalogus Florae Jugoslaviae| II./1| Bryophyta| Musci| A. Martincic| [logo]| Ljubljana| 1968. 102 pages, bibliography, index.

Martius, Carl Friedrich Philipp von. 1840-1884 (1965). Flora Brasiliensis| Enumeratio Plantarum| in Brasilia Hactenus Detectaru| Quas Suis Aliorumque Botanicorum Studiis Descriptas et Methodo Naturali| Digestas Partim Icone Illustratas| Ediderunt| Carolus Fridericus Philippus de Martius| Edque Defuncto Successor| Augustus Giulielmus Eichler| Opus Cura Musei C. R. Pal. Vindobonenesis Auctore Steph. Endlicher| Successore Ed. Fenzl| Conditum sub Auspiciis| Ferdinandi I. et Ludovici I.|Austriae Imperatoris Bavariae Regis| Sublevatum Populi Brasiliensis Liberalitate| Petro II.| Brasiliae Imperatore Constitutionali et Defensore Perpetuo Feliciter Regnante.| [couble rule]| Volumen I. Part II.| [short rule]| Accedunt Tabulae LXXXII.| [double rule]| Monachii| MDCCCXL-MDCCCXXXIV.| Lipsiae apud Fird. Fleischer in Comm. [Title page of atlas identical to text]. [Reprinted 1965| Verlag von J. Cramer| Weinheim| etc.]. 712 pages, 82 plates. [Musci by C. F. Hornschuch, pages 1-94 + [1], plates I-IV, published in 1840].

Maschke, Joachim. 1980. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca| Herausgegeben von| J. Cramer| [rule]| Band 22| Moose als Bioindikatoen| von Schwermetall-Immissionen| Eine Übersicht der bereits untersuchten lokalen und| regionalen Gebiete| von| Joachim Maschke| mit 123 Abbildungen und 58 Tabellen| [press logo]| 1981 • J. Cramer| in der A. R. Gantner Verlag Kommanditgesellschaft| FL-9490 Vaduz. 492 pages , 124 figures, 58 tables, bibliography.

Maschke, Joachim. 1976. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca| Herausgegeben von| J. Cramer| [rule| Band 6| Taxonomische Revision| der Laubmoosgattung Myurium| (Pterobryaceae) | von| Joachim Maschke| Mit 55 Abbildungen und 24 Karten| [logo]| J. Cramer • 1975 | In der A. R. Gantner Verlag Kommanditgesellschaft| FL-9490 Vaduz. 218 pages, 55 figures, 24 maps, bibliography, index.

Matouschek, F. 1903. Das bryologische Nachlassherbar des Friedrich Stolz. Berichte der naturwissenschaftlich-medizinischen Vereines in Innsbruck. 28 (1902/1903): 3–184.

Matsuda, Tatsuro. 1968. Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition| Scientific Reports Series E No. 29| [spanner]| JARE Scientific Reports| Biology| Ecological Study of the Moss Community and Microorganisms| in the Vicinity of Syowa Station, Antarctica| Tatsuro Matsuda| Department of Polar Research National Science Museum| [spanner]| Ueno Park Tokyo Japan November 1968 [from cover]. [2] + 58 pages, 47 figures, 2 tables, bibliography.

Matteri, Celina M. 1975. [Flora Criptogámica de Tierra del Fuego] Bryophyta, Musci| Hookeriales| por Celina M. Matteri| Tomo XIV — Fasciculo 9| Buenos Aires — Argentina| 1975. 58 + [2] pages, 15 plates, bibliography, index.

Matteri, Celina M. 1985. Flora Criptogámica de| Tierra del Fuego| Bryophyta, Musci| Bartramiaceae| por Celina M. Matteri| Tomo XIV – Fasciculo 7| Buenos Aires – Argentina| 1985. 62 pages, 18 plates, bibliography, indices. {Hoe stamp ex auct?; wrappers}.

Mayer André & L. Plantefol. 1925. Hydratation et respiration chez les mousses. Hydratation et nature des phénomènes respiratoires. 33 pages. Extrait des Annales de Physiologie et de Physicochimie Biologique 4: p. 361. Gaston Doin & Co., Paris, France. Bound in a volume with other reprints by these authors, filed under Mayer.

Mayer André & L. Plantefol. 1926. Teneur en eau et assimilation chlorophyllienne. Étude de l’assimilation des mouosses réviviscentes. 42 pages. Extrait des Annales de Physiologie et de Physicochimie Biologique 5: p. 564. Gaston Doin & Co., Paris, France. Bound in a volume with other reprints by these authors, filed under Mayer.

Mayer André & L. Plantefol. No date. Hydratation et respiration chez les mousses. 42 pages. Imprimerie Orléanaise, Orléans, France. Bound in a volume with other reprints by these authors, filed under Mayer.

Mayer André & L. Plantefol. No date. Recherches sur l’hydratation des mousses par la vapeur d’eau. 21 pages. Gaston Doin & Co., Paris, France. Bound in a volume with other reprints by these authors, filed under Mayer.

Mayer André, L. Plantefol & René Wurmser.Étude calorimétrique de l’hydratation des mousses. 6 pages. No journal information provided. Reprint published by Gaston Doin & Co., Paris, France. Bound in a volume with other reprints by these authors, filed under Mayer.

Maynard, Charles J. 1905. Methods in Moss Study| in| Twelve Lessons| By| Charles J. Maynard| West Newton Mass| C. J. Maynard| 1905. iv + 128 pages, figures in margins, 12 plates [“issued in duplicate for coloring” from inserted blurb; in this copy the first of each plate is hand colored], index.

McCarthy Patrtick M. 2003. Catalogue of Australian liverworts and hornworts. Flora of Australia Supplementary series number 21: 1-137.

McCune, Bruce & Martin Hutten. 2018. Common Mosses of Western Oregon and Washington. blueberry Media, Corvallis, Oregon, USA. 148 p.

McFarland, K.D. 1988. Revision of Brachythecium (Musci) for Mexico, Central America, South America, Antactica, and circus-Subantarctic islands. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Tennessee. 537 p.

McIntosh, Terry T. 1986. The Bryophytes of the semi-arid steppe of South-Central British Columbia. Doctor of Philosophy thesis. 345 pages. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

McKnight, Bill N. 1987. The Bryophytes| of Illinois| An Annotated and| Indexed Bibliography| and Checklist| Bill N. McKnight| Illinois Natural History Survey| Urvana, Illinois August 1987| State of Illinois| Department of Energy and Natural Resources| Natural History Survey Division| Biological Notes No. 127. 41 pages, bibliography. [Information from cover, no title page.]

McKnight, Karl B., Joseph R. Rohrer, Kirsten McKnight Ward and Warren J. Perdrizet. 2013. Common Mosses of the Northeast and Appalachians. Princeton Field Giuides. Princeton University Press. Princeton, New Jersey.

McQueen, Cyrus B. 1990. Field Guide| to the Peat Mosses| of Boreal North| America| Cyrus B. McQueen| University Press of New England| Hanover and London. xiv [+2] + 138 pages, 32 figures, 29 color photographs [“plates”] on 8 pages, index.

Medina Bujalance, Rafael. 2012. Estudios de taxonomía en el género Orthotrichum Hedw., subgénero Pulchella (Schimp.) Vitt. (Bryophyta). Doctoral Dissertation, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain.

Megaw, W. R. [Rev.] 1934. Ulota| by| W. R. Megaw| “Many tastes and one hobby is| no bad ideal to be aimed at.”| —Lecky’s Map of Life.| Belfast| The Quota Press. 203 pages. [This is a romantic novel about bryology cited by Conard and Redfearn (1979)].

