Storrs L. Olson Bryological Library: U – Z

Udar, Ram. 1976. Annales Cryptogamici et Phytopathologici Vol. 4| Bryology in India| by Ram Udar| Edited by| Pama Primlane| [logo]| Otto Koeltz Antiquariat| D-624 Koenigstein| West Germany| [vertical double rule separating 3 lilne to right]| The Chornic Botanica Co.| E/2 Jhandewala Extension| New Delhi 110055. xii + 200 pages, 24 figures, 1 map, 5 plates, bibliography. REV: JB 9: 411-412.

Underwood Lucien Marcus. 1893. Index Hapeticorum. Part I. Bibliography. Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club 4: 1-91. Unbound reprint.

Underwood, Lucien M. 1884. Bulletin| of the| Illinois State Laboratory| of| Natural History| Normal, Illinois.| [rule]| Volume II.| [rule]| Article I.—Descriptive Catalog of the North Ameri-| can Hepaticae, North of Mexico.| [rule]| By Lucein M. Underwood, Ph.D.| 1884| J. W. Franks & Sons, Printers and Binders| Peoria, Illinois.| [information from wrapper]. 133 pages, index.

Unwin, W. C. 1876. Illustrations and Dissections| of| the Principal Genera| of| British Mosses| by| W. C. Unwin.| [double rule]| Lewes, 1876. [i] = title page; [ii] blank; [iii] = preface; [iv] = text for Phascum, Hypnum, and Sphagnum with facing plate of same [iii-iv and plate appear to be a prospectus]; [v-vii] blank; [ix] = another preface; [x] blank; [xi-xii] = Hints on the Collecting, &c., &c., of Mosses; + 31 pages, 22 plates.

Unwin, W. C. 1876. Illustrations and Dissections| of| the Principal Genera| of| British Mosses| by| W. C. Unwin.| [double rule]| Lewes, 1876. [i] = title page; [ii] blank; [iii] = preface; [iv] = text for Phascum, Hypnum, and Sphagnum with facing plate of same [iii-iv and plate appear to be a prospectus]; [v-vii] blank; [ix] = another preface; [x] blank; [xi-xii] = Hints on the Collecting, &c., &c., of Mosses; + 31 pages, 22 plates. This 1876 edition not in TL 2.

Unwin, W. C. 1878. Illustrations and Dissections| of| The Genera| of| British Mosses.| by| W. C. Unwin.| [floral design]| Lewes:| Printed at the “Sussex Advertiser” Office.| [short rule]| 1878.. Frontispiece plate 23, [i] = title page; [ii] blank; [iii] = preface; [iv-v = Hints on the Collecting, &c., &c., of Mosses] + 31 pages, 22 plates. This is a completely different edition from the above.

Uribe M., Jaime, and S. Rob Gradstein. 1998. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca Band 53| [spanner]| Jaime Uribe M.| S. Rob Gradstein| Catalogue of the| Hepaticae and Anthocerotae| of Colombia| With 1 figure and 3 tables| [press logo]| [spanner| J. Cramer…in der Gebr. Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung| Berlin • Stuttgart 1998. 99 pages, 1 figure, 3 tables, bibliography.

Ursing, Björn. 1962. Björn Ursing| Svenska Växter| I Text och Bild| Kryptogamer| [double rule]| Under Medverkan av| Olof Andersson Harald Kylin†| Lektor Professor| J. A. Nannfeldt Herman Persson| Professor Fil. Dr| Rolf Santesson| Docent| [logo]| [rule] Nordisk Rotogravyr. 530 pages, many color plates and text figures, index.

Van Dort, K., C. Buter & B. Horvers. 2010. Fotogids. Mossen. KNNV Uitgeverij, Zeist, The Netherlands. 384 p. [in Dutch].

Vána, Jirí, editor. 1984. Proceedings of the Third Meeting of the Bryologists| from Central and East Europe| Praha, 14th – 18th June 1982| Edited by Jirí Vana| Universita Karlova| Praha 1984. 352 + [1] pages, figures etc. by chapter. REV: BT 31: 9.

Vána, Jirí & John J. Engel. 2013. The liverworts and hornworts of the Tristan da Cunha Group of Islands in the South Atlantic. Memoirs of the New York Botanical garden 105: 1–137.

Vanden Berghen, Constant, and Maragretha De Ridder. 1981. Flora| van de levermossen| en de hauwmossen| van België| door| Constant Vanden Berghen| Hoogleraar aan de “Université Catholique de Louvain”| Wetenschappelijk medewerker aan de Nationale| Plantentuin van België| Vertaling door Maragareth De Ridder,| Ere-inspectrice van het Secundair en her Hoger Onderwijs| 1981| [spanner]| Nationale Pantentuin van België, B-1860 Meise.. 152 pages, 103 figures, indices.

Vanden Berghen, Constant. 1955-1957. Ministere de l’Agriculture – Jardin Botanique de l’État| [Rule]| Flore Générale de Belgique| [rule]| Préface| par [“Publiée sous la direction de” substituted for these two lines in Fasc. 2 and 3]| Walter Robyns| Docteur en Sciences Naturelles| Directeur du Jardin Botanique de l’État| [rule]| Bryophytes| Avant-Propos| par| Walter Robyns| [rule [these four lines omitted in Fasc. 2 and 3]| Volume 1 [Hépatiques]. — Fascicule I [II, III].| par| Constant Vanden Berghen| Collaborateur scientifique du Jardin Botanique de l’État| [crest]| Bruxelles| 1955 [1956, 1957]. iv + 1-131, figures 1-40; 132- 270, figures 41-85; 271-389, figures 86-125, index [title page included in pagination in Fasc. 2 but not in Fasc. 3]. REV: JB 3: 307.

Vanden Berghen, Constant. 1972. [Parts of title page are in parallel columns, French on the left, English on the right]. Exploration Hydrobiologique [Hydrobiological Survey of]| du Bassin du Lac Bagweolo [the Lake Bangweulu]| et du Luapula [Luapula River Basin]| Résultats scientifiques publiés par [Scientific results edited by]| Jean-Jacques Symoens| Professeur à l’Université Nationale du Zaïre| Professeur à la <>| [swollen spanner]| Volume VIII, fascicule 1| Hépatiques [Hepaticae]| et Anthocérotées [and Anthocerotae]| par [by]| Constant Vanden Bergen| Louvain| Publié avec l’aide [Published with the aid of grants]| du Ministère de l’Éducation National [from the Belgian Ministry]| et de la Culture Française de Belgique [of National Education and French Culture]| Cercle Hydrobiologique de Bruxelles| Association sans but lucratif| Avenue de la Houlette, 76| B-1160 Bruxelles| Belgique [Belgium]| 1972| Distribuee le 31 décembre 1972 [Issued December 31st, 1972. 202 pages, 86 figures, 1 map, index.

Vanden Berghen, Constant. 1979. Flore| des hépatiques| et des anthocérotes| de Belgique| par| Constant Vanden Berghen| Professeum à l’université catholique de Louvain| Collaborateur sceintifique du Jardin botanique national de| Belgique| 1979| {spanner]| Jardin botanique national de Belgique, B-1860 Meise.. 155 pages, 103 figures, index.

Vanden Berghen, Constant. 1979. Flore| des hépatiques| et des anthocérotes| de Belgique| par| Constant Vanden Berghen| Professeur à l’université catholique de Louvain| Collaborateur scientifique du Jardin botanique national de| Belgique| 1979| [spanner]| Jardin botanique national de Belgique, B-1860 Meise.. 155 pages, 103 figures, index. REV: BT 2: 6.

Van der Velde, M. 2000. Genetic structure of the moss genus Polytrichum. University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands.144 p.

Vanderpoorten, A. 1997. A bryological survey of the Brussels capital region. Scripta Botanmica Belgica. 14: 1-83.

Vanderpoorten, A. & B. Goffinet. 2009. Introduction to Bryophyte Biology. 303 p. Cambridge University Press.

Vashishta, B.R. 1978. Botany for Degree Students. Bryophyta. 5th edition. S. Chad & Company Ltd. Ram Nagar, New Delhi.392 p.

Velenosky, J. 1905. Vergleichende Morphologie der Pflanzen. I. Teil. Fr. Řivnáč. Prague. Czechoslovakia. 277 p. + 2 Tables.

Vellak Kai, Nele Ingeriu & Edgar Karofeld.2013. Eesti Turbasamblad. The Sphagnum moses of Estonia. Tartu Ülikool Kirjastus/ University of Tartu Press, Tartu, Estonia. 136 p.

Verdoorn, Frans. 1930. Die| Frullaniaceae| der| Indomalesischen Inseln| (De Frullaniaceis VII) von| Fr. Verdoorn| Mit 304 Abbildungen| [logo]| Haag| Martinus Nijhof| 1930| [From facing half title] Annales Bryologici| A Yearbook| Devoted to the Study of| Mosses and Hepatics| Edited by| Fr. Verdoorn| Supplementary Volume I| Fr. Verdoon Die Frullaniaceae der| Indomalesischen Inseln| [logo]| The Hague| Martinus Nijhof| 1930| 187 pages, 304 figures, index.

Verdoorn, Frans. 1932 (1967). Manual| of| Bryology| Edited by| Fr. Verdoorn| in collaboration with| Dr. H. Buch, Dr. G. Chalaoud, H. N. Dixon, H. H. Du Buy,| M. A. Donk, Dr. H. Gams, Dr. A. J. M. Garjeanne, Prof. Dr.| Th. Herzog, Dr. K. Hoefer, Dr. J. Motte, Prof. Dr. L. M.| J. G. Nicolas, P. W. Richards, Prof. Dr. F. Von Wettstein,| Dr. R. Van der Wijk and Prof. Dr. W. Zimmermann| With 129 Illustrations| Reprint| A. Asher & Co.| Amsterdam 1967| viii + [1] + 486 pages, illustrations, index.

Verdoorn, Frans. 1932. Manual| of| Bryology| Edited by| Fr. Verdoorn| in collaboration with| Dr. H. Buch, Dr. G. Chalaoud, H. N. Dixon, H. H. Du Buy,| M. A. Donk, Dr. H. Gams, Dr. A. J. M. Garjeanne, Prof. Dr.| Th. Herzog, Dr. K. Hoefer, Dr. J. Motte, Prof. Dr. L. M.| J. G. Nicolas, P. W. Richards, Prof. Dr. F. Von Wettstein,| Dr. R. Van der Wijk and Prof. Dr. W. Zimmermann| With 129 Illustrations| [printers logo]| The Hague| Martinus Nijhoff| 1932| viii + [1] + 486 pages, illustrations, index.

Verdoorn, Frans. 1934. Studien über| Asiatische Jubuleae| (De Frullaniaceis XV-XVII)| mit einer Einleitung| Bryologie und Hepaticologie| Ihre Methodik und Zukinft| Proefschrift| ter Verkrijging van den Graad van Doctor in de| Wis- en Natuurkunde aan de Rijks-Univer| siteit te Utrech, of Gezg ven den Rector| Magnificus Dr. H. Bolkestein, Hoogleeraar| iln de Faculteit der Letteren en Wijsbe-| geerte, volgens besluit van sen Se-| naat der Universiteit tegen de Bedenkingen van de Facultateit| der Wis- en Natuurkunde te| verdedigen op Maandag 12| November 1934, des Na-middags te vier Uur| door| Frans Verdoorn| geboren te Amsterdam| [seal]| ‘s Gravenhage| Martinus Nijhoff| 1934. “x” + 231 + [3 of Stellingen] pages, 32 figures, index.

Verdoorn, Frans. 1938. Annales Bryologici| A Year-book| Devoted to the Study of| Mosses and Hepatics| Edited by Fr. Verdoorn| Advisory Editors: E. B. Bartram, Hs. Buch, G. Chalaud,| Alex. W. Evans, Th. Herzog, F. Koppe, P. W. Richards,| V. Schiffner and W. C. Steere| Volume XI (1938)| • Alexander W. Evans Dedicatory Volume •| [drawing of moss with three capsules]| Leiden — Holland| Published by Chronica Botanica Company| [Issued, September 1938]| [reverse of title] Dedicated| by the authors| to| Alexander W. Evans| on his| Seventieth Birthday| May 17, 1938| 160 pages

Vianna, Eny Correa. 1985. [illustration of liverwort]| Flora Ilustrada| do Rio Grande do Sul/15| [thin spanner]| Marchantiales| [thick spanner]| Eny Correa Vianna| Flora Ilustrada| do Rio Grande do Sul| Fundador: A. R. H. Schultz| Coordenador: L. R. M. Baptista| [spanner]| B.[oletim do] Inst.[ituto de] Bio.[ciéncias] Porto Alegre n. 38 p. 1-213 1985| [spanner]. 213pages, 64 plates, index, bibliography.

Villagrán Carolina & Elizabeth Barrera. 2002. Musgos del Archipiélago de Chiloé, Chile. Corporation Nacional Forestal. Los Lagos, Chile. 24 p.

Villagrán Carolina, Elizabeth Barrera & Carlos Medina. 2002. Las Hepáticas del Archipiélago de Chiloé, Chile. Corporation Nacional Forestal. Los Lagos, Chile. 36 p.

Villarreal, J. C. 2011. Evolutionary affinities of the Southern Appalachian clonal hornwort, Nothoceros aenigmaticus and the repercussions of clonality on genetic diversity. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Connecticut.

Villarreal, Juan Carlos, Line Rochefort, Claire Boismenu & Mélina Guêne-Nanchen.2017. Future Arctic. A Global Initiave on Bryophyte and Lichen Arctic Research: from Species to Ecosystems. Abstract book.

Virchenko, V. M .1997. [Index of papers on bryophytes, bryology and bryologists that published in the Ukrainsky botanichny zhurnal (Ukrainian botanical journal) within the recent 75 years (1921-1996).] Kyiv: TOV “Mizhnar. Fin. Agentsiya”. 18 pages. (in Ukrainian). Available from V. Virchenko, Inst. of Botany, Tereshchenkivska 2, 252601 Kyiv, Ukraine. Need to transliterate title page; translation from Bryological Times 95: 7-8, 1998.

Virtanen Viivi. 2000. Taxonomic studies of the Bartramiaceae. Publications in Botany from the University of Helsinki 31. (donated by Bernard Goffinet, October 2008)

Vital, Daniel Moreira. 1980. Daniel Moreira Vital| Erpodiaceae (Musci) do Brasil| Dissertaçao apresentata para a obtenção| do grau de mestre.| Área de Biologia Vegetal, Universidata| Estadual de Campinas “UNICAMP”| Campinas| 1980. vii + 135 recto pages, 24 figures, bibliography. REV: BT 8: 7.

Vitt, Dale H. 1970. The Family Orthotricaceae Musci in| North America, North of Mexico| by Dale Hadley Vitt| A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment| of the requirements for the degree of| Doctor of Philosophy in the| University of Michigan| 1970| Doctoral Committee| Professor Howard A. Crum, Chairman| Associate Professor Margaret B. Davis| Professor Robert J. Lowry| Professor Robert L. Shaffer| Professor Jane Taylor| Professor Warren H. Wagner, Jr.. x + 462 pages, 84 plates, bibliography.

Vitt, Dale H. 1973. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca| Herausgegeben von| J. Cramer| [rule]| Band 1| A Revision| of the Genus Orthotrichum| in North America North of Mexico| by| Dale H. Vitt| [press logo]| 3301 Lehre| Verlag von J. Cramer| 1973. 208 pages + 60 plates.

Vitt, Dale H., Janet E. Marsh, Robin B. Bovey. 1988. Mosses| Lichens & Ferns| of Northwest North America| Dale H. Vitt| Janet E. Marsh, Robin B. Bovey. [First printing: Lone Pine Publishing, Edmonton, Alberta]. 296 pages, many color photographs.

Vitt, Dale H., Janet E. Marsh, Robin B. Bovey. 1988. Mosses| Lichens & Ferns| of Northwest North America| Dale H. Vitt| Janet E. Marsh, Robin B. Bovey. [Second printing, at least verso of t.p. reset; Lone Pine Publishing, Edmonton, Alberta]. 296 pages, many color photographs.

Vitt, Dale H., S. Rob Gradstein, and Zennoske Iwatsuki. 1985. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca| Herausgegeben von| J. Cramer| [rule]| Band 30| Compendium of Bryology| A World Listing of Herbaria, Collectors, Bryologists, and Current Research by| Dale H. Vitt| S. Robert Gradstein| Zennoske Iwatsuki| Published for the International Association of Bryologists| [press logo]| Braunschweig| Verlag von J. Cramer| 1985. vii + [2] + 355 pages. REV: BT 33:7.

Vitt, Dale, Bernard Goffinet, Matt von Konrat & Dietmar Quandt (eds.). 2017. A tribute to Janice Glime—A stalwart Contributor to Bryology. Edited volume of Bryophyte Diversity and Evolution 39: 1–121.

Vogelenzang, L., editor. 1982. Guide| to the Prices of| Antiquarian and Secondhand| Botanical Books| (1970-1979)| Cryptogamic Literature| (Algae, Desmids, Ferns, Fungi,| Lichens, Mosses, Phytopathology,| Phytoplankton)| Books – Monographs – Reprints – Periodicals| Editor: L. Vogelenzang| (Librarian Rijksherbarium, Leiden)| Boerhaave Press| Leiden| (Holland). v + [1] + 517 pages, 1 table. REV: BT 14: 5, 16: 6; JB 12: 310.

Vohra, J. N. 1983. Records| of the| Botanical Survey of India| Vol. XXIII| Hypnobryales Suborder| Leskeineae (Musci) of the Himalayas| J. N. Vohra| [logo]| Botanical Survey of India| Department of Environment. [3] + iii + 336 pages, 173 figures, index.

Voit, Johann Gotlob Wilhelm. 1812. Historia| Mvscorvum| Frondosorvum| in| Magno Dvcatv Herbipolitano [Würzburg]| .| Cvrante| Dr. I. G. W. Voit,| Medico Svinfvrtensi Practico, et Plvrivm Societ-| tatum Sodali.| [elaborate rule]| Cvm Fig. Aen.| [elaborate rule]| Norimbergae [Nürnberg]| in officina librariea Weigelio – Schneideriana.| MDCCCXII.. [1] + viii + 131 pages [pp. 129-131 erroneously numbered 229-231], foldout figure. [For facsimile see De Sloover, 2000]

Volk, Matthias, and Heremann Muhle. 1994. Ökologische und soziologische Untersuchungen an den Moosen der alpinen Quellfluren des Montafon (Vorarlberg, Österreich). Limprichtia, No. 5: 89 +[1 + 6 foldout] pages, 15 tables, 18 figures, 1 loose map, bibliography.

von der Dunk, Klaus. 1971. Moosgesellschaften im Bereich des Sandsteinkeupers in Mittel- und Oberfranken. [Berichten der] Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Bayreuth [Berichtsband] 14: 7-100, 4 plates.

von der Dunk, Klaus & K. von der Dunk. 1988. Moose unter der Lupe. 144 p. IDH-Verlag. Bad-Münstereifel. Germany.

von Hagen, Victor Wolfgang. 1945. South America| Called Them| Explorations of the Great Naturalists| La Condamine| Humboldt| Darwin| Spruce| Victor Wolfgang von Hagen| [spanner | Borzoi logo]| 1945 Alfred A Knopf New York. xii + 311 + ix pages, unnumbered plates, bibliography, index.