Meijer, Willem. 1951. The Genus Orthodontium| Academisch Proefschrift| Ter Verkrijging van de Graad van| Doctor in de Wis- en Natuurkunde| aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam,| of Gezag van de Rector Magnificus,| Mr. M. H. Bregstein, Hoogleraar in de| Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid, in| het Openbaar to Verdedigen in de| Aula der Universiteit of Woensdag 14| November 1951, des Nammiddags te 4 Uur| door| Willem Meijer| Geboren te ‘s Gravenhage| North-Holland Publishing Company| Amsterdam. xiii + 80 pages,18 “plates” = figures, 4 maps [verso of t.p.: Dit proefschrift verschijnt tevens in| Acta Botanica Neerlandica,| 1e Jaargang, afl. 1 (1952)].

Melliss, John Charles. 1875. St. Helena:| a| Physical, historical, and Topographical| Description of the Island,| including its| Geology, Fauna, Flora, and Meteorology| by| John Charles Melliss, A.IC.E, F.G.S., F.L.S.| Late Comissioner of Crown Property, Surveyor and Engineeer of the Colony.| The Botanical Plates from Original Drawings| By Mrs. J. C. Melliss.| [crest]| London:| L. Reeve & Co., 5, Hinrietta Street, Covent Garden.| 1875.. xiv + 426 pages, appendix, foldout map, various colored landscapes that are not numbered 56 plates but in this copy not bound in sequence, index. [Musci including hepatics by Mitten pages 357-373, plate 56].

Melnichuk, V. M. 1970. | | | V. M. Melnichuk| Opredelitel| Listvennykh Mchov| Stedjen Polosy i Yuga| Evropejskoj Chasti SSSR [Classification Key to the Leafy Mosses of Middle Zone and the South of the European Part of the USSR| | Kiev — 1970. 441 + [1] pages, 89 figures, frontispiece map, index.

Melosik I. 2008. The Sphagnum subsecundum complex (Sphagnaceae): Morphological variability and taxonomic imoplications. Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, Poznán.

Meusel, Hermann. 1935. Nova Acta Leopoldina| Abhandlungen der Kaiserlich Leopodinsich-caro-|linisch Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher| [3 lines omitted]| [rule]| Neue Folge Band 3 Nummer 12| [double rule]| Wuchsformen und Wuchstypen| der europäischen Laubmoose| Von| Hermann Meusel| Halle (Saale)| Mit 68 Textabbildungen| [logo]| Halle (Saale) // 1935| Druck von der Buchdruckerei des Waisenhauses G.m.b.H. in Halle (Saale). [3] + pages 123-277, 68 illustrations, bibliography.

Merced Alejandro, Amelia. 2004. A heterochronic sequence for te development of paraphyses in Neckeropsis Schimp. (Bryophyta: Neckeraceae). Master of Science thesis. 732 pages. University of Puerto Rico.

Meyer, Karl (ed.). 1955. Theodor-Herzog-Festschrift. Mitteilungen der Thüringer Botanischen Gesellschaft. 1 (2/3)1–302.

Meylan, Charles. 1905. Catalogue des Mousses du Jura. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles, XLI 152: 41-172.

Meylan, Charles. 1924. Les Hépatiques de la Suisse| par| Ch. Meylan| [short elaborate rule]| Avec 213 figures| {elaborate rule]| Zurich| Fretz Frères, S. A., Libraire-Éditeurs| 1924. [From facing half title] Beiträge| zur| Kryptogamenflora| der Schweiz| [short elaborate rule]| Auf Initiative der Schweiz. Botanisch Gesellschaft| und auf Kosten der Eidgenossenschaft| Herausgegeben von| einer Kommission der Schweiz. Naturforschenden Gesellschaft| [elaborate rule]| Band VI, Heft 1| Les Hépatiques de la Suisse| par| Ch Meylan| [design]| Zürich| Verlag von Gebr. Fretz A. G.| 1924. [2] + 318 pages, 213 figures, index.

Meylan, Charles. 1940. Ergebnisse der wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung des schweizerischen Nationalparkes| Herausgegaben von der Kommission der S. N. G. zur wissenschaftlichen Erforschung| des Nationalparkes| Résultats des recherches scientifiques entreprises au Parc National suisse| Publiés par la commission de la S. H. S. N. pour les études scientifiques au Parc National| [spanner]| Bd. I (Neue Folge)| 7.| Les Muscinées du| Parc National Suisse| et des territoires qui l’entourent| avec deux cartes| par| Charles Meylan| Ste Croix| [spanner]| Verlag H. R. Sauerländer & Co. Aarau / 1940. 77 pages, 2 foldout maps, index.

Mickiewicz, Jadwiga. 1965. Monographiae Botanicae| Vol. XIX — 1965| Uzdial Mszaków w Epifitycznych Zespolach Buka| Bryophytes in Epiphytic Beech Associations| Jadwiga Mickiewicz. pages 3-83, 2 figures, 5 “plates” (tablica), 12 photos, 13 tables (1 foldout), bibliography.

Migula, W. 1901-1904. Kryptogamen-Flora| von Deutschland, Deutsch-Österriech| und der Schweiz| im Anschluss an Thomé’s Flora von Deutschland| bearbeitet| von| Dr. W. Migula| a. o. Professor der Botanik an der technischen Hochschule zu Karlsruhe| [short rule]| Band I. Moose.| elaborate rule| Berlin-Lichterfelde| Hugo Bermühler Verlag| 1904 [the last 3 lines (2 typewritten, 1 in ink) are on a label pasted over the original printing which says: 1904| Friedrich von Zarschwitz| Botanischer Verlag “Flora von Deutschland”| Gera, R.]. Facing half-title: Dirctor Prof. Dr. Thomé’s| Flora von Deutschland, Österriech| und der Schweiz| [2 leaf designs] in Wort und Bilde. [2 leaf designs]| [rule]| Band V| Kryptogamen-Flora| Moose, Algen, Flechten und Pilze| (die Farne befinden sich in Band I)| ca. 15,000 Arten und Varietäten| bearbeitet von Dr. W. Migula| a. o. Professor der Botanik an der technischen Hochschule zu Karlsruhe| [short rule]| Band I. Moose.| elaborate rule [and same pasted label over same printing as t. p. but label without date]. vi + 512 pages, 68 plates (many colored), index [the work was issued in 17 Lieferung from 1901 to 1904—see Stafleu and Cowan TN2].

Migula, W. 1928. Handbücher für die praktische| naturwissenschaftliche Arbeit • Bd. XX| Die Laubmoose| Ein Hilfsbuch| zum Erkennen, Bestimmen, Sammeln, Untersuchen| und Präparieren der am häufigsten| vorkommenden Formen| von| Prof. Dr. W. Migula| Eisenach| Mit 10 Tafeln| [logo]| Geschäftsstelle des Mikokosmos:| Franckh’sche Verlagshandlung, Stuttgart. .(2) + 70 pages, 10 plates, index.

Migula, W. 1932. Handbücher für die praktische naturwissenschaftliche Arbeit:| Band XXII| Lebermoose und Torfmoose| Ein Hilfsbuch| zum Erkennen, Bestimmen, Sammeln, Untersuchen und| Präparieren der am häufigsten vorkommenden Formen| Von| Prof. Dr. W. Migula| Eisenach| Mit 8 Tafeln| [logo]| 1932| Geschäftsstelle des Mikokosmos: Franckh’sche Verlagshandlung, Stuttgart. 48 pages, 8 plates, index.

Milde, Julius. 1869. Bryologia Silesiaca.| [rule]| Laubmoos-Flora| von| Nord- und Mittel-Deutschland,| unter besonderer Berücksichtigung Schlesians| und| mit Hinzunahme der Floren von Jütland, Holland, der Rheinpfalz,| von Baden, Franken, Böhmen, Mähren un der Umgegend| von Müchen.| Von| Dr. Julius Milde,| Professor in Breslau.| {elaborate rule]| Leipzig.| Verlag von Arthur Felix.| 1869.| ix + 410 pages, index.