Von Konrat, M. & S. Huhndorf. 2008. In celebration of Dr. John. J. Engel: A tribute to 40 years in Bryology. Fieldiana 47: 1-269.

von Konrat, M., A. J. Shaw & K. S. Renzaglia (eds.). 2010. Bryophytes: the closest living relatives of early land plants. Phytotaxa 9: 1 278.

Wagner, Kenneth A. 1951. The Neckeraceae of North America| A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment| of the requirements for the degree of| Doctor of Philosophy in the| University of Michigan| 1951| Committee in charge:| Professor H. H. Bartlett, Chairman| Professor B. B. Mains| Associate Professor F. H. Test| Associate Professor K. L. Jones| Assistant Professor R. J. Lowry| . vii + 195 pages, 52 plates, bibliography. U. M. I. order number 2665.

Wagner-Merner, D. T., G. D. Griepenburg & K. L. Tyson. 1970. Mosses of the Tampa Bay Area. 56 p.University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida.

Wagner, D. 2011. Hornworts of Oregon. Northwest Botanical Institute, Euegene, Oregon, USA. Distributed by author. Accompanied by CD.

Wang, Qiang-Hua & Y. Jia. 2023. A Monograph of the Genus Ulota s.l. (Orthotrichaceae, Moss). Science Press, EDP Sciences. 313 p.

Waldheim, Stig. 1944. Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens| Avhandlingar i Naturskyddsärenden| N:o 4| Mossvegetationen| i Dalby-Söderskogs National-| Park| Ett Bidrag till Kännendomen om| Skånes Bryofytvegetation| av| Stig Waldheim| Med 6 Tavlor och 19 Textbilder| [rule]| Stockholm| Almquist & Wiksells Boktryckeri A.-B.| 1944. 142 pages + 6 plates, 19 figures, 33 tables, bibliography.

Waldheim, S. 1944. Die Torfmossvegetation der Provinz Närke. Lunds Universitets Årsskrift. N. F. Avd. 2. Band 40 (6): 1 91.

Waldheim, Stig. 1947. Botaniska Notiser| Supplement Vol. 1: 1.| Utgivare: Lunds Botaniska Förening Redaktör: H. Weimark| [rule]| Kleinmoosgesellschaften| und Bodenverhältnisse| in Schonen| von| Stig Waldheim| Druckkostenbeitrag aul Längmanska| Kulturfonden| Distributör| C. W. K. Gleerup, Förlag, Lund. 203 pages, 44 figures, 46, tables, bibliography.

Walther, K., and G. Martienssen. 1976. Die Laubmoosteypen des Herbariums Hamburgense| von K. Walther und G. Martienssen| Institut für Algemeine Boranik der Universität Hamburg| Hamburg 1976. [1] + 94 pages, bibliography. [Mimeographed A4]. {Ho ex auct. 23 April 1979; stapled}.

Walther, Kurt. 1983. A. Engler’s| Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien| mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Nutzpflanzen nebst either| Übersicht über die Florenreiche und Forengebiete der Erde| dreizehnte, vollständig neubearbeitete Auflage| herausgegeben von| Professor Dr. Johannes Gerloff, Berliln| Professor Dr. Josef Poelt, Graz| Kapitel V, 2| Bryophytina. Laubmoose| Bearbeitet von Professor Dr. Kurt Walther, Hamburg| mit 9 Figuren| [logo]| Gebrüder Borntraeger • Berling • Stuttgart 1983. v + [3] + 108 pages, 9 figures, bibliography, index.

Wang, C. K. 1970. Phytogeography of the| Mosses of Formosa| Professor of Botany at Tunghai University [vignette]| Published by| Tunghai University| Taichung, Taiwan| — iii –. xvi + 576 pages, 45 figures, 52 tables, bibliography, index.

Warburg, E. F. 1963. Census Catalogue of| British Mosses| (3rd edition)| Prepared by| E. F. Warburg| Botany School, Oxford University| for| The British Bryological Society| [decoration]| 1963. 88 pages, index.

Warnstorf, C. 1891. Die Europäischen Torfmoose. Ein Kritik und Beschreibung derselben. Theobald Grieben, Berlin. 152 pages.

Warnstorf, C. 1903. Leber- und Torfmoose| von| C.Warnstorf| [spanner]| Mit 231 in den Text gedruckten Abbildungen| [spanner]| Leipzig| Verlag von Gebruder Borntraeger| 1903| Half-title on facing page: Kryptogamenflora| der Mark Brandenburg| und angrenzender Gebiete| herausgegeben| von dem| Botanischen Verin der Provinz Brandenburgf| [spanner]| Erster Band| [spanner]| Leipzig| Verlag von Gebruder Borntraeger| 1903| xv + 481 pages, 231 figures [line drawings, not numbered], index.

Warnstorf, C.  1903. Kryptogamenflora der Mark Brandenburg und angrenzender Gebiete. Erster Band. Leber- und Torfmoose. Gebrüder Hornträger, Leipzig. 481 pages.

Warnstorf, C.  1906. Kryptogamenflora der Mark Brandenburg und angrenzender Gebiete. Zweiter Band. Laubmoose.  Gebrüder Hornträger, Leipzig. 1160 pages.

Warnstorf, C. 1911. Sphagnales-Sphagnaceae (Sphagnologia universalis). Das Pflanzenreich. Regni vegetabilis conspectus (ed. A. Engler) 51: 1–546.

Warnstorf, C., W. Mönkemeyer, V. Schiffner. 1914. Die| Süsswasser-Flora| Deutschlands, Österreichs| und der Schweiz| Bearbeitet von| [nine lines of authors’ names and cities]| Herausgegeben von| Prof. Dr. A. Pascher (Prag)| [rule}| Heft 14:| Bryophyta| (Sphagnales — Bryales — Hepaticae)| Bearbeitet von| C. Warnstorf W. Mönkemeyer V. Schiffner| Friedenau Leipzig Wien| Mit 500 Abbildungen im Text| [seal]| Jena| Verlag von Gustav Fischer| 1914. iv + 222 pages, 158 figures [many cuts under each number for mosses whereas each cut numbered separately for hepatics], index.

Watson, E. Vernon. 1955. British Mosses and| Liverworts| An Introductory Work, with Full Descriptions| and Figures of Over 200 Species, and Keys| for the Identificatino of All Except| the Very Rare Species| Written and Illustrated by| E. Vernon Watson, B.Sc., Ph.D.| Lecturer in Botany, University of Reading| With a Forward by| Paul Richards, M.A., Sc.D.| Professor of Botany, University College of| North Wales, Bangor| [shield]| Cambridge| at the University Press| 1955. xvi + 419 pages, 209 figures, 18 plates, index. REV: JB 2: 601-602.

Watson, E. Vernon. 1963. British Mosses and| Liverworts| An Introductory Work, with Full Descriptions| and Figures of Over 200 Species, and Keys| for the Identificatino of All Except| the Very Rare Species| Written and Illustrated by| E. Vernon Watson, B.Sc., Ph.D.| Lecturer in Botany, University of Reading| With a Forward by| Paul Richards, M.A., Sc.D.| Professor of Botany, University College of| North Wales, Bangor| [shield]| Cambridge| at the University Press| 1963 [second reprinting]. xvi + 419 pages, 209 figures, 18 plates, index.

Watson, E. Vernon. 1964. The Structure| and Life of Bryophytes| E. V. Watson| Lecturer in Botany in the University of Reading| [press logo] | Hutchinson University Library| London| [from reverse] First published 1964 [with no other indications, so the first printing]. 192 pages, 20 figures, bibliography, index. REV: JB 4: 694-695.

Watson, E. Vernon. 1968. British Mosses and| Liverworts| An Introductory Work, with Full Descriptions| and Figures of Over 200 Species, and Keys| for the Identificatino of All Except| the Very Rare Species| Written and Illustrated by| E. Vernon Watson, B.Sc., Ph.D.| Senior Lecturer in Botany, University of Reading| With a Forward by| Paul Richards, M.A., ScD.| Professor of Botany, University College of| North Wales, Bangor| Second Edition| [shield]| Cambridge| at the University Press| 1968. xvi + 495 pages, 242 figures, 18 plates, index. REV: JB 5: 845-846; 10: 580-581 [1978, first paperback edition].

Watson, E. Vernon. 1971. The Structure and| Life of Bryophytes| E. V. Watson| Senior Lecturer in Botany in the University of Reading| Hutchinson of London. Third edition (reprinted 1974, 1978). 211 pages, 26 figures. REV: JB 7: 238.

Watson, E. Vernon. 1981. British Mosses and| Liverworts| An Introductory Work, with Full Descriptions| and Figures of Over 200 Species, and Keys| for the Identification of All Except| the Very Rare Species| Written and Illustrated by| E. Vernon Watson, B.Sc., Ph.D.| Formerly Senior Lecturer in Botany, University of Reading| With a Forward by| Paul Richards, C. B. E., M.A., ScD.| Emeritus Professor of Botany, University of Wales| Third Edition| Cambridge University Press| Cambridge| London New York New Rochelle| Melbourne Sydney. xviii + 519 pages, 260 figures, index. REV: JB 12: 310-311.