Miller, Allison D. 2003. Incipient speciation in differing environments: The effects of sex versus cloning in the moss Orthotrichum lyellii (Orthotrichaceae). Master of Arts. 116 pages. Humboldt State University, California.

Miller, H. A., H. O. Whittier, and B. A. Whittier. 1983. Prodromus| Florae Hepaticarum| Polynesiae| with a key to genera| by| H. A. Miller, H. O. Whittier| and B. A. Whittier| [press logo]| 1983| • J. Cramer| In der A. R. Gantner Verlag Kommanditgesellschaft| FL-9490 Vaduz. [From half-title] Bryophytorum Bibliotheca 25. 423 pages, frontispiece map, bibliography.

Miller, Harvey Alfred, H. O. Whittier, and B. A. Whittier. 1978. Prodromus| Florae Muscorum| Polynesiae| with a key to genera| by| H. A. Miller, H. O. Whittier| and B. A. Whittier| [press logo]| 1978| • J. Cramer| In der A. R. Gantner Verlag Kommanditgesellschaft| FL-9490 Vaduz. [From half-title] Bryophytorum Bibliotheca 16. 334 pages, frontispiece map, bibliography.

Miller, Harvey Alfred, Henry O. Whittier, and C. E. B. Bonner. 1963. Beiheft zur| Nova Hedwidgia| [expanded rule]| Heft 11| Bryoflora| of the| Atolls of Microneia| by| H. A. Miller, H.O. Whittier| and C.E. B. Bonner| [logo]| Weinheim| Verlag von J. Cramer| 1963 [this is from the page facing the title]. 89 pages, 2 tables of 2 pages each, 31 plates, bibliography, index [tables and plates not included in pagination].

Miller, Harvey Alfred, Henry O. Whittier, Romualdo M. del Rosario and Douglas R. Smith. 1971. Bryological Bibliography| of the| Tropical Pacific Islands| Especially| Polynesia and Micronesia| compiled for the| Subcommittee for Bryophytes and Lichens| of the| Standing Committee on Pacific Botany| of the| Pacific Science Association| by| Harvey A. Miller, U. S. A., Editor| Henry O. Whittier, U. S. A.| Romualdo M. del Rosario, Philippines| Douglas R. Smith, Guam| – 1971 – [From cover: Duplicated by| Pacific Scientific Information Center,| Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, HI]. [5] + 51 pages.

Miller, Harvey Alfred. 1956. A Phytogeographical Study of Hawaiian Hepaticae| A Dissertation| Submitted to the Department of Biological Sciences| and the Committee on Graduate Study| of Stanford University| in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements| for the Degree of| Doctor of Philosophy| By| Harvey Alfred Miller| September 1956. 123 pages, 4 figures, 22 tables, bibliography.

Miller, Harvey Alfred. 1963. Notes on Hawaiian Hepaticae V. Collections from recent Swedish expeditions. Arkiv för Botanik, Serie 2, 5 (2): 489-531, 11 figures. SHELVED REPRINTS

Miller, Norton G. 1974. Late-Glacial and Postglacial Vegetation| Change in Southwestern New York State| Norton G. Miller| Temporary Botanist, Biological Survey| [seal]| Bulletin 420| New York State Museum and Science Service| The University of the State of New York| The State Education Department/ Albany, New York/ April 1973. 102 pages, 12 figures, 9 diagrams, 8 tables, 14 appendicies, bibliography.

Mirbel, M. 1835. Recherches| Anatomiques et Physiologiques| sur| le Marchantia polymorpha,| pour servir| a l’Histoire du Tissu Cellulaire,| de l’Épiderme et des Stomates. 100 pages, 10 foldout handcolored plates. Reprinted from Mémoires de l’Academie [Royale, in early issues] des Sciences de l’Institut de France, 13:337-436 [data from Schuster v. 1].

Mishler, B. D. 1984. Systematic Studies in the genus Tortula Hedw. (Musci, Pottiaceae). Doctoral Dissertation. Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology. Harvard University, MA, USA. 235 pages.

Mitten, William. 1859. Journal| of| The Proceedings| of| The Linnean Society.| Supplement to Botany.| Vol. I.| Containing| Musci Indiae Orientalis:| An Enumeration| of the| Mosses of the East Indies.| by| William Mitten, Esq., A.L.S.| [following on pasted slip] International Book Distributors| 318-A, OnKar Road,| Dehra Dun 248 001 (India). 171 pages, index. An undated facsimile reprinted at Jayyed Press, Ballimaran, Delhi – 6.

Mitten, William. 1868 (1982) . Musci Austro-Americani| Reprinted as Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden, Vol. 7., with the addition of the obituary by E. M. Holmes from the Proceedings of the Linnean Society, volume 119, 1907. 659 + vi pages, index. REV: JB 12: 623-624.

Mitten, William. 1868. Musci Austro-Americani.| [rule]| Enumeratio Muscorum Omnium| Austro-Americanorum| Auctore Hucusque Cognitorum.| [rule]| Scripsit| Gulielmus Mitten.| [preceding title] The| Journal| of| the Linnean Society.| [rule]| Botany.| [rule]| Vol. XII.| London: Sold at the Society’s Apartment, Burlington House;| and by| Longman’s Green, Reader, and Dyer,| and| William and Norgate.| 1869. [1868 pencilled in CHECK].| 659 pages, index. Two copies.

Mitten, William. 1873. Musci, pages 378-404, plates 97-98; Jungermanniæ, pages 404-418; Marchantieæ page 419. In Berthold Seemann. 1865-1873. Flora Vitiensis. London: L. Reeve.

Mitten, William. 1875. Musci including hepatics of St. Helena pages 357-373, plate 56, see Melliss, 1875.

Mitten, William. 1879. Musci [of Kerguelen]. Pages 24-39 (1-16 in reprint), figures I-V of plate III. Hepaticae [of Kerguelen]. Pages 40-45 (17-22 in reprint), figures VI-XI of plate III. In An Account| of the | Petrological, Botanical, and Zoological| Collections| made in| Kerguelen’s Land and Rodriguez| during the| Transit of Venus Expeditions,| Carried out by Order of Her Majesty’s Government| in the Years 1874-75.| [double rule]| London:| Printed by. George Edward Eyre and William Spottiswoode,| Printers to the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty.| [very short rule]| MDCCCLXXXIX. From Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Extra Volume 168. {Separately paginated reprint of bryological portions for Kerguelen Island only, title page and plate supplied in photocopy. Source and cost unrecorded, entered October 1999}.

Mitten, William,1886. The mosses and hepaticae collected in Central Africa by the late Right Rev. James Hannington, Bishop of Mombasa, with others, including those gathered by Mr. H. H. Johnston on

Mitten, William. 1891. An enumeration of all the species of Musci and Hepaticae recorded from Japan [Wrapper says ” On the species of Musci . . . . “]. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 3(3): 153-206, plate 51.

Mizutani, Masami & Jiro Hasegawa & Zennoske Iwatsuki. 2009. Type specimens of liverworts and hornworts located in the herbarium of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory (NICH). Hattori Botanical Laboratory, Nichinan, Japan. 84 p.

Mogensen, Gert S., editor. 1985-1987. Illustrated| Moss Flora| of Arctic North America| and Greenland.| 1. Polytrichaceae [2. Sphagnaceae][3. Andraeobryaceae –| Tetraphidaceae]| Editor| Gert S. Mogensen| Meddelelser om Grønland, Bioscience 17 [18][23] • 1985 [1986][1987]. 1, 57 pages, 19 figures, 21 maps; 2, 61 pages, 33 figures, 29 maps; 3, 36 pages, 16 figures, 14 maps. REV: BT 43: 12 [parts 1 & 2]; 49:5 [part 3]; JB 14: 795 [parts 1 & 2]; 15:499-500 [part 3]. MORE PARTS?

Mohamed, Haji, and Robinson, Harold. 1991. A Taxonomic Revision of the Moss Families Hookeriaceae and Hypoterygiaceae in Malaya. Smithsonian Contributions to Botany, 80: 44 pages, 168 figures, 1 map, bibliography, index.

Mohamed, H., . B. Bakar, A. N. Boyce & P. L. Kok Yuen (editors).2008. Bryology in the New Millenium. Published by the Institute of Biological Sciences (University of Malaysia) and the International Association of Bryologists. 513 p.

Mohan, Gh. 1984. Universitatea din Bucuresti| Gradina Botanica| Gh. Mohan| Briofite| (Determinator ilustrat al brioflorei Românici)| Bucuresti| – 1984 -. 643 pages, 196 plates, index. REV: JB 16: 127.

Möller, Hjalmar. 1919. Lovmossornas Utbredning i Sverige. [Fasc.] 5. Polytrichaceæ 1.. Arkiv för Botanik, 16(3):1-84, 2 plates. NEED ORIGINAL PAGINATION SHELVED REPRINTS

Möller, Hjalmar. 1922. Lovmossornas Utbredning i Sverige. [Fasc.] 7. Hookeriaceæ och Fontinalaceæ. Arkiv för Botanik, 17(14):1-91, + 9 plates.. NEED ORIGINAL PAGINATION SHELVED REPRINTS

Möller, Hjalmar.1926. Lövmossornas utbredning i Sverige. Mniaceae. Arkiv för botanik 21A (1): 1—196.

Möller, Hjalmar.1931. Lövmossornas utbredning i Sverige. Grimmiaceae. Arkiv för botanik 21A (2): 1—177.

Mönkemeyer, Wilhelm. 1927. Die Laubmoose Europas| IV. Band| Ergänzungsband| Andreaeales–Bryales| von| Wilh. Mönkemeyer| Inspektor am Botanischen Garten der Universität Leipzig| Handbuch zur Einführung in die Mooskunde, Bestimmungstabellen und| Beschreibung der europäischen Gattungen und Arten, nebst| kurzer Darstellung aller Moosfamilien und| ihrer wichtigsten Gattungen| Mit 226 Figuren in über 4000 Einzelbildern| [press logo]| 1927| [spanner]| Academische Verlagsgesellschaft m. b. H.| Leipzig. Half-title on facing page: Dr. L. Rabenhorsts| Kryptogamen=Flora| von| Deutschland, Österrich und der Schweiz| [small spanner]| Vierter Band, Ergänzungsband:| Die Laubmoose Europas| Andreaeales — Bryales| von| Wilh. Mönkemeyer| Inspektor am Botanischen Garten der Universität Leipzig| [press logo]| 1927| [spanner]| Academische Verlagsgesellschaft m. b. H.| Leipzig| 960 pages, 226 figures [line drawings], index. Issued in parts, need collation information.

Monfort D. & R.C. Ek 1990. Vertical distribution and ecology of epiphytic bryophytes and lichens in a lowland rain forest in French Guiana. Doctoraalverslag. Utrecht, Netherlands. 53 p.

Morin, F. (L’abbé). 1893. Anatomie comparée et expérimentale de la feuille des Muscinées: anatomie de la nervure appliquée à la classification. Thèse de doctorat présentée à la faculté des Sciences de Rennes. 139 pages + 24 plates.

Motte, Jean. 1928. Contribution a la connaissance cytologique des Muscinées. Annales des Sciences Naturelles Botanique, series X, volume X: 293-543, 1 figure, plates I-XI (most in color), bibliography.

Moyle, Susan Mary. 1973. The Experimental Morphology of the Urban Moss,| Tortula pagorum, in Sterile Culture| [rule]| A Dissertation| Presented to| the Graduate Council of| The University of Tennessee| [rule]|In Partial Fulfillment| of the Requirements fro the Degree| Doctor of Philosophy| [rule]| by| Susan Mary Moyle| June 1973. 181 pages, 8 figures, 13 tables, bibliography.

Mueller, Dale M. J. 1973. The peristome in Fissidens limbatus Sullivant. University of California Publications in Botany 63: 1-34, 4 tables, 3 figures, 35 plates, bibliography [dedication to J. Proskauer].

Mueller, Ferdinand. 1864. Analytical Drawings| of| Australia Mosses,| Edited by| Ferdinand Mueller| Ph.D., M.D., F,R,S,, F.L.S., F.R.G.S., C.M.Z.S.| I. Fascicle.| By Authority:| John Ferres, Government Printer, Melbourne.| [very short rule]| MDCCCLXIV. 7 pages, 19 plates, with facing legends.

Muffed, B., C.N. Manju & K.P. Rajesh. 2021. Bryophytes of the Anamundi Shola National Park in the Western Ghats of Kerala, India. Vibgyor Imprints, Kozhikode, Kerala, India. 458 p.

Mul’diyarov, E. Ya. 1990. Guide to the (leafy and stem?) mosses of the Tomsk Region. Tomsk University Press. 207 p. {In Russian}.

Müller Fr. 1920. Zur Moosflora des oberen Nahetals. Berichte des Botan. Vereins für Rhld.-West. 1919. Pages 3-16. Included in “Sammelband 19. Flora von West-Deutschland II. Musci I.” Filed under “Anonymous”.

Müller, F. 1993. Studien zur Moos- und Flechtenflora der Stadt Halle/S. Limprichtia, No. 1: 167 pages, 19 text figures, 269 maps, 25 tables, bibliography.

Müller, Johann Karl [Carl] August Friedrich Wilhelm [HALLE]. 1849. Synopsis Muscorum Frondosorum. Omnium Hucusque Cognitorum. Schistocarpi. Cleistocapry. Stegocarpy—Acrocarpy. Sumptibus Alb. Foerstner. iv– viii + 812 pages.

Müller, Johann Karl [Carl] August Friedrich Wilhelm [HALLE]. 1851. Synopsis Muscorum Frondosorum. Omnium Hucusque Cognitorum. Pleurocarpi. Sumptibus Alb. Foerstner. iv– viii + 772 pages.

Müller, Johann Karl [Carl] August Friedrich Wilhelm [HALLE]. 1849-1851 (1973). Karl [Carl] August Friedrich Wilhelm Müller| 1818-1899| Synopsis Muscorum Frondosorum| Omnium Hucusque Cognitorum| with a supplement |consisting of the articles published in the| Botanische Zeitung| Vols. 6-9| Volumen I [II]| Musci Vegetationis Acrocarpicae [Musci Vegetationis Pleurocarpicae| cum Appendice| [symbol]| Amsterdam – 1973| A. Asher & Co. B. V.. I, [2] + viii + 812 pages; II, [4] + 772 pages + pages 773-862 of appendix, index.

Müller, Johann Karl [Carl] August Friedrich Wilhelm [HALLE]. 1853. Deutschlands Moose| oder| Anleitung zur Kentniss der Labumoose| Deutschlands der Schweiz, der Niederlande| und Dänemarks| für| Anfänger sowohl eie für Forscher Bearbeitet| von| Dr. Karl Müller| Verfasser der Syopsis Muscorum Frondosorum.| Mit Abbildungen.| Halle,| G. Schwetschke’scher Verlag.| 1853.. viii + 512 pages, unnumbered figures, index.

Müller, Johann Karl [Carl] August Friedrich Wilhelm [HALLE]. 1879-1882 (1973). Prodromus Bryologiae Argentinicae.| Auctore| Carolo Müller Hal.| Reprint 1973| [logo]| Linnaeus Press| Amsterdam| Holland [originally published in Linnaea]. [3] + pages 217-460; 341-486.

Müller, Johann Karl [Carl] August Friedrich Wilhelm [HALLE]. 1901. Genera Muscorum Frondosorum. Classes Schistocarporum, Cleistocarporum, Stegocarporum complectentia, exceptis Orthotrichaceis et Pleurcapis. Gattungen und Gruppen der Laubmoose in historischer und Systematischer Beziehung, sowie nach ihrer geographischen Verbreitung unter Berücksichtigung der Arten. Handschriftlicher Nachlass von Dr. carl Müller Hal. mit einem Vorworte von Dr. Dr. Karl Schliephacke. Verlag Eduard von Kummer, Leipzig. 469 pages.