Watson, H. 1956 (1947). Forestry Commission| Booklet No. 1| Woodland Mosses| By| H. Watson, M.B.E.| Formerly| Forest Officer Instructor| Benmore Forest School| Argyll| with 3 diagrams and 41 photographs| by the author| London: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office| 1947: reprinted 1956. 47 pages [page 48 with list of Commission publications], 3 figures, 41 photographs. REV: JB 1:130.

Watts, W. Walter, and Thomas Whitlegge. 1902, 1906. Census Muscorum Australiensium. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 27 (part 3, supplement):1-90; 30 (part 4, supplement):91-163, index. [Part I for 1902, issued 16 December; Part II for 1905, issued 12 April 1906.]

Weber Friedrich and D. M. H. Mohr. 1807. Botanisches Taschenbuch auf das Jahr 1807. Deutschlands kryptogamische Gewächse. 1. Abth. Filices, musci frondosi et hepatici. Kiel, In der Akademischen Buchhandlung. 509 pages.

Weber, Friedrich. 1815. Historiae| Muscorum hepaticorum| Prodromus.| [elaborate rule]| Auctore| Fr. Weber| [8 lines of accolades, fill in later].| [swollen spanner]| Kiliae [Kiel]| sumtn Aug. Hesse, Academiae bibliopolae.. 160 pages, index.

Weber, William A.. 1973. Guide to the Mosses of Colorado| Keys and ecological notes based on field| and herbarium studies| By William A. Weber| Professor of Natural History and Curator| of the Herbarium| University of Colorado Museum| Boulder| Research Associate of INSTAAR| July 1973. iii + 48 recto pages, bibliography, index.

Weis D. Fridericus Guilielmus. 1770. Plantae Cryptogamicae Florae Gottingensis. Gottingae. Vandenhoek. 334 pages + one folded figure at end.

Weis, Gabriele. 2001. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca Band 57| [spanner]| Gabriele Weis| Morphlogische un anatomisch| Untersuchungen der Sprophyten bei| den Jubulaceae Klinggr. und| Lejeuneaceae Caseares-Gil (Hepaticae)| un deren systematische Bedeutung| mit 27 Tafeln und 6 Tabellen| [logo]| J. Cramer in der Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung| Berlin • Stuttgart 2001. 302 pages, 27 figures, 6 tables, bibliography.

Welch, Winona Hazel. 1957. Mosses of Indiana| an illustrated manual| by| Winona H. Welch, Ph.D.| Professor of Botany| Depauw University| Greencastle| Indiana| First Edition| 1957| Indianapolis:| The Bookwalther Company| 1957| 478 pages, 253 figures, bibliography, index. REV: BT 76:12.

Welch, Winona Hazel. 1960. A Monograph| of the| Fontinalaceae| by| Winona H. Welch, Ph.D.| Professor of Botany, De Pauw University| Greencastle, Indiana| [logo]| The Hague| Martinus Nijhoff| 1960| [5] + 357 pages, 35 figures, bibliography, index. REV: JB 4:132-133.

Welch, Winona Hazel. 1963. Series II Part 3| North American Flora| [rule] Fontinalaceae| Winona Hazel Welch| [logo]| [2 lines of price information inked over]| Published by| The New York Botanical Garden| 15 March 1963. 51 pages, bibliography, index.

Welch, Winona Hazel. 1976. Series II Part 9| North American Flora| Sphagnopsida| Hookeriaceae| Winona H. Welch| [logo]| Published by| The New York Botanical Garden| 2 July 1976. [1] + 133 pages, bibliography, index.

Werner, J. 1996. Die Moosflora des Luxemburger Oeslings. Travaux scientifiques du Musée National d’Histoire Naturelle de Luxembourg 24: 1–88 + annexe (4 Tables and 410 maps).

Werner Jean. 2003. Liste rouge des bryophytes du Luxembourg. Ferrantia (Travaux Scientifiques du Musée National d’Histoire Naturelle du Luxembourg) 35: 1-71.

Weymar, Herbert. 1962. Buch der Moose| Standort, Morphologie und Systematik| der in Deutschland verbreitetsten| Laub- und Lebermoose| von| Herbert Weymar| [very short rule]| Mit 229 Abbildungen von Kurt Schulze| Neumann Verlag • Radebeul un Berlin. 312 pages, 229 figures, many tables. {Hoe library, inscription on fly ” For Bru| from JMA?| March 1966| Nürnberg, Germany”; cloth, dust jacket}.

Whittier, Henry Obermanns. 1968. Mosses of the Society Islands:| Preliminary Studies| on Their Taxonomy, Ecology and Geography| Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements| for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, in the Faculty| of Pure Science, Columbia University.| By| Henry Obermanns Whittier| 1968. 641 pages, 99 plates, 24 tables, bibliography. {Hoe stamp 1 April 1971; blue Univ. Microfilms wrappers}.

Whittier, Henry Obermanns. 1976. Mosses of the Society Islands| Henry O. Whittier| A Florida Technological University Book| [rule]| The University Presses of Florida| Gainesville / 1976. x + 410 pages, 101 figures, bibliography, index. REV: JB 9: 409.

Wiemeyer B. 1917. Das Vorkommen voon Cinclidotus aquaticus (Jacquin. als Hypnum aquaticum) Bryol. Eur. In Westfalen. Soonderabruck aus dem 45. Jahresbericht des Westfälischen Provinzial-Vereiins für Wissenschaft und Kunst (Bootanische Sektion) für das Rechnungsjahr 1916/17: 38-41. Included in “Sammelband 19. Flora von West-Deutschland II. Musci I.” Filed under “Anonymous”.

Wickett, Norman J. 2007. Plastid genome evolution of the non-photosynthetic liverwort Aneura mirabilis Wickett & Goffinet. Doctor of Philosophy thesis. University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut.

Wigginton, M.J. 1995. Mosses and Liverworts of North Lancashire. Centre for North-West Regional Studies, Lancaster University. 151 p.

Wigginton, Martin J. and Riclef Grolle. 1996. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca| [rule]| Band 50| Catalogue of the| Hepaticae and Anthocerotae| of Sub-Saharan Africa| by| Martin J. Wigginton & Riclef Grolle| supplemented by A. Gyarmati| With 1 map and 2 appendices| [press logo]| J. Cramer| in der Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung| Berlin • Stuttgart 1996. 267 pages, 1 map, 2 appendices, bibliography. REV: JB 19: 839.

Wijk, Roelof van der1929. Über den Bau und die Entwicklung der Peristomzähne bei Polytrichum. Receuil des Travaux botaniques néerlandais 26: 289–395.

Wijk, Roelof van der , et al. 1959-1969. Index Muscorum| R. van der Wijk| (Chief editor)| W. D. Margadant P. A. Florschütz| Volume I (A-C) [II (D – Hypno). III (Hypnum – O). IV (P–S). V (T–Z, Appendix)]| [IAPT logo]| 1959 [1962. 1964. 1967. 1969]| Utrecht – Netherlands| Published with financial support of the National Science Foundation| of the United States of America by the| International Bureau for Plant Taxonomy and Nomenclature| of the International Association for Plant Taxonomy. [Half-title indicates this is part of the series Regnum Vegetable Volume 17 (26. 33. 48. 65)]. Vol. I. xxviii + 548 pages. Vol. II. [iv] + 535 pages. Vol. III. [iv] + 529 pages. Vol. IV. [iv] + 604 pages. Vol. V. xii + 922 pages. REV: JB 3: 750-751; 6: 160.

Wilczynska, Wanda. 1974. Monographiae Botanicae| Vol. XLIV, 1974| Wanda Wilczynska| Flora Mchow i Zbiorowiska Mszaków| Gór Kaczawskich| Studium florystyczno-ekologiczne| Mossflora und Bryophytengesellschaften der| Góry Kaczawskie (nordwestliche Sudeten)| Floristisch-ökologisches Studium| Redaktor: M. Kostyniuk| [seal]| [spanner]| Warszawa. 111 + [1] pages, 8 figures, 24 tables, bibliography.

Wilding, N. 2015. Systematics, biogeography and morphological evolution in Entosthodon Schwägr. (Bryopsida, Funariaceae) with a revision of the genus in Africa. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Cape Town, South Africa. 330 p.

Wilding, N., T. Hedderson, C. Ah-Peng & I. Magombo. 2016. Bryophytes of Kenya’s Coastal Forests. A Guide to the Common Species. Published by authors in electronic format. 66 p.

Williams, R. S. 1903. Bolivian Mosses. Part I. Bulletin of the New York Botanical Garden, 3: 104-134, plates 171-174

Williams, R. S. 1914. Philippine Mosses. Bulletin of the New York Botanical Garden, 8: 331-377, plates 171-174

Williams, Sue Alix. 2023. Ecological Guide to the Mosses & Common Liverworts of the Northeast. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York, USA. 207 p.

Wilson, William. 1855. Bryologia Brittanica;| containing| The Mosses of Great Britain| and Ireland,| Systematically Arranged and Described According to the| Method of Bruch and Schimper,| with Illustrative Plates:| being| a New (Third) Edition,| with Many Additions and Alterations, of| The Muscologia Britannica| of| Messrs. Hooker and Taylor.|By William Wilson.| London:| Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans.| 1855.| xx + 2 unnumbered pages of corrections + 445 pages, 61 handcolored plates, index.

Winne, William T.1950. The Bryophytes. In The Vegetation of Bergen Swamp. Proceedings of the Rochester Academy of Science 9: 315–326.

Winter Ferdinand. 1864. Die Laubmoose des Saargebiets. Abhandl. d. Naturhist. Ver. der preuss. Rheinlande u. Westfalens 21: 50-83. Included in “Sammelband 19. Flora von West-Deutschland II. Musci I.” Filed under “Anonymous”.

Winter Ferdinand. 1868. Die Laubmoosflora des Saargebietes mit einleitenden topographischen und geognostischen Bemerkungen. Pages 1-52. No journal or other publication information included; Müller F. 1920 refers this publication to Abhandl. d. Naturhist. Ver. der preuss. Rheinlande u. Westfalens 32, 4. Folge II. Band). Included in “Sammelband 19. Flora von West-Deutschland II. Musci I.” Filed under “Anonymous”.

Wirth, Volkmar & Ruprecht Düll. 2000. Farbenatlas. Flechten und Mosse. Ulmer, Stuttgart, Germany. 320 p.

Wojtún Bronislaw. 2006. Peat mosses (Sphagnaceae) in mires of the Sudetes Mountains (SW Poland): A floristic and Ecological Study. Agricultural University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw. 225 pages.

Wolf, J.H.D. 1993. Ecology of epiphytes and epiphyte communities in montane rain forests, Colombia. Ph.D. thesis, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Wolonski, Konrat, Barbara Godzik & Jan J. Wójcicki. 2013. Festschrift for Tamás Pócs. Polish Botanical Journal 58: 1–755.

Wu, Delin and Zhang Li. 2013. Bryophyte Flora of Guangdong. Guangdong Provincial Publishing Group. Guangdong Science and Technology Press, Guangzhou, China. 551 p.

Wu, Peng-cheng, and Marshall R. Crosby, Editors-in-Chief. 2002. Moss Flora of China| English version| Volume 6. Hookeriaceae–Thuidiaceae| [3 lines of Chinese characters]| Wu Peng-cheng| Marshall R. Crosby| Editors-in-Chief| Si He| Editor| With Contributions from| Wu Peng-chen, Lin Bang-juan, Gao Chien, Cao Tong, Li Zhi-hua,| Benito Tan, Si He, Jia Yu, Wang Mei-zhi, Fu Xing, Sun Jun, and Zong Ben-gu| Science Press (Beijing, New York)| &| Missouri Botanical Garden (St. Louis). Pages viii + 1- 221, plates 396-469, maps numbered separately within genera, bibliography, indices. REV. BT: 109: 3; JB 25: 78-79.

Wu, Peng-cheng, Editor-in-Chief. 2000. [First titlepage in Chinese.] The Series of the Scientific Expedition| to Qinghai-Xizang Plateau| Bryoflora of Hengduan Mts| (Southwest China)| The Comprehensive Scientific Expedition| to the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, Academia, Sinica| Hosted Institution| Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica| 2000. [11] + xviii + 742 pages, 279 figures, bibliography, index to Latin names. In Chinese, with frontmatter also in English.

Wu, Peng-cheng, Editor-in-Chief. 2002. Consilio Florarum Cryptogamarum Sinicarum| Academiae Sinicae Edita| Flora Bryophytarum Sinicorum| Vol. 6| Hookeriales Hypnobryales| Redactor Principalis| Wu Pan-Cheng| A Maojro Project of the Knowledge Innovation Program| of the Chinese Academy of Sciences| A Major Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China| (Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China,| the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Ministry of Science and Technology of China)| Science Press| 2002 [11] + xvii + 290 pages, 109 figures, bibliography, indices [In Chinese and to Latin names]. Shelved with volume 1, Gao

Wu, P. & S. Yuan (eds.) . 2010. International Academic memorial issue for Prof. Pan-Chieh Chen. Nanjing Normal University Press, Nanjing, China.

Wu, Peng-cheng, and Marshall R. Crosby, Editors-in-Chief. 2011. Moss Flora of China| English version| Volume 5. Erpodiaceae–Climaciaceae| [3 lines of Chinese characters]| Wu Peng-cheng| Marshall R. Crosby| Editors-in-Chief| Si He| Editor| With Contributions from| Wu Peng-cheng, Jia Yu, Zhang Man-xiang, Wang Mei-zhi, Si He, Pei Lin-ying, and Guo Shui-liang| Science Press (Beijing, New York)| &| Missouri Botanical Garden (St. Louis). Pages viii + 1- 423.

Wu, Peng-cheng, and Marshall R. Crosby, Editors-in-Chief. 2005. Moss Flora of China| English version| Volume 8. Sematophyllaceae–Polytrichaceae| [3 lines of Chinese characters]| Wu Peng-cheng| Marshall R. Crosby| Editors-in-Chief| Si He| Editor| With Contributions from| Jia Yu,, Benito C. Tan, Zhang Man-xiang, Si He, Wu Peng-cheng, Wang Mei-zhi, Li Xing-jiang, Wang You-fang and Zacharia L. K. Magombo. | Science Press (Beijing, New York)| &| Missouri Botanical Garden (St. Louis). Pages viii + 1- 385.

Wynns, J. 2006. Taxonomic studies in the aquatic moss genus Platyhypnidium (Brachytheciaceae). M.Sc. dissertation. Appalachian State University.

Wynns, J.T. 2015. Molecular phylogeny and systematic revision of the pleurocarp moss genus Plagiothecium. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Copenhagen. 343 p.

Xiangjiang, Li (ed.). 2005. Flora Yunnanica. Tomus 19. (Bryophyta: Musci). Bartramiaceae to Polytrichaceae. Science Press, Beijing, China.

Xing-Jiang, Li and Marshall R. Crosby, Editors-in-Chief. 2007. Moss Flora of China| English version| Volume 4. Bryaceae–Timmiaceae| [3 lines of Chinese characters]| Wu Peng-cheng| Marshall R. Crosby| Editors-in-Chief| Si He| Editor| With Contributions from| Li Xiang-jiang, Zhang Da-Cheng, Zang Mu and Si He| Science Press (Beijing, New York)| &| Missouri Botanical Garden (St. Louis). Pages viii + 1- 211.

Xiong Yuanxin. 2014. Bryophyte Flora of Guiizhou China. Volume 1. Guizhou Publishing Group, Guiyang, China.  509 p + 10 plates.

Xiong Yuanxin. 2014. Bryophyte Flora of Guiizhou China. Volume 2. Guizhou Publishing Group, Guiyang, China.  686 p + 20 plates.

Xiong Yuanxin, and Wei, Cao. 2018. Bryophyte Flora of Guizhou China. Volume 3. Guizhou Publishing Group, Guiyang, China.  720 p.

Xu, Bing-shen (editor). 1989.  Cryptogamic Flora of the Yangtze Delta and Adjacent Regions. Shanghai Scientific and Technical Publishers. 573 pages + figures 3–284.

Yañez-Barnuevo Luis. 1989. La Botanica En la Expedicion Malaspina,1789-1794: Pabellon Villanueva, Real Jardin Botanico, Octubre-Noviembre 1989 (Coleccion Encuentros) Madrid.Turner.1989 With illustrations in colour & another 264 coloured plates of plants.Also many b&w illustrations.pp 208.Original pictorial card covers.Very slight signs of use but still a very good copy.Size is 4to,12 x 8 inches & weighs 1105 grams.

Yang, J.-D. 2011. Liverworts and hornworts of Taiwan. Endemic Species Research Institute, Nanatou, Taiwan. 50 p. + 32 plates + 174 pictures.

Yano, Olga. 1996. A checklist of Brazilian Bryophytes. Boletim do Instituto de Botânica 10: 47-232 (article part of the whole issue).

Yano, Olga & Denilson Fernandes Peralta. 2007. Musgos (Bryophyta). Flora dos Estadosde Goiás e Tocantins criptógamos 6: 1–333.

Yang, Jia-Dong. 2009. Liverworts and Hornworts of Taiwan. I. Lejeuneaceae. Endemic Species Research Institute, Nantou, Taiwan. 62 pages + 50 full page plates + 137 figures (6 per page) and index (2 pages).

Yao, Kuei-Yu & Jia-Dong Yang. 2016. Mosses of Taiwan. I. Polytrichales. Endemic Species Research Institute. Nantou, Taiwan. 74 p.

Yao, Kuei-Yu & Jia-Dong Yang. 2023. Bryophytes and Lichens of Taroko National Park. Taroko National Park Headquarters. 175 p.

Yousefi, Narjes.2017. Genetic Divergence and Speciation in Northern Peatmosses. Doctoral Dissertation. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway. Doctoral theses at NUNU 364.

Yuanxin, X. 2011. Illustrations of Bryophytes in Guizhou of China.

Yuanxin, Xiong. 2014. Bryophyte Flora of Guizhou China. Volume 1. Sphagnaceae—Timmiaceae. Guizhou Publishing Group. Guiyang, China. 509 p + 16 pages.

Yuanxin, Xiong. 2014. Bryophyte Flora of Guizhou China. Volume 2. Erpodiaceae—Polytrichaceae. Guizhou Publishing Group. Guiyang, China. 686 p + 20 pages.

Yuanxin, Xiong 7 Cao Wei. 2018. Bryophyte Flora of Guizhou China. Volume 3. Haplomitriopsida–Dendrocerotales. Guizhou Publishing Group. Guiyang, China. 720 p.