Müller, Karl [FREIBERG], and Theodor Herzog. 1956-1957. Die Lebermoose| Europas| Eine Gesamtdarstellung der europaïschen Arten| von| Prof. Dr. Phil. Karl Müller †| Aus dem Nachlass herausgegeben un ergänzt| von| Prof. Dr. Phil. Theodor Herzog| Jena| Mit einem Nachtrag zur Familie Anthocerotaceae (Lieferung 2) von| Prof. Dr. Johannes Proskauer, University of California,| Berkeley, ausserdem einem Verzeichnis der Figuren zu den Abteilun-| gen I und II, sowie einem Verzeichnis der Familien, Gattungen, Arten| un Synonyme der Abteilungen I and II (Lieferungen 1-9| Mit 267 Figuren| [press logo]| Leipzig 1957| Academische Verlagsgesellschaft| Geest & Portig K.- G.| Half-title on facing page: Dr. L. Rabenhorst’s| Kryptogamen-Flora| von Deutschland, Österrich und der Schweiz| [small spanner]| VI Band, 1 Abteilung| 3. Auflage| Die Lebermoose| Von| Prof. Dr. phil. Karl Müller†| [press logo]| Leipzig 1957| Academische Verlagsgesellschaft| Geest & Portig K.- G.| This is the continuation of Müller(1951-1954) and.consists of frontmatter ( pages i-viii including the titlepages cited above, forward, and contents, dated 1957 [=1958]) and 4 lieferungen the pagination and dates of which appear on page 1365: 1 (pages 757-916, May 1956); 7 (917-1076, July 1956); 8 (1077-1220, August 1956); 9 ( 1221-1365 [including index], February 1958). REV: JB 3:307-308; 612-613.

Müller, Karl [FREIBERG]. 1905. Monographie der Lebermoosgattung Scapania Dum. Nova Acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Germanicae Naturae Curiosorum [Abhandlungen der Kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher]. Halle. Volume 83: 312 pages, 52 plates with facing legends.

Müller, Karl [FREIBERG]. 1906-1916. Die Lebermoose| Deutschlands, Oesterreichs u. d. Schweiz| mit Berücksichtigung der übrigen Länder Europas.| [short rule]| Von| Dr. Karl Müller,| Assistent an der Grossh. badischen landwirtstschaftl. Versuchsanstalt | Augustenber bei Karlsruhe i. B.| [these two lines replaced in II by Grossh. Wissenschaftlichem Hilfsarbeiter (II. Beamten an der| badischen landwirtschftlichen Versuchsanstalt Augustenber| bei Karlsruhe i. B]| {short rule]| Mit 363 [207] in den Text gedruckten Abbildungen, bestehend aus| rund [omitted in II] 1100 [1200] Einzelbildern, darunter zahlreichen Originalen| von| P. Janzen,| Apotheker in Eisenach.| [short rule]| I. [II] Abteilung.| [short rule]| Leipzig| Verlag von Eduard Kummer.| 1906-1911 [1912-1916]| Half-title on facing page: Dr. L. Rabenhorst’s| Kryptogamen-Flora| von| Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz.| [short rule]| Zweite Auflage| vollständig neu bearbeitet| von| [list of names omitted here] Sechster Band:| Die Lebermoose| von| Dr. Karl Müller.| [short double rule]| Leipzig| Verlag von Eduard Kummer.| 1906-1911 [1906-1916]| Part I—vii + 870 pages, 363 figures, indices. Part II—vii + 947 pages, 207 figures, indices.

Müller, Karl [FREIBERG]. 1939-1940. Die Lebermoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs u. d. Schweiz mit Beücksichtigung der übrigen Lander Europas| Ergänzungsband. 320 pages, 54 figures. Only part 1 (pages 1-160, 1939) and part 2 (pages 161-320, 1940) of the Ergänzungsband were published, and stocks were destroyed during the war. Information is from Stafleu and Cowan. The present copy, bound in brown buckram and with Mulford Martin’s signature, has no proper title page. The only wrapper (bound in) is printed “Rabenhorst’s Kryptogamenflora| Band VI, Ergänzungsband| Lieferung 1?. There is no wrapper for part 2.

Müller, Karl [FREIBERG]. 1951-1954. Die Lebermoose| Europas| Eine Gesamtdarstellung der europaïschen Arten| von| Prof. Dr. Phil. Karl Müller| Direktor A. D. des Staatlichen Weinbrauinstituts| in Freiburg I. Br.| Mit 247 Textabbildungen| [press logo]| Leipzig 1954| Academische Verlagsgesellschaft| Geest & Portig K.- G.| Half-title on facing page: Dr. L. Rabenhorst’s| Kryptogamen-Flora| von Deutschland, Österrich und der Schweiz| [small spanner]| VI Band, 1 Abtlg.| 3. Auflage| Die Lebermoose| Von| Prof. Dr. phil. Karl Müller, Freiburg i. Br.| [press logo]| Leipzig 1954| Academische Verlagsgesellschaft| Geest & Portig K.- G.| This work is essentially in two parts, the second being a continuation by Herzog (see Müller and Herzog). The first consists of frontmatter ( pages i-xxii including the title pages cited above, forward and contents, dated 1954) and 6 lieferungen the pagination and dates of which appear on page 756: 1 (pages 1-160, March1951); 2 (161-320, August 1951); 3 (321-480, Feburary 1952); 4 ( 481-64O, March 1954; 5 (641-756 [including index], May1954). REV: JB 2: 120-121.

Muma, Robert. 1985. A| Graphic| Guide| to| Ontario| Mosses| by Robert Muma| (Revised Edition)| @ 1985. 28 pages, line drawings (including end papers).

Muñoz, Jesus. 2023. Guía de Campo. Bríofitos de los Bosques Ibéricos. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Spain. 261 p.

Muñoz, Jésus, and Francisco Pando. 2000. A| World| Synopsis of| the Genus| Grimmia| Jésus Muñoz| Francisco Pando| [illustration of moss]| 83| [logo]| Missouri Botanical Garden Press. [and on reverse] Monographs in Systematic Botany| from the Missouri Botanical Garden| Volume 82 [sic]| etc. [5] + 133 pages, index, bibiliography. REV: BT 104:3; JB 24: 93.

Murphy, S. A. 1988. Development of the peristome of Timmia megapolitana. Hedw. M.Sc. dissertation. University of Iowa. Photocopy.

Nakaike, Toshiyuki, and Saddiqa Malik. 1993. Cryptogamic Flora of Pakistan| Vol. 2| [line of Arabic| [fern frond to left of next 4 lines]| Edited by| Toshiyuki Nakaike| and| Saddiqa Malik| 1993| National Science Museum, Tokyo| in collaboration with| Pakistan Museum of Natural History, Islamabad. x + 359 pages. {Frontmatter and hepatic chapters in photocopy, moss chapters in original reprints}.

Nannfeldt, John Axel, and G. Einar Du Rietz. 1945. Vilda Växter| i Norden| Mossor Lavar Svampar Alger| av| John Axel Nannfeldt| Professor vid Uppsala Universitet| och| G. Einar Du Reitz| Professor vid Uppsala Universitet| Företal av professor Torsten Lagerber| [rule]| Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur [Stockholm]. xlviii + 443 pages, 361 figures, 212 plates of color photographs, index (in front).

Nash, Thomas H. III, and Volkmar Wirth. 1988. Bibliotheca Lichenologica| [rule]| Band 30| Lichens, Bryophytes and Air Quality| Editors| Thomas H. Nash III, Tempe| and | Volkmar Wirth, Stuttgart| [logo]| J. Cramer| in der Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlasbuchhandlung| Berlin • Stuttgart 1988. 297 pages, figures and bibliographies by chapter, index.