Zander, Richard H. 1993. Genera of the Pottiaceae:| Mosses of Harsh Environments| By Richard H. Zander| Illustrated by Patricia M. Eckel| [logo]| Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences| Vol. 32 Buffalo, N.Y. 1993. vi + 378 pages, 113 plates, bibliography, index. REV: JB 18: 377-378; Clintonia 11: 5.

Zander, Richard. 1998. A phylogrammatic Evolutionary analysis of te moss genus Didymodon in North America North of Mexico. Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences 36: 81–115. (Filled under Both E.E., 1998. Contributions to the Natural Sciences and Anthropology)

Zander, Richard. 2013. A framework for post-phylogenetic systematic. Zetetic Publications, St. Louis. 209 p.

Zander, Richard H. 2017. Macroevolutionary Systematics of Streptotrichaceae of the Bryophyta. Zetetic Publications, St. Louis, USA. 232 p.

Zander, Richard H. 2023. Fractal Evolution, Complexity and Systematics. Zetetic Publications, St. Louis, USA. 151. p.

Zanten, B. O. van. 1959. Trachypodaceae A Critical Revision. Blumea 9(2): 477-575, 12 plates.

Zanten, B. O. van. 1964. Nova Guinea| Contributions to the Anthropology, Botany,| Geology and Zoology of the Papuan Region| (Continuation of: Nova Guinea, new series, Vol. 10, 1959)| Leiden — E. J. Brill| Number 16 —Botany — Dec. 31, 1964| [rule]| Scientific results of the Netherlands New Guinea Expedition 1959| Mosses of the Star Mountains Expedition| by| B. O. van Zanten| (Botanical Laboratory, State University, Groningen. Pages 263- 368 + plates 22-36.

Zanten, B.O. van. 2014. De Sterrengebergte Expeditie naar Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea in 1959. Aspekt , Soesterberg, Netherlands.

Zarnowiec, Jan. 2001. A Taxonomic Monograph| of the Drepanocladus aduncus Group| (Bryopsida: Amblystegiaceae)| Jan Zarnowiec| Lódz Technical University, Bielsko-Biala Branch|Belsko-Biala, 2001. 248 pages, 82 figures, 17 tables, bibliography, index. REV: BT 104: 5.

Zartman, Charles E., and Anna Luiza Ilkiu-Borges. 2007. Guia para as Bríofitas Epífilas da Amazônia Central. Manaus: INPA. In Portuguese and English.

Zechmeister, Harald G. 1999. Abhandlungen| der| Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Österreich [Band 30 from cover] [spanner]| Bryologische Forschung in Austria| (Veröffentlichungen der Österreichischen Bryologie-Tagung 98)| Zusammengestellt un bearbeitet| von| Harald G. Zechmeister| Wien 1999| Verlag der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft| in Österreich. [10] + 193 pages, figures and bibliography by chapter. |REV: BT 101: 14.

Zehr, Douglas R. 1980. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca| Herausgegeben von| J. Cramer| [rule]| Band 15| An Assessment of Variation| in Scapania nemorosa and Selected | Related Species (Hepatophyta)| by| Douglas R. Zehr| With 125 figures and 14 tables| [press logo]| 1980 • J. Cramer| In der A. R. Gantner Verlag Kommanditgesellschaft| FL-9490 Vaduz. [12] + 140 pages, 125 figures, 14 tables, bibliography.

Zerov, D. K. 1964. Flora pechinochnykh i sfahnovykh mokhiv Ukraïny. (Liverworts and Sphagnum moss flora of Ukraine). Kyiv, Naukova Dumka. 355 p.

Zetterstedt, Johan Emanuele. 1861. Revisio| Grimmiearum Scandinaviæ| [short rule]| quam| Venia Ampl. Facult. Phil. Upsal.| P. P.| Joh. Em. Zetterstedt| Phil. Doct. Oecon. Pract. Doct.| In Audit. Gust. Min. D. XXX Ja,n MDCCCXLI| H. A. M. S.| [double rule]| Upsaliæ| Typis Edquist et Soc. 139 + [6] pages.

Zetterstedt, Johan Emanuele. 1865. Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar. Bandet 5. N:o 10.| [spanner]| Pyreneernas Mossvegetation| I| Luchons Omgifningar.| af| J. E. Zetterstedt.| Till K Vet. Akad. Inlemnad D. 17 Februari 1865.| [elaborate rule]| K. Vet. Akad. Handl. B. 5. N:o 10.| 1. 51 pages.

Zetterstedt, Johan Emanuele. 1876a. Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar. Bandet 13. No 13.| [spanner]| Musci et Hepaticæ Finmarkiæ| Circa Sinum Atensem Crescentes.| Auctore| Dr. J. E. Zetterstedt.| Reg. Academiæ. Suec. Communic. D. 9 Decembr. 1874.| [elaborate rule]| Stockholm, 1876.| Kongl. Boktryckeriert,| P. A. Norstedt & Söner.. 42 pages. SHELVED REPRINTS

Zetterstedt, Johan Emanuele. 1876b. Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar. Bandet 13. No 14.| [spanner]| Musci et Hepaticæ Gotlandiae| Auctore| Dr. J. E. Zetterstedt.| Reg. Academiæ. Suec. Communic. D. 9 Decembr. 1874.| [elaborate rule]| Stockholm, 1876.| P. A. Norstedt & Söner| Kongl. Boktryckeriert. 42 pages. SHELVED REPRINTS

Zetterstedt, J. E. 1854. Dispositio Muscorum Frondosorum in Monte Kennekulle Nascentium. Doctoral dissertation?

Zetterstedt, Johan Emanuele. 1877. Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar. Bandet 15. No 1.| [spanner]| Florula Bryologica| Montium Hunneberg et Halleberg| Auctore| J. E. Zetterstedt.| Till Kongl. Vetenskaps-Akademien Inlemnadt den 9 Maj 1877.| [elaborate rule]| Stockholm, 1877.| P. A. Norstedt & Söner.|Kongl. Boktryckare.. 35 pages. SHELVED REPRINTS

Zhang, Li (editor in chief). 2009. Checklist of Macao Bryophytes. Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs, Bureau of MacaoSpecial Administrative Region. 86 p.

Zhang, Li. 2009.The Miniature Angels in the Plant Kingdom: An introduction to Bryophytes. Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs, Bureau of Macao. Special Administrative Region. 104

Zhang, Li (editor in chief). 2010. Flora Bríofita de Macau. Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs, Bureau of MacaoSpecial Administrative Region. 362 p.

Zhang, Li, Q. Zuo & P.I. Hong. 2015.The Miniature Angels in the Plant Kingdom: An introduction to Bryophytes. Guangzhou: Guangdong Science and Technology Press. 148 p.

Zhang, Li, Yu Jia & Lihui Mao. 2016. Field Guide to Wild Plants of China. Bryophytes, The Commercial Press. Beijing, China. 327 p.

Zhang, L., Q. Zuo & L. Mao. 2017. The Magic and Enchantement of Bryophytes. Department of Gardens and Green Areas, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region, Macao. 152. p.

Zhang, Li, Zuo Qin and Mao Lihui. 2019. The Magic and Enchantment of Bryophytes. Extended Edition. 234 p. Phoenix Science Press. China.

Zhang, M. X. 1978. Flora Tsinlingensis| Tomus III| Bryophyta| (Pars 1)| Instituto Botanico Boreali-Occidentali| Academiae Sinicae Edita| Typis Academiae Scientarum Sinicae| Pekini 1978. [1] + vi + 329 pages, 234 figures [some out of sequence in 4 pages of photos at end], index.

Zhao, Jian-Cheng, and Liu Yongying (eds.). 2021. A Taxonomic Study of the Family Bryaceae (Sensu Lato, Bryopsida) in China. Hebei Science and Technology Press, Shijiazhuang. (in Chinese). 438 p.

Zheleznova, G. V. 1994. [Flora listostyebyelykh mkhov]? 147 + [3] pages, 246 figures, 10 tables, bibliography, index.

Zhong G. et al. 2010. Abstract of the National Symposium of the Bryological Society of China. Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang, China. Journal of Guizhoou Normal University (Natural Sciences) 28 (4): 1–170 + 3.

Zhu, Rui-Liang, and May Ling So. 2001. Nova Hedwigia| [spanner] Beiheft 121| Rui-Liang Zhu & MayLing So| Epiphyllous Liverworts of China| With 140 figures and 5 tables| [spanner]| [logo]| J. Cramer| in der Gebr. Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung| Berlin • Stuttgart 2001. [4] + 418 pages, 140 figures, 5 tables, bibliography, index.

Zhu, Rui-Liang & S. Robbert Gradstein. 2005. Monograph of Lopholejeunea (Lejeuneaceae, Hepaticae) in Asia. Systematic Botany Monographs 74: 1-98.

Zinsmeister, H. D., and R. Mues. 1990. Proceedings of the| Phytochemical Society of Europe| Bryophytes| Their Chemistry and| Chemical Taxonomy| [spanner]| Edited by| H. D. Zinsmeister and R. Mues| Fachrichtung Botanik, Universität des Saarlandes,| Federal Republic of Germany| Clarendon Press • Oxford| 1990. xiii + 470 pages, figures etc. by chapter, index. REV: BT 59: 10.

Zippel, Elke. 1998. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca| [rule]| Band 52| Dei epiphytische Moosvegetation| der Kanarischen Inseln| Soziologie, Strukter und Ökologie| von| Elke Zippel| Mit 26 Abbildungen, 28 Tabellen und 9 Karten| [press logo]| J. Cramer| in der Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung| Berlin • Stuttgart 1998. 149 pages, 26 figures, 9 maps, 28 tables (6, 8, 11 foldout in back pocket, bibliography, index.

Zirkle, R.E. & J.W. Cunningham. 1930. Common bryophytes of the vicinity of Columbia, MO. The University of Missouri Studies 5: 25–30.

Zizka, G. & K. Klemmerer. (eds.). 1995. Flora y Fauna de las Islas Galápagos – Origen, investigación, amenazas y protección. Kleine Senckenbergreihe 20. Palmen Sonderheft 22. 1-152. [ incl. article by R. Gradstein on the bryophytes of the Galapagos; chapter 4.4: 59-63.]

Zodda, Giuseppe. 1934. Società Botanica Italiana| [spanner]| Flora Italica Cryptogama| Pars IV: Bryophyta| [short rule]| Hepaticae| Anthocerotales, Marchantiales, Jungermanniales| Anakrogynae, Jungermanniales Akrogynae| Auctore J. Zodda| [short rule]| Fascicolo N. 1.| [short rule]| Rocca S. Casciano| Stabilimento Tipographica L. Cappelli| [very short rule]| 29 Maggio 1934-XII. 330 + [2] pages, 291 figures, index.

Zutterer, Ph. de. See De Zutterer, Ph.


Acta Bryolichenologica Asiatica. 1989-1990, vols. 1-2. 2010, vol. 3. 2011, vol. 4.All published. Initiation notice as Acta Bryologica Asiatica in BT 51: 10; vol. 2 noticed with change in title BT 64: 13.

Advances in Bryology. 1981. Advances in Bryology| Volume 1 • 1981| Edited by| W[olfram]. Schultz-Motel| Editorial Board| E.-J. Bonnot| S.R. Gradstein |S.W. Green| S. Hattori| N.G. Miller| [press logo]| 1981 . J. Cramer| In der A.R. Gantner Verlag Kommanditgesellschaft| FL-9490 Vaduz| 562 pages.

Advances in Bryology. 1984. Advances in Bryology| Volume 2 • 1984| Edited by| W[olfram]. Schultz-Motel| Editorial Board| E.-J. Bonnot| S.R. Gradstein |S.W. Green| S. Hattori| N.G. Miller| J. Szewykowski| [press logo| 1984 • J. Cramer| In der A.R. Gantner Verlag Kommanditgesellschaft| FL-9490 Vaduz| [5] + 224 [+5] pages [the last five pages are plates, which elsewhere in the volume are unnumbered but included in the pagination].

Advances in Bryology. 1988. Advances in Bryology| A Publication of the International Association of Bryologists| Volume 3| Bryophyte Ultrastructure| Editor| Norton G. Miller, Biological Survey, New York State Museum, Albany, U. S. A.| Editorial Board| [9 lines]| [logo]| J. Cramer| in der Gebrüder Borntrager Verlagsbuchhandlung| Berlin • Stuttgart 1988. vii + 281 pages, index. REV: BT 51:10-11. .

Advances in Bryology. 1991 Advances in Bryology| A Publication of the International Association of Bryologists| Volume 4| Bryophyte Systematics| Editor| Norton G. Miller, Biological Survey, New York State Museum, Albany, U. S. A.| Editorial Board| [9 lines]| [logo]| J. Cramer| in der Gebrüder Borntrager Verlagsbuchhandlung| Berlin • Stuttgart 1991. vii + 264 pages, index. REV: BT 66/67: 11.

Advances in Bryology. 1993. Advances in Bryology| A Publication of the International Association of Bryologists| Volume 5| Biology of Sphagnum| Editor| Norton G. Miller, Biological Survey, New York State Museum, Albany, U. S. A.| Editorial Board| [9 lines]| [logo]| J. Cramer| in der Gebrüder Borntrager Verlagsbuchhandlung| Berlin • Stuttgart 1993. viii + 337 + [1] pages, index.

Advances in Bryology. 1997. Advances in Bryology| A Publication of the International Association of Bryologists| Volume 6| Population Studies| Editor| Royce E. Longton, University of Reading, Reading, U. K.| Editorial Board| [9 lines]| [logo]| J. Cramer| in der Gebrüder Borntrager Verlagsbuchhandlung| Berlin • Stuttgart 1997. [viii] + 309 pages, index.

Anatolian Bryology. Volumes 1 (2015) – present. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry in Çankiri Karatekin University, Turkey.

Annales Bryologici. Volumes 5- 12 from Sutton 11 March 2002 $150.00; VII in cloth, VIII cloth with dj, others in wrappers. Volume 11 (see Verdoorn, 1938); Volume 12 (1939) Supplementary volume 1 see Verdoorn 1930. Continued as Annales Cryptogamici et Phytopathologici, q.v. in part 3 (Fulford) of which it is said that Annales Bryologici is complete in 12 volumes and 4 supplementary volumes, published between 1927 and 1939.

Annales Cryptogamie Exotique. Vol. 1 (1928), 3 (1930), 4 (1931), 5 (1932) and 8 (1935).

Annales Cryptogamici et Phytopathologici. Continuation of Annales Bryologici, q.v. Filed by author. See Fulford (1946, vol. 3); Udar (1976, vol. 4); Chopra and Kumar (1981, vol. 5). [Must be duplicate numbers: Vol 2. 1945 Horsfall on Fungicides; Vol. 5. 1947 Copeland on ferns; Vols. 7-8 1947 Frear on fungicides; Vol. 9. 1950 Waksman on fungi.]

Archive for Bryology. (2000-present). Vol. 1-35. Printed copies downloaded from

Arctoa. A journal of Bryology. Moscow. Volumes 1 (1992) to present.

Australasian Bryological Newsletter. 1979-1998 Numbers 1-39 (missing number 23). Origin and history BT 65:3.

British Bryological Society Bulletin. 1963-present

British Bryological Society Census Catalogues . See Duncan (1926); Sherrin (1946); Warburg (1963); Paton (1965); Corley and Hill ( 1981); Blockeel and Long (1998).

British Bryological Society Reports. Volume 1 (Parts 1-5; 1923-1927). {Hoe ex Lilly 21 Nov 1978 $22.20; bound in one volume in damp-spotted cloth with original wrappers}.

British Bryological Society Special Volumes. No. 1. Longton, R. E., and A. R. Perry (1985). No. 2. Newton, M. E. (1989). No. 3. O’Shea, B. J. (1989). No. 4. Edwards, S. R. (1992). No. 5. Edwards, S. E. (1999).

Bryobrothera. Volumes 1-11; REV: BT 72: 2 [v. 1]; 76:10 [v. 2]; 86: 8 [v. 3]; 98: 4 [v. 5]; 104: 3 [v. 6]; JB 17: 687 [v. 1]; 18: 204 [v. 2]; 19: 199 [v. 3].

Bryological Research see Proceedings of the Bryological Society of Japan.

Bryological Times. 1980-2001 Numbers 1-104. Index 1-25 March 1985. {1-63 ex Hoe, 64 to date by subscription to Olson}. See Bulletin of Bryology.

Bryologische Beitraege (later as Beiträge).

Volumes 1-4, 6-10; 1982-1995. REV: BT 14: 4, inception.

Bryologische Rundbriefe. Initiation notice BT 55: 4. Termination notice BT: 90: 3.

Bryologische Mitteilungen. Initiation BT 90: 4.

Bryologist. The first two volumes [which seem to consist of three parts only, at least that is all I have–check this at library] were issued as a “department” of The Fern Bulletin. It became an independent journal with Vol. III. Set includes volumes 1 to 11 (1898 to 1908) in reprint edition [appears to lack numbers in each volume except 3 and 6]; in original edition vols 12 to present [lacking 42(6), 43(3), with 42(1-5), 43(1-2, 6), 49(2), and 63(3) in reprint]. Original wrappers. REV Index 1-60 JB 3:751.

Bryomania. Notice of first issue BT 3: 6, supposedly issued 1 April 1980. BT 8: 7, gives issue date of No. 1 as 25 Dec 1980 and issue 4 as 1 April 1981—this issue we have and it says “Here is your second issue of Bryomania.” BT 10: 11, “Issue No. 4, June 27/26, 1981? [sic]. BT 12: 7 “Issue 22, All Saints Day, 1981?. “3rd Anniversary Issue, 1983? BT 21: 8. “Issue 45, May 25 1983, pp. 1-8 BT 26: 9.

Bryophytorum Bibliotheca. 1 Vitt 1973, 2 Kuc 1973, 3 Stotler R E. and B. Crandall-Stotler 1974, 4 Gradstein 1975, 5 Frahm 1975, 6 Maschke 1976, 7 Correns 1976, 8 Iwatsuki et al. 1976, 9a-b Fleischer 1977, 10 Hébant 1977, 11 Schuster 1977, 12 During 1977, 13 Suire 1978, 14 Steere 1978, 15 Zehr 1980, 16 Miller et al. 1978 17 Guerke 1978, 18 Tixier 1979; 19 Haseloff 1979, 20 Nowak 1980, 21 Kramer 1980, 22 Maschke 1981, 23 Smettan 1982, 24 Renzaglia 1982, 25 Miller et al. 1983, 26 Bischler 1984, 27 Tixier 1985, 28 Kuwahara 1986, 29 Gupta & Udar 1986, 30 Vitt et al. 1985, 31 Frahm 1985, 32 Hübschmann 1986, 33 Schaepe 1986, 34 Oostendorp 1987, 35 Greene and Harrington 1988, 36 Kruit 1988, 37 Greene and Harrington 1989, 38 Bischler-Causse 1989, 39 Frey & Kürschner 1991, 40 Fritsch 1991, 41 Bartholomew-Began 1991, 42 Asthana & Srivastava 1991, 43 Bisang 1991, 44 Hedenäs 1992, 45 Bischler-Causse 1993, 46 Allen 1993, 47 Sharma & Srivastava 1993, 48 Grolle 1995, 49 Blom 1996, 50 Wigginton ^ Grolle 1996, 51 Bischler 1998, 52 Zippel 1998, 53 Uribe & Gradstein 1998, 54 Reiner-Drehwald 1999, 55 Kürschner 2000, 56 Dierssen 2001, 57 Weis 2001, 58 Heinrichs 2002, 59 Pfeiffer (2003), 60 Asthana & Srivastava (2003), 61 Bischler (2004), 62 Schaumann (2005), 63 Long (2006), 64 Cano (2008).