Nath, Virendra, and A. K. Asthana. 2001. Perspectives| in| Indian Bryology| Proceeding [sic] National Conference of Bryology| Edited by| Virendra Nath| A. K. Asthana| [logo]| Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh| 23-A , New Connaught Place| Dehra Dun – 248 001 (India)| 2001. [10] + 354 pages, figures and bibliographies by chapter.

Nauß E. 1922. Ein Beitrag zur Laubmoosflora von Bielefeld und Umgegend. Reprint pages 1-5. No journal or other publication provided. Included in “Sammelband 19. Flora von West-Deutschland II. Musci I.” Filed under “Anonymous”.

Nave, Johann. 1884. The| Collector’s Handy-Book| of Algae, Desmids, Fungi,| Lichens, Mosses, &c.| With Instructions for Their Preparation and for| The Formation of an Herbarium| By| Johann Nave.| Translated and Edited by| Rev. W. W. Spicer M. A.| London| W. H. Allen & Co.,| 13 Waterloo Place, Pall Mall. S.W.. [date from L. Overstreet ex OCLC or NUC] xii + 203 pages, 26 plates (Plate XVI is the frontispiece), index.

Nave, Johann. 1867. A Handy-Book to the Collection| and Preparation of Freshwater| and Marine Algae, Diatoms, Des-| mids, Fungi, Lichens, Mosses| And Other of the Lower Cryptogamia| with instructions for| The Formation of an Herbarium| By Johann Nave| Translated and Edited by| The Rev. W[illiam]. W[ebb]. Spicer M. A.| Fellow of the Royal Microscopical Society| London| Robert Harwicke, 192 Piccadilly| 1867. xii + 203 pages, 26 plates (Plate XVI is the frontispiece), index, + 8 unnumbered pages of advertisements.

Nave, Johann. 1869. A Handy-Book to the Collection| and Preparation of Freshwater| and Marine Algae, Diatoms, Des-| mids, Fungi, Lichens, Mosses| And Other of the Lower Cryptogamia| with instructions for| The Formation of an Herbarium| By Johann Nave| Translated and Edited by| The Rev. W. W. Spicer M. A.| Fellow of the Royal Microscopical Society| London| Robert Harwicke, 192 Piccadilly| 1869. xii + 203 pages, 26 plates (Plate XVI is the frontispiece), index, + 20 numbered pages of advertisements.

Nave, Johann. 1896. The| Collector’s Handy-Book| of| Algae, Desmids, Fungi,| Lichens, Mosses, &c.| With Instructions for Their Preparation and for| The Formation of an Herbarium| By| Johann Nave.| Translated and Edited by| Rev. W. W. Spicer M. A.| Illustrated with 114 Woodcuts| London| Gibbings & Company, Limited| 18, Bury Street, W. C.| 1896. xii + 203 pages, 26 plates (Plate XVI is the frontispiece), index.

Nebel, Martin, and Georg Philippi. 2000. Die Moose| Baden-Württembergs| Band 1: Allgemeiner Teil| Spezieller Teil (Bryophytina I, Andreaeales bis Funariales)| Herausgegeben von Martin Nebel und Georg Philippi| Autoren von Band 1:| Matthias Ahrens (112 Arten)| Ingo Holz (14 Arten)| Martin Nebel (57 Arten)| Georg Philippi (13 Arten)| Michael Sauer (84 Arten)| George Schoepe (12 Arten, EDV)| 153 Farbfotos| 295 Verbreitungskarten| [logo of elm leaf with “E. U.” over following three lines with vertical lines on either side]| Verlag| Eugen| Ulmer. 512 pages, color photos and maps unnumbered [see t.p.], index. REV BT 108: 3.

Nebel, Martin, and Georg Philippi. 2001. Die Moose| Baden-Württembergs| Band 2: Spezieller Teil| (Bryophytina II, Schistostegales bis Hypnobryales)| Herausgegeben von Martin Nebel und Georg Philippi| Autoren von Band 2:| Matthias Ahrens (61 Arten)| Martin Nebel (61 Arten)| Georg Philippi (26 Arten)| Michael Sauer (79 Arten)| Alfons Schäfer-Verwimp (20 Arten)| Martin Nebel und George Schoepe (22 Arten, EDV)| Martin Nebel, Michael Sauer und George Schoepe (45 Arten)| 159 Farbfotos| 322 Verbreitungskarten| [logo of elm leaf with “E. U.” over following three lines with vertical lines on either side]| Verlag| Eugen| Ulmer. 529 pages, color photos and maps unnumbered [see t.p.], index.

Nebel, Martin and Georg Philippi. 2005. Die Moose Baden-Württembergs. Band 3. Spezieller Teil (Bryophyta: Sphagnospida, Marchantiophyta, Anthocerotophyta. 487 pages.

Necker, Nat. Jos. de. 1774. Nat. Jos. de Necker| Botan. Seren. Elect. Historiogr. Palat. Ducat.| Juliac. Ac Berg. Academ Scient. ac Litterar.| Holland. Brabant. Normann. Elector. Theo-| Doro-Palat. Bavr. Etc. Socii.| Physiologia| Muscorum| per| Examen Analyticum| de| Corporibus Variis Naturalibus| Inter se Collatis Continuitatem| Proximamve Animalis cum Vegetabili| Concatenationem Indicantibus.| [unique vignette]| Manhemii,| Impensis C. F. Schwan, Bibliop. Aul.| Elect. Pal. 1774. [viii] + foldout plate with 11 figures + 343 pages.

Nees von Esenbeck, Christian Gottfried Daniel, Christian Friedrich Hornschuch, and Jacob Sturm. 1823-1827. Bryologia Germanica,| oder| Beschreibung| der| in Deutschland und in der Schweiz| wachsende| Labumoose,| von| Dr. C. G. Nees von Esenbeck,| Dr. Fr. Hornschuch| und| Jacob Sturm.| [Nürnberg,| Jacob St| 1823.][Zweiter Theil.| Erste Abtheilung.| Leipzig,| bei Friedrich Fleischer.| 1827]| 1831.][Zweiter Theil.| Zweite Abtheilung.| Nürnberg| 1831.]. [In this set, what may have been title pages have been trimmed and pasted onto the recto of the dedication in the first volume and on the front pastedown in the other two parts. Printed labels, again probably from the title page, variously giving the volume and part number and publisher’s information are pasted on the spines and front covers.]. 1, verso dedication, recto “Zur Nachtricht”, 10 unnumbered pages including acknowledgments, + 206 pages, handcolored plates I-XII; 2, pages 1-182 + [3], plates XIII-XXIV; 3, pages 3-208, plates XXV-XLIII.

Neiburg, M.F.. 1960. Listostebel’nye Mhi iz Permskih Otlozhenii Angaridy. Trudy Geol. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR 19: 1-104 + 78 plates.

Neidhart, Hans Volker. 1975. Elektronenmikroskopische und physiologische| Untersuchungen zur Sporogenese von| Furnaria hygrometrica Sibth.| Von der Fakultät für Mathematick und Natuwissenschaften| der Technischen Universität Hannover| zur Erlangung der Würde eines| Doktors der Naturwissenschaften| – Dr. rer. nat.-| genehmigte Dissertation| von| Hans Volker Neidhart| geboren am 17.12.1944 in Reichenbach (Sachsen)| 1975. [4] + 129 pages, 111 figures, 6 tables, bibliography.

Neumayr, Ludwig. 1971. Moosgesellschaften| der südöstlichen Frankenalb und| des Vorderen Bayerische Waldes | [(Anhang)]| Der Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät| der Friederich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg| zur| Erlangung des Doktorgrades| vorgelegt| von| Ludwig Neumayr| aus Regensburg. [3] + vi + 364 + [1] pages, 67 figures, bibliography; separate “Anhang” volume with 100 tables, some foldout, 4 in back pocket.