Bryostring. 2013-present. Taiwanense journal devoted to bryology and lichenology, and  published by the Bryological Society of Taiwan, out of Chichi, Nantou, Taiwan.

Bulletin of Bryology. 1972-1990, complete. Published in the journal Taxon.; no. I in vol. 21 (1972) through no. XX in vol. 30 (1981); resumed as no. XXI in vol. 35 (1986) and ceased with no. XXVIII in vol. 39 (1990). Number 1 BT 11: 5 notice. BT 13:5 “As of January 1982, the Bulletin of Bryology will cease to exist as a separate new column in Taxon.” To be incorporated in BT. “After a lapse of almost 5 years . . . has started appear again in Taxon. No 20 was published in Taxon, 30: 538-542.” BT 37: 7-8.

Buxbaumia. 1947-1970 Volumes 1(2), 2(1/2,5), 11-23 (lacking 21 issues in first 10 volumes); index 1946-1970.

Buxbaumiella. 1972-present Volumes 1-51 (lacks 4 &5). Publication history BT 23: 4.

Chenia. 1993-present . Contributions to the [“the” omitted after vol. 1] Cryptogamic Biology. Articles in 1-4 are mostly in Chinese, 6 onward in English.

Cryptogamie Bryologie Lichenologie. 1980-1985 Volumes 1-6. REV: JB 14: 600-601 [Jovet-Ast supplement to vol. 7[. Continued as Cryptogamie Bryologie.

Cryptogamie Bryologie. -present Announcement BT 98: 6.

Evansia. Complete set first 9 volumes 1984-1992. First volume is only two issues, the rest three. Startup notice BT 29: 7. The remainder of the series complete through subscription.

Flora Criptogámica de Tierra del Fuego, see Hässel de Menéndez and Solari 1975, Matteri 1975, 1985; Schiavone 1993; Ochyra and Matteri 2001.

Flora Neotropica. see Buck and Ireland No. 50; Frahm, J.-P. No. 54; Allen, N. S. No. 59; Reese, W. D. No. 58; Gradstein, S. R., No. 62; Ireland, R. R., & W. R. Buck, No. 65; Hedenäs No. 89.

Grevillea. Complete set 22 vols

Hedwigia. Vol. 59, 1917, heft 1-4 in wrappers, see also Grebe 1917, Kabiersch 1936. Beiblattern for literature Vol. 67 ( Heft1-2)1927; 73 (1) 1933; 73 (2) 1933; 74 (1) 1934; 74 (2) 1935; 75 (1) 1935; 75 (2) 1936; 76 (1) 1936; 76 (2) 1936; 77 (1) 1937; 77 (2) 1938; 78 (1) 1938; 78 (2) 1939; 79 (1) 1940; 80 (1) 1942; 81 (1) 1943. The first and last of these are in wrappers, the rest disbound.

Herzogia. 1968-2017 Volumes 1-29 complete. REV: JB 5: 845.

Hikobia. Journal of the Hiroshima Botanical Club. 1950-1999 Volumes 1- 13 (no. 1), plus supplement (1981). Except for the supplement, there were no issues between 1980 and 1984. {Hoe library, vols. 1-8 bound in 4 volumes in green buckram, the rest in wrappers as issued.

Journal of Bryology. 1947-2001 Volumes 1-23 complete. Beginning as Transactions of the British Bryological Society (vols 1-7).

Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory. 1-100. Volumes 1- 59 (1947-1985). Volumes 1-25 (1962) bound in red cloth; volumes 26-37 (1973) purchased in wrappers and bound in red cloth by Mt. Pleasant Book Binders; volumes 38 onwards in blue cloth as issued.

Limprichtia. Zeitschrift zur Moosforschung in Deutschland. Herausgegeben von Jan-Peter Frahm. Initiation notice BT 73: 10. 1993-2003 Volumes 1-22, through subscription. No. 1, 1993, see F. Müller. No. 2, 1994, see H.-J. Schrader. No. 3, 1994, see S. Caspari. No. 4, 1994, see A. Gläser. No. 5, 1994 see M. Volk and H. Muhle. No. 6, 1995, see J.-P. Frahm. No. 7, 1995 see S. Hauter. No. 8, 1997 see A Lindlar. No. 9, 1997 see I. Holz. No. 10, 1997 see J Kiessling & K. M. Stetzka. No. 11, 1998 see C. Dilg. No. 12, 1999 see Baumann and Stetzka. No. 13, 1999 see Solga. No. 14, various authors and titles, 2000. No. 15, see D. Hohenwalner. No. 16, see I. Franzen, 2001. No. 17, various authors and titles, 2001. No. 18, Humer-Hochwimmer, Karin, and Harald G. Zechmeister, 2001. No. 19, Frahm, 2002. No. 20 various authors and titles, 2002. No. 21 Kamprad and Stetzka, 2002. No. 22 various authors and titles 2003. Complete to 2006.

Lindbergia. 1971-2008 Volumes 1-33 (no. 1). Changes noted BT 73: 10.

Miscellanea Bryologica et Lichenologica (Sentai chii zappo). 1955-1983 Volumes 1-9 complete (all issued) Termination announcement BT 21: 8; BT 24: 9.

Mossornas Vänner. Cessation in 1990, replaced by Myrinia BT 71: 6.

Myrinia. See Mossornas Vänner.

New York Rare Bryophytes Newsletter. Number 1, Feb 1991; 2, December 1991; 3, December 1994; 4, June 1996. All published, from Norton Miller, April 2002.

North American Flora. See Welch, 1976; Crum, 1984. I also have Volume 14 part 1 (1923) Haynes & Howe: Sphaerocarpaceae, Riellaceae; Howe: Ricciaceae; Evans: Corsiniaceae Tartioniaceae, Sauteriaceae, Rebouliaceae, Marchantiaceae. Volume 15 parts 1 & 2 (1913)—Andrews: Sphagnaceae; Britton & Emerson: Andreaeaceae; Britton: Archidiaceae, Bruchiaceae, Ditrichaceae, Bryoxiphiaceae, Seligeraceae. Williams: (Bryales) Dicranaceae, Leucobryaceae. And Volume 15 part 3 (1943)—Grout: Bryales Fissidentaceae.

Novitates Systematicae Plantarum Non Vascularum see Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii

Nova Bryomania. 1996. Number 1, Ross Priddle, editor (all published). 2 copies

Nova Buxbaumia. 1996. Number 1, W. Meijer & R. Priddle, editors (all published).

Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 1964-1995 Volumes 1-30. {Hoe library; quarter cloth and boards; vol. 26 and 28 1989 lacking in this set}. Vols. 31, 34-36 received from Vadim Bakalin May 2003. First appeared in 1922 as Notulae Systematicae ex Instituto Cryptogamico Horti Botanici Petropolitani (Volumes I-IV) and then as Notulae Systematicae e Sectione Cryptogamica Instituti Botanici Nomine V. L. Komarovii Academiae Scientiarum URSS (Volumes V-XVI, 1941-1963 (BT 4: 7).

Occasional Papers of the Farlow Herbarium of Cryptogamic Botany. 1969–1987. vol. 1–19. 

Proceedings of the Bryological Society of Japan 1976-2000 Volumes 1-7. Renamed Bryological Research with vol. 7 no. 1. {Hoe library, unbound as issued. Volume 1 has 14 parts and this set lacks the first 11; Volumes 2-6 have 12 parts each except 5, for which only 9 parts are present (this set lacks 5 no. 2 also); vol. 7 goes up to part 9 (no. 3 is lacking).

Revue Bryologique. complete; BT 13: 3, 1982. Mention of microfiche availability and discussion of reprinting. A few reprints shelved with the following including Pottier 1920 q.v.

Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique. 1928-1932 Volumes 1(1,4), 2 (3-4), 4(2,3), 5(4) in wrappers; 1933-1935 Volumes 6-11 bound in 2 volumes without wrappers; 6-11; 1940-1941 Volume 12 [as Mélanges Bryologiques et Lichénologiques with “T. XII” and “1940-1941” pasted on cover] 1942-1944 Volumes 13-14 as Travaux Bryologiques Dédiés a la Mémoire de Pierre Tranquille Husnot Fascicles 1 & 2 with the volume numbers pasted on and the “1943-1944? pasted on fasc. 2]

Tropical Bryology. 1989-present.

Yushania. 1984-1993 [need last year]. Volume 1 (1) [reprints of pp. 1-6; 35-36], (2)[reprint of pp. 47-52]; LACK nos. 3-4 and Vol. 2 no. 1; vol 2 (2-4); 3 (1-4); 3(1-4); 4(1-4); 5(1-4); 6(1-4); vols. 7-10 (published annually in Nov. or Dec); LACK Vol. 11, which was the final volume.