Newton, A. E., & R. S. Tangney. 2006. Pleurocarpous mosses. Systematics and Evolution. Systematics Association Special Volume 71, 434 p.

Newton, Angela E. 1993. Phylogenetic systematics of the tropical moss genus Pireella (Pterobryaceae: Musci). Doctor of Philosophy thesis. University of California, Berkeley.

Newton, M. E. 1989. [Society logo]| British Bryological Society| Special Volume No. 2| A Practical Guide to Bryophyte Chromosomes| M. E. Newton| [silhouette of chromosomes]| Pellia endiviifolia| British Bryological Society| Cardiff| 1989. [3] + 19 pages, 8 figures, bibliography. REV: BT 55: 9-10; JB 16: 311-312.

Newton, M. E., P. J. Wanstall, and S. L. Jury, editors. 1988. [Logos of BBS and Linnean Society]| rule| Bryology:| Modern research| and the ways forward| A tribute to| the Bicentenary| of| The Linnean Society of London| Edited:| M. E. Newton| P. J. Wanstall| S. L. Jury. [from cover] Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 98: 183-275. [Entire issue devoted to bryology]. See Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, SHELVED REPRINTS.

Nicholson, William E., Theodor Herzog, and Frans Verdoorn. 1930 Symbolae Sinicae| Botanische Ergebnisse der Expediton der| Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien| Nach Südwest-China 1914/1918| Unter Mitarbeit von| Vicktor F. Brotherus • Heinrich Handel-Mazzeti| Theodor Herzog • Karl Keissler • Heinrich Lohwag| William E. Nicholson • Siegfried Stockmayer| Frans Verdoorn • Alexander Zahlbruckner| und Anderen Fachmännern| herausgegeben von| Heinrich Handel-Mazzetti| in Sieben Teilen| Mit 30 Tafeln| V. Teil| Hepaticae|von| William E.Nicholson, Theodor Herzog und Frans Verdoorn.| Mit 21 Abbildungen im Text| [press logo]| Wien| Verlag von Julius Springer| 1930| 59 pages, 21 text figures, index {bound with Brotherus, 1929, (Musci) with wrappers and Vorwort by Handel-Mazzetti bound in back}.

Niessen Joseph. 1934. Sphaerocarpus terrestris (Micheli) Smith im Rheinland. Sonderdruck aus den Sitzungsberichten für 1932/33 herausgegeben von dem Naturhistorischen Verein der preußischen Rheinlande und Westfalens: 34-35. Included in “Sammelband 19. Flora von West-Deutschland II. Musci I.” Filed under “Anonymous”.

Noguchi, Akira. 1966, 1971, 1975. [Musci of Eastern Himalaya] See Hara, 1966, 1971 (and Ohashi 1975).

Noguchi, Akira. 1976. [Line of Japanese] Handbook of Japanese Mosses| [2 lines of Japanese][Tokyo]. vii + 306 pages, 83 figures, 4 color plates.

Noguchi, Akira. 1987-1994. Illustrated| Moss Flora| of Japan| Part 1[2, 3, 4, 5]| [dagger in parts 3-5] Akira Noguchi| Supplemented by Zennoske Iwatsuki [and Tomio Yamaguchi in parts 4-5]| Hattori Botanical Laboratory| June 1987 [November 1988; September 1989; March 1991; March 1994]. Part 1: [5] + pages 1-242 , 98 figures; part 2: [3] + pages 243-491 + i-vi [index], figures 99-215; part 3 [3] + pages 493-742 + i-vi [index], figures 216-326; part 4: [3] + pages 743-1012 + i-ix [index], figures 327-445; part 5: [3] + pages 1013-1253, figures 446-536, index and bibliography for all 5 parts. REV: JB 15: 631-633 [part I].

Nonkululo Phephu.2013. A taxonomic Revision of Thuidiaceae (Bryophyta) in Africa and the East African Islands. Master’s thesis. Department of Plant Science. University of Pretoria. South Africa. 168 p.

Norhazrina Nik. 2016. Ecological and Evolutionary Processes in the Pantropical Moss Genus Pelekium. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Liège, Belgium. 103 p.

Nowak, Heidemarie. 1980. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca| Herausgegeben von| J. Cramer| [rule]| Band 20| Revision der Laubmoosgattung| Mitthyridium (Mitten) Robinson| für Ozeanien (Calymperaceae)| von| Heidemarie Nowak| Mit 16 Abbildungen, 15 Karten und 28 Tafeln| [press logo]| 1980 • J. Cramer| in der A. R. Gantner Verlag Kommanditgesellschaft| FL-9490 Vaduz. 236 pages, 16 figures, 28 plates, 15 maps, bibliography.

Nyholm, Elsa. 1954-1969 (1975). Illustrated| Moss Flora| of| Fennoscandia| Edited by The Botanical Society of Lund| [swollen rule]| II. Musci| By Elsa Nyholm | Fasc. I [2] [3]| 2nd edition| [rule]| Swedish Natural Science Research Council [“Reprinted in Sweden by Gotab. Kungälv 1975” from verso. Although apparently a reprint rather than a second edition, there has at least been some reformatting, as in the Preface.] I, pages 1-87 + foldout map, figures 1-37; 2, pages [4] + 85-189, figures 38-93 [pages 85-87 are duplicated from fasc. I except page 87 has an 8-line characterization of Pottiaceae added]; 3, pages [4] + 189-288, figures 94-163 [Page 189 repeats 2 paragraphs from fasc. 2 and the rest is new]. [First 3 fasicles only.]

Nyholm, Elsa. 1954-1969. Illustrated| Moss Flora| of| Fennoscandia| Edited by The Botanical Society of Lund| [swollen rule]| II. Musci| By Elsa Nyholm | Fasc. I| [rule]| CWK Gleerup / Lund Sweden/ 1954. ETC do proper bibliography. REV: JB 3:129; 6: 157-159. {Hoe, bound with Arnell 1956, as one volume in turquoise buckram with “W. J. Hoe” at base of spine}.

Nyholm, Elsa. 1987-1998. Illustrated Flora of Nordic Mosses.| Fasc. 1. Fissidentaceae — Seligeriaceae [Fasc. 2. Pottiaceae — Splachnaceae — Schistosegaceae][Fasc. 3. Bryaceae — Rhodobryaceae — Mniaceae — Cinclidiaceae — Plagiomniaceae][Fasc. 4. Aulacomniaceae — Meesiaceae — Catoscopiaceae –| Bartramiaceae — Timmiaceae — Encalyptaceae — Grimmiaceae –| Ptychomitraceae — Hedwigiaceae — Orthotrichaceae]| Elsa Nyholm [Fasc 1. neither date nor publisher’s information are given. The preface is dated January 1986 and the verso of t.p. bears the statement “This fascicle has been editored by Gert S. Mogensen and Pehhr H. Enckell for the Nordic Bryological Society”. Publication date = 1997 as per notice below.][Fasc. 2 1989, Nordic Bryological Society, Copenhagen and Lund][Fasc. 3 1993][Fasc. 4, 1998] 1, pages 1-72 , figures 1-48; 2, pages 73-141, figures 49- 108; 3, pages 143-244, figures 109-208; 4, pages 245-405, figures 209-358. REV: BT: 76: 10 [fasc. 3]; JB 15: 500-501 [fascicle 1]; 18: 381-381 [fascicle 3]. Notice of publication dates of 1-3 BT 93: 13.

Ochi, Harumi. 1968-1985. See Journal of the Faculty of Education, Tottori University.

Ochi, Harumi. 1959. A Revision| of the| Bryaceae in Japan| and the Adjacent Regions| by| Harumi Ochi| Publication by| The Biological Institute, Faculty of| Liberal Arts, Tottori University| Tottori, Japan| March, 1959. 124 pages, 32 figures, 13 maps, bibliography, index.

Ochsner, Fritz. 1975. Ergebnisse der wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen im Schweizerischen Nationalpark| Herausgegaben von der Kommission der Schwizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft| zur wissenschaftlichen Erforschung des Nationalparks| Résultats des recherches scientifiques au Parc National suisse| Publiés par la Commission de la Société Helvétique des Sciences Naturelles pour les études| scientifiques au Parc National| [spanner]| Band XII| Oekologische Untersuchungen| im Unterengadin| 5. Lieferun| mit Unterstützung des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds zur Förderung| C I.2| Die Moosflora der montanen Stufe| des Raumes Ramosch-Strada und der angrenzenden| Gebiete des Unterengadins| Fritz Ochsner| C I.3| Beitrag zur Flechtenflora und -vegetation| des Untergadins zwischen Scuol (Schuls)| und Martina (Martinsbruck)| Eduard Frey| Druck Lüdin AG Liestal 1975| [spanner]| Abonnemente und Einzelhefte: Nationalpark-Museum Chur. Ochsner pages C213-C285; Frey pages C286-C333.

Ochyra Ryszard, Zarnowiec Jan & Bednarek-Ochyra Halina. 2003. Census Catalogue of Polish Mosses. Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Botany, Krakow, Poland. 372 pages.

Ochyra, Ryszard, and Celina M. Matteri. 2001. ISBN 987-43-4229-3| Flora Criptogámica de| Tierra del Fuego Bryophyta, Musci:| Amblystegiaceae| por Ryszard Ochyra| y Celina M. Matteri| Tomo XIV — Fasciculo 10| Buenos Aires – Argentina| 2001. 96 pages, 18 plates, bibliography, index.

Ochyra, Ryszard, and Grazyna Cislo. 1999. Mchy w Zielniku Tytua Chalubinskiego w Museum Tatrzanskim w Zakopanem. The Moss Herbarium of Tytus Chalubinski in the Tatra Museum in Zakopaane. Polish Botanical Studies Guidebook Series 22: 1-178, 32 figures. REV: BT 101: 14. {inscribed on title page “To Storrs Olson with best wishes, Ryszard Ochyra”.}

Ochyra, Ryszard, and Leon Stuchlik, editors. 1993. Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica| Supplementum 2| Botanostephane| Kornasiana| Botanical Contributions Presented to Jan Kornas| in Celebration of His 70th Birthday| Pars 1 [2]| Edited by| Ryszard Ochyra and Leon Stuchlik| W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences| Kraków 1993. Pars 1: pages vi + 1-384, 3 color plates; Pars 2, pages v + 385-759, index. A collection of papers, of which several pertain to bryology.

Ochyra, Ryszard, and Piotr Szmajda [Anna Rusinska, Halina Bednarek, Wojciech Bochenski] 1983-1990. Polska Akademia Nauk| Komitet Botaniki i Instytut Botaniki| Atlas Rozmieszczenia Roslin| Zarodnikowych w Polsce| pod redkeja| Jerzego Szeykowskiego i Teofila Wojterskiego| Seria V. Mchy (Musci)| Zeszyt I| opracowali| Ryszard Ochyra i Piotr Szmajda| Atlas of Geographical| Distribution of Spore-Plants| in Poland| Edited by:| Jerzy Szweykowski and Teofil Wojterski| Series V. Mosses (Musci)| Part I| by| Ryszard Ochyra i Piotr Szmajda| Warszawa—Poznan 1983| Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe. 31 pages, 10 folded color maps. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE VARIOUS PARTS STILL NEEDS DOING. Part II, 1985; part III, 1988; part IV, 1988; part V, 1990; part 6, 1990; part 7, 1991; part 8, 1992; part 9 1994. REV: BT 59: 10 [Part 5]; JB 15: 633 [first 4 parts]. {Hoe set as issued, first 4 parts as loose pages in folded envelope wrappers, the remainder spiral bound; most with Hoe stamp and date and all but 2 & 9 inscribed by author}.{THIS SET TO DUPLICATES Parts I and II were part of a lot purchased from Wheldon & Wesley 9 Feb 1994, as issued. Parts III to V and 7 to 9 were received from R. Ochyra in two lots in December 1999. Part III has been put in a spiral plastic binder with clear plastic covers but had been issued originally in the same loose format as the others. Parts V and 6-9 appear to have been issued as received, with green spiral bindings and green covers in a very different format with the maps in black and white and unfolded, hence smaller and much less legible, although the sepia maps of part 9 are an improvement. See also the numbers on Hepaticae by Szweykowski et al.}

Ochyra, Ryszard, editor. 1994. Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica| Ann. XXIX, Pars 1| Festschrift| commemorating| the seventieth birthday of Stanislaw Lisowski| | Edited by| Ryszard Ochyra| W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences| | Kraków 1994. Pages 1-314. Figures and tables numbered by individual articles. Although part of a serial, this is issued as a monograph with its own soft cover.

Ochyra, Ryszard, editor. 1995. Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica| Ann. XL, Pars 1| Munera Bryologica| Georgio Szweykowski| professori amicissimo et clarissimo| septuagesimum vitae annum claudenti| oblata| Edited by Ryszard Ochyra| W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences| | Kraków 1995. Pages 1-544. Figures and tables numbered by individual articles. Although part of a serial, this is issued as a monograph with its own soft cover. REV: BT 85: 4.

Ochyra, Ryszard. 1985. Monographiae Botanicae| Vol. 66, 1985| Ryszard Ochyra| Roslinnosc Lejków Krasowych| w Okolicach Staszowa| na Wyzynie Malopolskiej| Vegetation of the karst sink-holes| in the vicinity of| Staszów on the Malopolska Upland| [seal]| [spanner]| Warszawa. 136 pages, 26 figures, 36 tables (several foldout), bibliography.

Ochyra, Ryszard. 1998. The Moss Flora| of King George Island| Antarctica| Ryszard Ochyra| Polish Academy of Sciences, W. Szafer Institute of Botany| Cracow, 1998. xxiv + 278 [+1] pages, 163 figures, bibliography, index. REV: BT 98: 5; JB 22: 151.

Ochyra, Ryszard, Ronald I. Lewis Smith, Halina Bednarek-Ochyra. 2008. The Illustrated Moss Flora of Antarctica. Cambridge University Press. 685 pp.

Oechel, W. C., and B. Sveinbjornsson. 1974. U. S. Tundra Biome Data Report 74-25| The Microenvironment of Arctic Bryophytes at| Barrow, Alaska| W. C. Oechel and B. Sveinbjornsson| Biology Department| McGill University| June 1974| U.S. Tundra Biome| Ecosystem Analysis Studies| U.S. International Biological Program| U.S. Arctic Research Program. iv + 9 numbered pages, 3 figures, with endless pages of tables of raw data; mimeographed.

Ohashi, Hiroyoshi, compiler. 1975. The Flora of| Eastern Himalaya| Third Report| Resutls of the Botanical Expeditions to Eastern Himalay in 1972| Organized by the University of Tokyo| Compiled by Hiroyoshi Ohashi| University of Tokyo Press [University Museum, University of Tokyo Bulletin No. 8 according to reprint]. [458 pages] Introductory material (pp. i-ix + 1-11) and Bryophyta (pp. 206-282) in photocopy and reprint. Hepaticae by Sinske Hattori; Musci organized by Akira Noguchi and Zennoske Iwatsuki. [See Hara, 1966, 1971, for First and Second Reports]. ALL PARTS SHELVED UNDER HARA.

Okamura, Sh. 1916. Contributiones novae ad Floram Bryophyton Japonicam. Pars secunda. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, 38, article 4: 1-100, 42 figures, index.

Oliviera-E-Silva M. Isabel M.N. de & Olga Yano. 2000. Anthocerotophyta E Hepatophyta de Mangaratiba E Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Boletim do Insitituto de Botânica 13: 1-102.

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